The Death Knell

Chapter 982? God rewards rice

"Then let's start working happily, starting with Washington first." Su Ming clapped his hands and arranged tasks for Magneto without any politeness. His tone was very relaxed: "There are probably tens of thousands of German troops in the city. You Go kill them all, then come here and wait for me while I deal with their commander.”

"Are you sure you want to kill them all?" Although Magneto was ruthless, it was the first time he heard that tens of thousands of people had been killed, and he always felt a little uncomfortable.

"Think about the pain the Nazis have brought you, and how they tortured fellow mutants. Of course, the choice is yours. I don't have any problem with you capturing them all alive. It's just that there is no capital punishment in the United States. These guys are from prison. I don’t know if I can change my past after being released..."

Su Ming said he had no objection, but his words were intended to fan the flames, as if if these people were not eradicated, Magneto would become the eternal sinner of mutants.

Magneto is a man with a strange behavior. Sometimes the choices he makes are difficult for others to understand. It can be said that it all depends on his mood.

To put it simply, he is willful. Whoever he wants to kill will be chased to the ends of the earth and killed. He doesn't want to kill anyone, so even if this person tries to die in front of him, he won't even look at it, especially his attitude towards ordinary people. As long as the ant has not bitten him or his compatriots, he doesn't bother to argue with the ant.

He only has justice for the mutant community and his own hatred in his heart. He only looks at the future in the distance and rarely pays attention to the things around him.

Fortunately, Su Ming has a lot of things that can be traded. Today is a good start. In a few years, if Magneto behaves well, he will return his burned wife to him and let him taste some. Sweetness.

"Don't forget your promise."

"Don't worry, everyone who has negotiated terms with me knows that I do what I say and I am a 100% conscientious businessman."

Magneto looked at him deeply, as if he wanted to completely remember the appearance of Deathstroke, and then he stepped on a manhole cover that flew from nowhere, and left with his cloak flying.

If you were stepping on a sword or some other weapon, this might be a good posture, but stepping on a manhole cover...

Su Ming curled his lips. It seemed that the current Magneto had not yet understood the natural feeling of pretending to be like the wind in the future, and everything seemed a bit rustic.

Then the army in the city will be left to him. Su Ming will find and kill the person in charge of the Super Axis.

Could it be Zemo? But Zemo is still useful. Whether it is to balance the Red Skull who will appear in the future, or to use him as a stirrup in Hydra, there is no more suitable candidate than him.

And Zemo doesn't believe in any doctrine. He goes to the battlefield just to avenge his father. For such a good boy, it's better to spare his life and at most break his legs.


The immortal guards of the Immortal Palace have now been regarded as tool men, specially used to transport the death knell to and from everywhere, and are also responsible for using their eyes as surveillance.

Although using the Rainbow Bridge requires a lot of energy, it is not in vain if Su Ming checks out.

Originally, Su Ming did not intend to involve Asgard in this matter, but something went wrong with Monaco. Without divination spells, he had to rely on Heimdall, an outsider, to find someone.

"Have you found the target?" Su Ming stood in the observatory and looked at Heimdall who had the giant sword stuck on the base.

The guard was a little helpless. Odin's crow just brought an order from the God King. The order said that he should cooperate with the death knell and send the disaster star away as soon as possible.

"I saw what you call a special person in Washington, D.C., but I'm not sure if it's the weirdo in tights you're looking for. He's dressed in black and very weird. You can go and see for yourself."

After saying that, he twisted the hilt of the sword hard, and the Rainbow Bridge glowed, instantly launching Su Ming out again.

The location where he landed this time was obviously a bit conspicuous, it was in the center of a battlefield.

At this time, the surrounding area should have been plowed by artillery shells or explosives, and the original appearance is no longer visible. There are only clods of soil dug up by the explosion scattered everywhere, and there are a large number of circular radiation craters.

The armies of both sides were also obvious. One side was an iron-gray torrent, and the other side was a small force directly under the SSR. The leader was Nick Fury. The two sides were shooting fiercely across the open area.

The fact that Fury was able to arrive in such a short period of time meant that his people were in Washington before the incident. As expected, the little black man noticed something was wrong with the new director and prepared backup plans in advance.

