The Death Knell

Chapter 972 Lawn Talk

"Go in, the mage and I are waiting for you outside, so we won't go in."

Su Ming and his party walked out of the portal and happened to be on the lawn of the back garden of the white house. This place was open to the public during the day, but at night, the security was still quite tight.

Especially now, the current president is Lao Ai. He is a soldier and has commanded the famous landing battle ‘Operation Overlord’, so the white house at night is like a fortress.

According to legend, he also strongly advocated the construction of the secret passages and shelters under the White House, in order to be 'prepared for any danger'.

However, for major financial groups, the era he was in charge was the best era. Now not only Stark Industries, Wilson Enterprises, but also many emerging groups have considerable say in this government.

There is a famous saying by Lao Ai: "Whatever is good for General Motors is good for the United States, and vice versa." ’

In the past, the influence of American conglomerates on politics was only behind the scenes. However, in Lao Ai's generation, he was too lazy to hide his military character and simply said everything clearly.

As a president, he represents the interests of the military and big business groups, and he is so frank.

This is why Captain America can go directly to the president during this period, because he is familiar with him, and after all, he is still his old boss.

Although we know that the president only has a symbolic position and the power is still in the hands of the House of Representatives most of the time, whether it is to make a public speech or to eliminate resistance in the military, it is a good idea to go directly to Lao Ai.

Steve glanced at the two of them. Monaco adjusted his suit and patted the sand on it, expressing that he had no objection to this arrangement.

He is a magician and does not have much contact with the world.

"Paige, let's go."

After saying that, he pushed open the back door of the white house immediately, causing some commotion, and then Su Ming noticed that the lights in the white house quickly turned on.

It would be difficult to explain what they were doing for a while, so Su Ming simply found a deck chair in a corner of the garden and lay down on it.

It’s not that there were no bodyguards patrolling the area, but before they could make a sound, they were already dealt with by the strangulation spread out like a spider web on the ground.

"Come on Monaco, come here and take a rest. Bureaucratic ideas are always the biggest waste of time."

Su Ming took out a bottle of wine from his pocket and placed it on the small white wooden table aside. There was a unique cold smell on the lawn of the white house at night.

Even if Lao Ai believed Captain America's words, the most he could do was to call the Secretary of State and convene a meeting with military and political staff.

What's more, that was just Steve's one-sided statement. Now let him announce to the whole country that Mustache is not dead. Just think about how much panic it will cause.

This is no longer a war era, and he is not the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces. Sitting in his current position, he is tied up.

The lower half of the icon's armor mask slowly seeped into the skin, revealing the position of Su Ming's mouth. He took a relaxed sip of wine and at the same time took out a new bottle for Monaco.

Monaco was not as relaxed as him. He had found the badge of the Warlock Unit before, but now that Mustache was resurrected, he was under great pressure.

Can you find buttons in the snow at night? If the Warlock Commando suddenly teleports over, it won't be a big problem for the four of them, but if something happens to the President, it will be uncomfortable for the blame to fall on themselves and others.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to drink now?" He hesitated for a few steps, and finally sighed and sat on another chair.

"Strangler is checking the surroundings. Please be patient. The enemy is hidden and we are clear. It is useless to rush. Even if we find the leader and kill him, his plan has already been launched. Killing the hunter after the hound is released from the cage will be ineffective. of."

Su Ming said lightly, took out a cigarette, lit it, blew out a smoke ring, and looked at how many stars were surrounded by the white ring.

Monaco nodded and slowly touched his beard: "The United States is that person's first target, and this is the symbol of the United States, so we are here to wait and see?"

"That's pretty much what it means, but... we don't know yet what form the Führer's attack will take. Is it magic? Or a human-sea battle? If he drops a nuclear bomb directly here, I suggest you prepare one that can be launched immediately. Teleportation."

Deathstroke put the wine bottle on his belly, and the wine bottle made a crisp rustling sound when it came into contact with the mail. He himself was very leisurely, as if he was going to sleep.

"Of course it doesn't matter if you're not afraid of nuclear weapons, but when you say that, I'm even more worried..." Monaco was hopeless, but he still reached out and picked up the wine.

"That's what I said. Since the head of state intends to spread hatred, he will not use nuclear weapons because they cannot distinguish the target within the range of effect... If everyone dies, who will inherit the hatred? He What you want is not the fear of others, but hatred.”

Su Ming held the wine bottle calmly, and now even the red light of the eyepiece dimmed.

Generally speaking, he doesn't explain things, but Monaco can know more. The Magic Prince has been doing very well recently.

