The Death Knell

Chapter 989? Broken Howard

"I know you want to laugh at me, so laugh as much as you want, Howard Stark, the greatest scientist, billionaire, and the most handsome rich man in New York, can't find a true lover, hahahaha... ..."

After landing, Howard said to Deathstroke expressionlessly, with indescribable sadness in his tone.

"Is it broken?" Su Ming pinched his chin as if talking to himself.

"Hey, I'm not crazy. I just want to ask you, how can I find a wife?" Howard crossed his arms angrily and rolled his eyes.

Su Ming shook his head and led him up the mountain: "I am a mercenary, not a psychiatrist. I will not provide you with consulting services."

"No, I'm not asking Deathstroke, I'm asking my old friend, Slade." Howard became serious, and his mustache drooped.

Su Ming turned to look at him. He was not surprised that Howard could tell. After all, he must be one of the smart people in this era.

"When did you find out?"

"That's because you didn't want to hide it from me. Business card, phone number, timely appearance, Brotherhood of the Shield, these are all clues... Why?" Howard followed, he didn't know that the death knell brought him to the barren mountain What was he doing in the wilderness? But he knew he was in no danger.

If the whole United States is in chaos now, then Deathstroke is the safest place.

"Maybe it's because you are smart enough to know what to say and what not to say." Su Ming replied calmly.

"No, I'm asking you, why can't I find a wife?" Howard waved his hands, as if he had no interest in the true identity of Deathstroke, and was still thinking about his own affairs: "I'm almost forty years old, why can't I find someone who is not a wife?" Is it so difficult for a woman to be with me because of money?”

"So I was asking why...forget it, let me introduce you to a psychiatrist another day. She will definitely be able to help you figure out a lot of things." Su Ming sighed. To a certain extent, Howard was also a weirdo. .

"Is she a woman? Is she beautiful?" Howard became excited, as if he had forgotten all his previous sadness in an instant.

"The woman is also beautiful, but at the same time she also likes to hit people on the head with a hammer. She has been charged with more than 300 murders and has a sentence of almost four centuries." Su Ming raised his head and looked at the white mountains in the distance. The snow is so dazzling under the moonlight.

"Uh, are you sure she is a doctor or not a patient?" Howard showed an awkward but polite smile.

"Who stipulates that these two identities cannot be the same person?" Su Ming asked curiously. It's easy for Harley to come to Marvel. She just needs to drive over and let the mysterious guest transfer her to this era. .

"Forget it, I don't need consultation anymore, thank you." Howard's head shook like a rattle. He was not used to getting along with real lunatics.

"You're welcome. Since you guessed my identity, as a reward for first place, I will help you make an appointment for her treatment course. I guarantee that you will laugh a lot in the future." Su Ming patted Howard's shoulder, very seriously A promise was made.

Howard took two steps back: "Is it because I discovered your true identity that you plan to cooperate with the psychiatrist to erase my memory? It's dark, it's too dark! I won't betray you, trust me!"

The strong wind blew up the fine snowflakes on the ground, and the dry branches made a chirping sound. The death knell's red single eye lit up, without any answer, and just continued to move forward.

"Hey, you're talking. I feel flustered when you do this." Howard walked around from his left to his right, buzzing like a fly.

"We're here." Su Ming changed the topic and pointed to the cliff not far away.

Howard's eyes turned into dead fish eyes, and of course he saw the four huge heads on the cliff not far away, which were the four presidents of the United States.

"Yes, you said you would take me to meet the president, and I ended up meeting four of them at once. Hello, Washington and Lincoln! Hey, and old Roosevelt, your nephew won World War II." He was like a bad actor, He said hello to the statues from a distance with a fake smile on his face, and then turned to the death knell with a slumped face: "Do you think I will be as excited as a primary school student? It is late at night in winter, why did you bring me to a place like this? Cutting down a Christmas tree secretly?”

Mount Rushmore National Memorial Park, or Mount Rushmore, commonly known as Presidential Park, Presidential Mountain, and Statue Mountain, is a presidential memorial park located near Keystone, South Dakota. It consists of a Directly managed by agencies under the Congress.

Su Ming looked at the direction of the top of the mountain from a distance. Someone seemed to be moving up there: "It is true that this year's Christmas tree is not ready yet, but I brought you here to meet another person, a person called the 'head of state'."

"Wait a minute, you said the word "Führer" in German, right? Did you mean...?!"

Howard's face was deformed by his own rubbing, and he wiped his cheeks downwards like a deformed clay doll.

"Ah, for some reason, the madman in the mustache world has resurrected, and he has transformed himself into a robot named Root of Hatred. I can defeat him, but how to crack the robot's program? Finding out where he hid his digital memory storage is your specialty."

Su Ming once again ignored Howard's objections, picked him up, and flew straight to the top of the statues.

Howard's whole body was weak, he was carried like a noodle, and slipped out of his suit coat:

"I thought the so-called Nazi invasion was just a mutiny in the name of someone in the country. I didn't expect that this guy was really back. Can't he die in peace? The world has only been stable for a few years."

"Things about the army are a bit complicated. You can ask others, but if you want to completely solve the problem of robots like Root of Hatred, you must destroy all his memory media. You understand, right? If there are memory backups hidden in the world Somewhere, he will show up again if things go wrong in a few years."

Su Ming replied. At this time, he had already seen the figure wearing a pointed hat and robe, dressed like the '3K purple version'.

"Then you should put me down first and let me hide. With you here, I won't need to shoot, right? Let me prepare the tools, okay?" Howard twisted a few times and looked at the empty snow under his feet. The stone flashed past quickly, and he was slightly flustered.

The head of state was transformed into a full-body mechanization. This is a technology that is not available in the United States. It is unknown what weapons he carries on his body. This is too dangerous.

Su Ming didn't say anything but just glanced at him. Zemo followed Howard just to let Deathstroke realize that when Deathstroke came to find him, Howard could deal with the mechanical version of the Führer.

As for how to deal with it, just try it and you will know.

So Su Ming took Howard to land quickly, and poor Howard almost stuck to the head of state's back, so close and intimate.

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