It's just that he may not have expected that things would unfold like this, and the opponent's attack method was beyond his expectation.

At this time, the guards of the Strategic Science Corps were helpless. It seemed that they already knew that the other party was one of their own who was being controlled, but what was the use? Bullets don't recognize people.

The other party was completely immersed in the hallucinogenic effect of mushrooms. In their eyes, they might be occupying Berlin at this time.

The sudden appearance of the beam of light in the center of the battlefield caused Fury's troops to be in a daze for a short time, and several of them were instantly knocked down by the enemy.

The number of SSR was much smaller than that of the opponent, and they all relied on their elite strength and relying on street fighting bunkers to stop the enemy. At this time, they lost several people, and the corner of Fury's mouth twitched involuntarily.

"'s this guy again."

Seeing the man in black and yellow armor walking out of the beam of light, the bullets splashing sparks on the armor, but Deathstroke looked like a normal person with a cigarette between his fingers, Fury grabbed his permed head in pain.

In fact, Fury was the first to discover that the enemy was the National Guard as soon as they fought. However, he had a dark skin and a dark heart. He knew that the only solution at the moment was to kill all these people, and there would definitely be no time to heal them one by one.

If you don’t know how the enemy controls humans, then there is only the simplest way to cure it, which is to use bullets, one at a time.

It's a pity that he thought very well, just let them fight without telling his men, but he forgot that Captain America was also traveling with him!

Steve was the second one to discover that the enemy was actually one of his own. He was so excited to kill that he had just cut off the man's neck with his shield when a set of dog tags accidentally fell in front of him. When he picked it up and looked at it, he suddenly felt like winter. I was doused with a basin of cold water at night.

So he immediately shouted a ceasefire, ordered the SSR team to retreat, and used all non-lethal means to hold the opponent back, while he vowed to find the mastermind behind the scenes and find an antidote to save everyone.

This makes Fury miserable. Of course the super soldiers can play like this, but the awesome guys under him can't!

Although Steve was said to have retired, when he returned to the battlefield wearing that uniform and holding a shield, he immediately automatically obtained the right to command the theater because that was the 'captain's order'.

After experiencing the last incident with the alien director, Fury's vigilance has reached a higher level. He secretly established a team that no one knew about, just to deal with the current situation.

In order to avoid being infiltrated by other forces when selecting new subordinates, he also specially selected new recruits, idealists with a clean financial background, and preferably passionate young people who admired Captain America.

He felt that it was so reliable that no Hydra would get in.

But now the side effects are coming.

The new team immediately obeyed the idol's order and launched a delaying operation without authorization. The battlefield situation collapsed immediately, and they were suppressed and beaten violently by the opponent. Moreover, Steve left without permission and ran into the night like headless flies to find the enemy's leader. went.

Now beside Fury, only Dam and Duggan and a few old guys from the Howling Commandos are still executing his orders. It's very frustrating to be alone and weak.

So his first reaction when he saw the death knell was a headache, and then he immediately raised his head and rolled his eyes as if he thought of something.

The death knell just came from the sky. Does he not know the situation here?

So wouldn't it be enough to trick Deathstroke into killing the 'German devil' first to rescue the siege, and then throw the blame for killing one of his own people on this mercenary, and then the military would secretly provide financial compensation?

It not only preserves the good reputation of Captain America, but also eliminates the immediate threat. The mercenary will not care if he gets benefits, and he will appear to have good command, which will be beneficial to his future career.

This accomplishes multiple things with one stone.

"Deathstroke! Here!"

Do whatever you want, a good agent is about adapting to circumstances, and Nick Fury believes that there is no problem with his plan. He immediately stretched out a hand from the cover and waved it, shouting the code name of the death knell in the hail of bullets.

Su Ming pouted. Who could see a black man wearing black waving like this in the middle of the night? This guy really has confidence in Deathstroke's eyesight.

If Strangler hadn't been sensitive to sound, Su Ming might not have been able to find Fury, who was wearing his own camouflage. This concealment ability is a blessing from God, and he is born to be a spy.