"Sounds quite perverted." This was the first time Monaco saw someone who pursued hatred, and he still let others hate him. This was strange no matter how you looked at it.

"It's not surprising that Mustache can do such a thing. He has been hating others for the first half of his life. From today on, he wants to be hated by others." Su Ming closed his eyes and poured a sip of wine into his mouth. He replied with emotion: "Because he finally understood that hating others is what the weak do. He does not need to hate, but should be hated by others as a strong person."

"But I still feel something is wrong. Where did he get his troops? Even if the U-Devil is still at large, he definitely doesn't have that many undersea people under his command. After all, Namor is the orthodox royal family."

Monaco thought about the problem before the death knell again. A rabbit appeared in his hand, and it seemed that he was really ready to cast a spell.

Su Ming shook his head, feeling the rare natural atmosphere in the city: "The people under the sea are different from us. Don't forget that Namor is a mixed race. His skin color always reminds everyone that the emperor with a violent temper and cruel temper must The position is incorrect..."


Monaco's eyes lit up, but Deathstroke immediately raised his hand and waved.

"The most unlikely thing is to use undersea people to form an army. You must know that except for hybrids, other people among the undersea people cannot leave the sea for a long time. It may be okay to go to the beach occasionally and buy a hot dog on the beach, but I think Fighting on land, unless wearing a full set of sealed armor filled with sea water."

"It can't be an army created out of thin air, right? Resurrection of the dead? Artificial beings? Robot soldiers? Or..." Monaco said his thoughts. These methods were all used by Nazi. .

Su Ming took a sip of wine and a cigarette, and said slowly: "So there are too many possibilities to predict. There may also be a time and space machine recruiting troops from the future, it may be the German army in a parallel world, or it may simply be the Skrull Empire. The army..."

"I don't seem to understand what you are talking about... A time and space machine? Parallel world? The Skrull Empire?" Monarch had a black question mark expression on his face. He knew that Deathstroke had a lot of information, but he just wanted to hide it. Holding everyone.

So dark! Sure enough, people who can play the tricks of secret agencies are so dark. Master Gu Yi must have taken a liking to him for this, right?

"Don't worry about those details!" Su Ming raised his hand, as if to erase what he had said before.

"Asshole, how can you make me not care about keeping half of it and half of it!" Monaco threw the rabbit corpse in his hand towards the death knell and shouted while crying.

In fact, in the eyes of outsiders, Monaco is mentally unstable, right? He would cry and laugh at times, and paying the price after casting a spell always made him weird.

But the rabbit that was thrown over was just right. Just having cigarettes and alcohol was not enough. The environment here was also good, and there was a ready-made barbecue grill not far away. Then the magnolia tree planted by the seventh President Jackson on the South Lawn was cut down. When firewood......

That tree was named Rachel, and it’s still on the ten-dollar bill.

Jackson was a famous general in the Revolutionary War. He once had the feat of annihilating 2,000 British troops at the cost of 13 men.

While running for president, his wife died of a heart attack. After moving into the white house, he planted the tree in memory of his wife.

Only this time the first lady of the US president is a tree.

Sounds touching, right? However, there was more than just the glamorous side of things. Jackson supported slavery. His hometown was in the South and had large plantations.

The funds for his presidential campaign and the cost of his romantic love with his wife came from the bones of countless slaves.

But only the love stories of white presidents are worth recording in history. Who cares about the life and death of black slaves?

At that time, there were already calls for the abolition of slavery in the northern states of the United States, but they firmly resisted equality. Without slaves, how could noble white people enjoy the wealth and power of the United States?

Whether they were black slaves or Chinese laborers, they were both tools and domestic animals. This was his point of view.

It wasn't until the Civil War broke out and Lincoln became the 16th president that he wanted to cut down the tree and remove the symbol left by the slaveholders after moving into the White House, but the resistance was too great and he failed.

Today, Su Ming planned to do a good deed and make Lincoln smile knowingly.

"It's not appropriate to just prepare a teleportation spell. Have you prepared a protective spell? If it's a time bomb that's been planted in advance, it's hard to have time to react." So Su Ming made another suggestion to Monaco, with a look of concern on his face.

Monaco thought for a while, and sure enough, Deathstroke had thought carefully, so he took out two more rabbits, strangled them cruelly in his hands, and put a shield spell on himself with tears.

After he wiped away his tears and calmed down, he discovered that there were many bottles and jars on the table, with various powders inside. For some reason, the names of many spices were written in Chinese on the bottles.

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