Major Daniel was a veteran of World War I, but at that time he was an automobile soldier.

From driving a car to driving a tank and then becoming a tank battalion commander, he has experienced many unknown pains and bitterness. The scars on his body are proof of these experiences.

But what makes Major Daniel feel depressed is not these, but that "non-professional" drivers like him are always placed in a backup position... It is usually difficult for them to drive tanks at important moments, and their tasks are more It is used to replace the driver during the march to relieve the fatigue of other tank crews.

Now they seemed to have good luck, because the German army won the battle and captured a batch of "Stuarts" from the British, which gave them their own tanks.

But Major Daniel soon learned that this was not a good thing for them.

"You are a British tank now!" Colonel Olbridge said to Major Daniel.

"Colonel!" Daniel looked shocked. He didn't understand what this meant.

"Your mission is to disguise yourself as the British and then sneak into them to fight! Do you understand?"

"But, Colonel..." Daniel had a lot of questions.

But Colonel Olbridge didn't give Daniel a chance to speak at all: "Return your painting to its original appearance, and then tie a red cloth band on the machine gun muzzle for easy identification, and fight freely in groups of ten... What's the matter? Problem?"

Daniel realized he had no choice.

"No problem, Colonel!" Daniel could only reply.

"Very good!" Colonel Olbridge looked at his watch and said, "The military situation is urgent. You have twenty minutes to prepare!"

twenty minutes……

All Major Daniel had time to do was organize the thirty-one Stuarts into three groups and use paint to brush off the black "crosses" on the tanks.

"Colonel!" Major Daniel couldn't help but ask Colonel Olbridge before setting off: "How can we complete the mission?"

Major Daniel asked very skillfully. What he actually wanted to know was when he would be able to come back.

Colonel Olbridge thought for a while and replied: "You will have completed your mission when the main force reaches Alexandria!"

Hearing this, Major Daniel was stunned.

Because he knew that it would take at least several hours for the main force to reach Alexandria, which meant that their tank force consisting of thirty-one tanks would have to guerrilla in the dark for several hours.

"What if we have no ammunition?" Daniel asked again as the tank started up.

There is a reason why Major Daniel asked this... They have been disguised as British tanks, so the Germans will also regard them as British tanks, which means that they cannot return to the army to replenish ammunition.

"You are British tanks!" Albridge replied: "So you should go to the British to replenish ammunition!"

Major Daniel couldn't help but look at Albridge in shock. He even suspected that he had been abandoned by the army.

Then, thirty "Stuarts" drove into the darkness in three directions.

Major Daniel spent a few minutes adjusting to his condition in the "rumbling" tank.

Then he said to the radio: "Soldiers, we have always been backup members, but today, we have become the most important unit. The 21st Armored Division needs our cover, and whether we succeed or not will be directly related to the entire nation. Whether the division can successfully reach and capture Alexandria... They finally face our existence, don't they? Then let's call the so-called 'regular' troops and let them know that we are no worse than them! We are awesome warriors too!”

"Hey!" the German soldiers in the tank battalion shouted passionately.

This is the correct way for Daniel to deal with problems as a major. He will try his best to hide his negative emotions and mobilize the enthusiasm of the soldiers, because he knows that... only in this way can he and his subordinates survive as much as possible. .

Just when Daniel was thinking about what to do if he encountered a British tank, suddenly there was a fierce sound of machine gunfire in front of him, and bullets hit the tank armor with a "ding-dang" sound.

"Prepare for battle!" Major Daniel ordered loudly, and then looked through the observation window in the direction of the gunfire. The gunner immediately aimed the muzzle and machine gun at the target...

Just when Major Daniel was about to give the order to fire, he suddenly realized something was wrong, so he quickly ordered: "Don't fire, those are our own people, they are our scouts!"

Those were indeed German scouts. Major Daniel's group of tanks accidentally went straight to the hiding place of the German scouts. The frightened German scouts thought they had been discovered, and in panic, they fired at them with machine guns.

Daniel was angry and funny at the same time. He didn't expect that the first person he encountered after disguising himself as a British soldier was one of his own...

"Colonel!" Someone reported at this time: "At four o'clock, enemy tank!"

Daniel was shocked when he heard this, and quickly looked towards the four o'clock direction, and sure enough he saw a group of tanks outflanking them from the right wing.

Daniel could see clearly that there was no red cloth band on the directional machine guns of these tanks, so they were obviously British tanks.

After thinking about it, Major Daniel ordered: "Shoot at the scouts, but don't aim at the target!"

"Yes, sir!"

The tank driven by the German army fired a row of bullets and artillery shells in an instant, but the bullets and artillery shells either landed nearby or flew over the heads of the German army.

The frightened scouts on the opposite side also fired bullets with a loud bang, and occasionally fired a few mortar shells. It really looked like a fierce battlefield.

The British "Stuart" tanks obviously didn't realize that this was a fake attack... In fact, the German scouts still fought for real, which is one of the reasons why it is so realistic.

So the British tanks rushed past Daniel and other tanks without hesitation and rushed towards the German scouts. Among them was a British officer who stuck his head out of the tank cabin and shouted: "Surround them!"

Of course Major Daniel would not listen to him. His order was: "Form into battle formation and follow them..."

So the German tanks lined up and followed the British tanks.

The British officer was a little surprised. He couldn't understand what these "Stuarts" were doing... Then, when he saw these "Stuarts" stopped and pointed their guns at them, the British officer Understood.

"Turn around!" the British officer shouted: "They are enemy tanks!"

But it was too late to realize at this time. With a burst of "rumbling" artillery, the dozen or so British tanks were blown into balls of fire.

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