The decisive battle against the Third Reich

Chapter 19 Vickers Heavy Machine Gun

The sound of gunfire soon rang out, as if the long-awaited troupe suddenly started singing, which caught people off guard. Then with a whistle, German soldiers emerged from every corner and building, and launched a charge towards the British defense line under the cover of fire from tanks, artillery and machine guns.

These charges were actually just a cover to attract the firepower and attention of the British army. Because only in this way, the action of several anti-tank bombs on the school would not attract the attention of the British and provoke a large-scale counterattack by the British... In fact, the British army's combat effectiveness at this time was even stronger than the German army, because the German 88 anti-aircraft guns could not enter It is impossible to destroy the British "Matilda" tank from a long distance, so the British "Matilda" tank can be said to be almost invincible. If the British army uses the "Matilda" tank as a cover to attack the German army, If they launch a counterattack, I'm afraid the German army will be unable to survive.

But the British army is the British army after all, and its conservative character is destined to launch a counterattack only when it has a strong advantage. For example, when they faced the Italian army before, they are now facing the German army, especially when they thought that the German army had a huge number of tanks. , they only think about defense.

This approach of the British is obviously wrong, because the advantage of the tank lies in its mobility. If the British use tanks for passive defense... they are just using them as forts or bunkers.

Qin Chuan never fired.

The reason Qinchuan did not fire was simple. He did not find any British troops on the opposite side targeting anti-tank guns... This is one of the benefits of the German PAK36 anti-tank gun. Its height is only 1.1 meters, which is higher than a standing soldier. It is very short and difficult to detect on the battlefield at this height, especially when the gunner often piles some sandbags in front of the anti-tank gun or hangs some rags, plants and the like in front of the shield to camouflage it.

So even though the anti-tank guns fired shells at the school's load-bearing wall one after another, the surrounding British troops didn't pay much attention... The British even thought that the targets of these anti-tank guns were originally British tanks, because they missed the target. It hit the school wall by mistake.

Qinchuan knew one thing very well: the snipers deployed in this area were used to cover the anti-tank guns. Since no one was targeting the anti-tank guns, there was certainly no need for the snipers to fire.

But other snipers did not realize this... Soon, the sniper hidden behind the window started shooting, and then the sniper hidden behind the wall hole also couldn't wait to fire bullets.

Seeing this, Qin Chuan couldn't help but frowned. Perhaps it was because he didn't explain it clearly before... He thought the snipers would understand what he said, "The key is to cover the anti-tank gun."

Soon, the shooting of these two groups of snipers had a counterproductive effect: not many British troops had noticed this street before, but now, the British troops discovered anti-tank guns while looking for snipers.

"Bang!" Qin Chuan pulled the trigger.

What he knocked down was a British officer hiding behind a sandbag. The British officer apparently discovered the anti-tank gun because the angle of his telescope was fixed in the direction of the anti-tank gun.

To make matters worse, the British officer stuck his head out and looked at the explosion point of the anti-tank gun, and then his face was filled with shock.

Qinchuan knew that the British officer must have seen the German army's purpose or conspiracy from the explosion point... But he would never be able to tell others, because a bullet hit him at the moment when he was about to hide in a sandbag. Pierce his head.

However, Qin Chuan was not sure whether he hit him, because at the moment he pulled the trigger, a gunshot sounded in the upper right corner.

That was the second lieutenant. His sniper position was on the roof, and he and Qin Chuan chose the same target and pulled the trigger almost at the same time.

As for who shot the British officer to death... I'm afraid even the second lieutenant and Qin Chuan can't tell because they used the same rifle to shoot the same bullet, even if they dug out the bullet that hit the British officer. There is no way to tell who its owner is.

"Bang!" There was another gunshot.

Qin Chuan fired another bullet, killing a heavy machine gunner.

It was a Vickers heavy machine gun. This was the first time Qin Chuan had seen such a heavy machine gun on the battlefield.

The reason is that the Vickers heavy machine gun is a water-cooled machine gun. It must constantly add water to the thick water-cooling jacket of the barrel for cooling, otherwise the barrel will cause problems due to overheating... It is actually the lightweight of the Mark Mi machine gun. Version.

It is a weapon with very powerful firepower and is a very important weapon in the British army.

But the problem is that water is very precious in the desert... Although the British army's logistics supplies have always been sufficient, they are not luxurious enough to support Vickers machine guns.

This forced the British army to basically abandon the Vickers heavy machine guns and only equip some for defense in cities with no shortage of water... Astabia is a city.

This Vickers is facing the street where the anti-tank gun is located, and it is also commanding. Qin Chuan knows that with its 500 rounds per minute rate of fire and angle, it can kill the gunners of the anti-tank gun with just one pull of the trigger. into sieves. So Qin Chuan could only strike preemptively.

"Bang!" Qin Chuan fired another bullet.

At this time, he was already in a hurry, because he had to control the Vickers, but the Vickers had two or three deputy shooters, and there were also infantrymen nearby. But Qin Chuan's hand was a bolt-action rifle, and his speed could only kill the newly added secondary shooter...

Simply put, as long as one shot misses, the result will be a devastating blow to the German anti-tank gun.

Soon, the second lieutenant also realized the danger, so he also joined the ranks of controlling the Vickers machine gun. The two of them shot each other, and soon a pile of corpses was left next to the Vickers machine gun.

But the British infantry also discovered the sniper position of the two men... Qinchuan actually didn't like fighting the enemy at a distance of three hundred meters, because this would prevent the sniper from taking advantage of it. On the contrary, the "Enfield" rifle's anti-aircraft fire Speed ​​is reflected.

Just like now, a few British soldiers fired their rifles with a bang, and the bullets flew towards Qin Chuan and the second lieutenant like raindrops, making them unable to raise their heads at all.

At the same time, the British army quickly sent a few more people to operate the Vickers... As long as the Vickers fired, whether it was a sniper or an anti-tank gun, it would be ruthlessly suppressed by its dense bullets.

However, what can be done now?

Continue to shoot machine gunners?

That has to be done at great risk.

But if you don’t do this, the plan is likely to be ruined...

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