The decisive battle against the Third Reich

Chapter 182 Fifth Artillery Regiment

The German army broke through two lines of defense of the Indian 4th Infantry Division in succession. To be more precise, this was not a breakthrough but a pursuit... The German army encountered only sporadic resistance. They were like hungry wolves breaking into a flock of sheep. There were Indian soldiers busy escaping everywhere as far as the eye could see.

The Indian army ran so fast that when the German tanks advanced to the third line of defense, there was no one there... All the Indian soldiers joined the fleeing ranks, and several cars, in order to escape the firepower of the German tanks as soon as possible, Regardless of the fact that there were people of his own everywhere in front of him, he ran through the deserters at full speed.

But in the end, they still failed to escape the pursuit of the German army... The car was a very obvious target under the flares. After a few rounds of shells, the cars were blown up to the sky in an instant. One of them was hit by a machine gun in the fuel tank. It caught fire, and as the fuel tank exploded into a ball of fire, a group of burning people suddenly appeared around it, making strange screams.

Behind the third line of defense is the village of Dilcyin.

Similar to the civilian houses in Libya, most of the civilian houses in Egypt are also made of civil structures. Houses with such structures can easily be knocked down by tanks. In addition, there may be enemies hidden in the houses, so German tanks unceremoniously moved one after another. Knocked down and rolled over.

The superior combat power of the tanks was fully verified at this time... If it were a pure infantry attack at this moment, it would take a lot of casualties and time to occupy this village that is several kilometers square.

But because of the tanks, all the German soldiers seemed to have to do was move forward, move forward, and move forward again.

Of course, Qinchuan and the German soldiers did not know that among the houses that were knocked down and crushed under the tracks, one of them was the headquarters of the Indian 4th Infantry Division... 31-year-old Major General David and his staff They did not expect that their troops would collapse so quickly. One second they hoped that the troops could hold on for a while, and then the 5th Artillery Regiment would be able to provide them with enough firepower to push the Germans back. The next second they saw that they had fallen into Chaos scrambled for the escaping Indian troops.

In a hurry, Major General David asked a staff officer to control the situation. He contacted the 5th Artillery Regiment at the headquarters and ordered them to fire at the target immediately... At this moment, a "rumbling" tank motor sounded from behind. He stood up, and when Major General David looked in the direction of the sound, the entire wall fell down instantly.

The only one who survived was the staff officer assigned by Major General David to control the situation. He was captured and confessed to the Germans the location of the headquarters. The Germans dug up the remaining bricks and tiles to confirm this, and also found a man. The defense map of the Zhang Alamein Line and the Nile River Defense Line, as well as other information that was very useful to the German army... This information was destroyed because of the instantaneous collapse of the house.

Of course Qin Chuan doesn't care about this.

On the one hand, this is because generals and commanders are meaningless to him, especially since the Indian 4th Division has been defeated, and only one-third of the chance they can escape in the dark, then even if Major General David and his So what if the command members are still alive? Can they still organize these defeated soldiers to continue fighting?

Forget it, the Indian soldiers were already frightened.

On the other hand, those captured documents and intelligence... Qin Chuan knew much more than that.

Of course, this is also beneficial, at least Qin Chuan doesn't have to make excuses to reveal any information.

Before long, German tanks razed the entire village to the ground... If there were any houses that survived, they were shot with machine guns or blown up with grenades and explosives.

According to the plan, the 21st Armored Division should go straight to Alexandria to cut off the logistics supply line of the Alamein line at this time, but a shell exploded on the way changed General Strike's mind.

"We were bombarded by enemy artillery fire, general!" Colonel Theo, the commander of the artillery regiment, reported: "Judging from the position of the artillery fire, they are about six kilometers away from us!"

"Hold them!" General Strike ordered immediately.

"Yes, General!"

The so-called "holding them back" actually means using artillery fire to attract the opponent's attention, or it can also be said to start a small-scale artillery battle with the opponent.

And this is what the British 5th Artillery Regiment is best at... because they are equipped with "Priest" self-propelled artillery. The advantage of self-propelled artillery is its fast transfer speed: ordinary trailer-mounted artillery must put the gun away after firing. Hanging behind a car will not only make the target much slower, but the self-propelled artillery can hit and move at will, which can be a great advantage in artillery battles.

The problem is that the 5th Artillery Regiment doesn't know that the opponent is just a bait, and the Indian 4th Infantry Division they want to cover has collapsed... This is the weakness of long-range artillery fire. The targets they want to attack are often targets more than ten kilometers away, so They usually cannot see the enemy, to a certain extent they are blind and deaf, and must rely on coordinates provided by the front line to fight.

At this time, Colonel Charles, the commander of the 5th Artillery Regiment, was urgently calling the headquarters of the Indian 4th Infantry Division... Not long ago, Colonel Charles had a conversation with Major General David. He carried out the bombing according to the coordinates provided by Major General David. However, Now there is no news from Major David.

"Go to hell!" Colonel Charles yelled, "Can't they get some more communications equipment?"

Colonel Charles thought that contact was lost because of a radio malfunction or a rush to transfer. He never thought that Major General David and his radio had been buried in the rubble.

"Colonel, what should we do now?" the staff officer asked.

Colonel Charles understood what the staff meant. If there was no one on the front line to provide coordinates or observations, the artillery regiment would probably just fight blindly.

"Have the observers moved into position?" Colonel Charles asked.

As mentioned before, artillery operations always require artillery observers to be sent to the front line, and sometimes observation stations are set up at high altitudes to observe distant targets using high-power telescopes.

"It may take a few more minutes!" the staff officer replied.

At this time, a communications soldier hurriedly ran up and reported: "Colonel, the observer reported that the Indian 4th Infantry Division has been defeated, and there are fleeing Indian soldiers everywhere!"

"What?" Colonel Charles was shocked when he heard this, which meant that the Germans had broken through the defense line.

What's worse is... the 5th Artillery Regiment not long ago fired a batch of artillery shells in the direction of the enemy, which was tantamount to telling the enemy its position.

Thinking of this, Colonel Charles quickly ordered: "Retreat, retreat immediately!"

But it was too late to retreat at this time. Flares rose into the air from several directions, clearly illuminating the hundreds of self-propelled howitzers and dozens of cars loaded with artillery shells in the middle.

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