But since Fury invites him so enthusiastically and calls him even if his position is exposed on the battlefield, then let's go and have a look.

However, he flew over and landed in the bunker. Before the White Fang floating out of thin air began to speak, Su Ming felt from the atmosphere that this guy had no good intentions. After hearing his deceptive words, he realized that they were not used to fool him just now. Xiao Wan's?

Su Ming glanced at Fury angrily. He was also a brave guy: "Just wait, my specially invited team fighting expert will come over to deal with it later. Remember to prepare the appearance fee for me. I will go there in a few days." SSR, I don’t want any money, please prepare me a prototype of the electronic computer developed by Dr. Zola.”

"He's not done yet." Fury frowned. How did Deathstroke know the internal situation of SSR? It is still the most critical scientific research progress.

"That's why I said a few days ago, which means when he completes the research, I will come to pick up the goods." Su Ming threw a cigarette to Fury, so that he could light a cigarette to indicate his location when calling people at night: "Where did Captain America go? Why didn't I see him?"


Fury is still thinking about internal spies. Deathstroke is a lone mercenary. Did he buy this information from elsewhere? But looking at it this way, there are still spies inside SSR.

"See you later, don't die."

Deathstroke looked up at the northern sky, then kicked off his legs and flew away.

When Nick Fury returned his attention to the battlefield situation, he also saw the so-called 'team fighting expert', a young man stepping on a flying manhole cover, floating easily amidst the dense rain of bullets. Come over.


Fury immediately ordered his side to cease fire. The people Deathstroke knew were indeed monsters. From which corner of the earth did this levitating person come from?

The SSR team was hiding behind the bunker, so the enemy immediately changed its target to Magneto, who had no cover, and bullets and artillery shells dragging hot airflow suddenly flew into the air.

Magneto sneered. When he saw these iron-gray military uniforms, the cold anger in his heart resurfaced again, as if he had returned to that hell on earth.

But things are different now, he is no longer a rookie who has just awakened his superpowers, he is Magneto!

I didn't see him making any big moves. He just raised his finger and the dense bullets stopped in front of him, like small metal bugs stuck in the invisible net, fixed in the air.

They gradually formed a wall, a wall made entirely of bullets, spanning the entire battlefield.

As the gunshots continued to sound, the wall became thicker and thicker, and the copper-colored bullets shone strangely in the moonlight.


Magneto roared, and stretched out his fingers forward, and the bullets and shells that were fixed in the air immediately flew backwards, faster than before, as if they had eyes, and accurately hit their previous owners. .

The battlefield of Nuoda suddenly fell silent. The army of thousands of people was not worth mentioning in front of Magneto. At this time, all of them died suddenly.

He slowly put his hands behind his back, raised his chin, and looked down from the corners of his eyes, admiring his achievements.

This is the power of mutants.

He looked at the other group of people who were still alive below and saw the stars and stripes on their uniformed arms. Knowing that they were allies, he nodded coldly and prepared to leave.

"Wait, what should I call you?!" Fury yelled from below.

Magneto lowered his head and looked around, but he didn't see where the sound came from. Is it the Invisible Man?

Maybe one of his compatriots, working for the Americans? How sad.

"Don't ask, I'm different from you, I'm an Avenger."

Yes, maybe some of his compatriots live a tolerable life, but he is different from them. Magneto will seek justice for mutants who have been unfairly treated. This is his mission in life, and he can only be an avenger.

Just leaving these words, Magneto let himself be supported by the manhole cover and left quickly. There were German devils elsewhere in the city, and his mission was not completed yet.

However, after hearing this, Fury, who was blending into the night below, was thoughtful, and he seemed to understand something.

"Avengers? We should also have our own Avengers..."

Fury seemed to be very interested in this word. Under the worried eyes of Damn, which looked like a mental illness, he sat on the cold ground and muttered to himself, lowering his head and thinking.

He also seems to want a group of superheroes who are independent from the organization but can work closely with him. The other party will be responsible for acting as thugs, while he will provide intelligence and logistical support.

Is it a reasonable way to cooperate to send them to death and take the blame yourself?

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