The decisive battle against the Third Reich

Chapter 198 General Grant Style (2)

The battle becomes intense at the first moment... This is often the case in tank battles. What they focus on is speed, so they often line up at the first opportunity to receive enemy fire.

The British army was better prepared and had more tanks, so artillery shells from the direction of the British army rained down on the German army.

In fact, this is also due to the three-layer hull design of the "General Grant" tank... This thing is equipped with two guns, one is a 37MM tank gun on the top, and the other is a 75MM gun on the right side of the middle.

In addition, the "General Grant" tank has a wide body and large internal space, so the ammunition capacity of both guns is very large...the former is 178 rounds, and the latter is 46 rounds.

Therefore, as soon as the war started, the British army fired artillery shells at the German army vigorously, one after another almost non-stop.

This is also a manifestation of the insufficient training of British tank crews. The penetration depth of its 37MM caliber gun is only 36MM within 500 meters. It cannot penetrate the front armor of the "Plank III" tank at all, so it is actually doing a useless job. What really works is the 75MM gun.

However, the range of fire of the 75MM gun was very narrow, and the distance between the enemy and ourselves was more than 700 meters. Therefore, although grenades and armor-piercing shells rained down on the German tanks, most of them missed.

This actually made the commander of the 15th Armored Regiment, Colonel Detrich, feel a little more at ease... At first, he was also frightened by the new British tanks. He thought that his troops would definitely be annihilated. The enemy tanks will break into your own camp and start a massacre.

It is actually normal for Colonel Detrich to think so, because everyone will have a sense of fear of strange and unfamiliar things, especially tank soldiers, because not understanding the performance of the enemy's equipment means that they are likely to use their own Attack the enemy's strengths with shortcomings.

What's more, the "General Grant" tank is quite big... This guy is more than three meters tall, one turret higher than an ordinary tank.

More importantly, the new equipment that appears on the battlefield is often a weapon developed specifically by the enemy after understanding the performance of its own equipment, so it is usually its own nemesis.

But things are a little different this time...

The "General Grant" tank was not a piece of equipment developed for the German "Plank 3" tanks. It was the British army that was in a hurry and the "Stuart" tanks reinforced by the US military could not fight against the "Plank 3" tanks, so they urgently added The tank that was transferred had not even undergone rigorous testing.

At this time, Colonel Detrich saw that this weird tank didn't have much firepower after the war started, and he felt confident.

"Steady, steady..." When the British tank got closer, Colonel Detrich ordered: "Shoot!"

With the sound of gunfire, several British tanks that were hit on the opposite side were immediately paralyzed, and some even had their ammunition detonated in the tank, and the entire tank was blown away and flew far away.

Seeing this, Colonel Detrich couldn't help but be overjoyed... Before that, he was worried that although this behemoth had no firepower, it might have particularly thick armor, but now it seems that this is not the case.

However, Colonel Detrich was obviously happy too early. The British tanks had a numerical advantage. As the distance between the enemy and ourselves became closer and closer, the accuracy of the "General Grant" tank's 75MM tank gun became increasingly higher.

This is not to say that American artillery is not accurate, but that British tanks lack experienced crew operations, and this disadvantage will not become so obvious as the distance increases.

This 75MM tank gun can penetrate 100MM of vertical homogeneous armor at a distance of 500 meters, and it is certainly not a problem to penetrate the 47MM armor of the "Plank III" tank.

So the two sides started a brutal destruction battle... Both sides could easily penetrate the other's armor, and the competition was who could fire the shells the fastest and most accurately. This is a bit like the enemy and ourselves in the Suifa gun era who lined up in neat formations to shoot at each other. The difference is that the enemy and we are not people but tanks.

Soon, another piercing whistling sound came from the sky, and fighter planes from both sides joined the battle. In an instant, the battlefield became a mess...Bullets, artillery shells, tanks, fighter planes, etc., were entangled with each other in the smoke and dust. The best efforts will cause the other party to die.

In the eyes of Qinchuan and the German soldiers, they saw groups of fighter planes roaring through the sky and rushing to the battlefield a few kilometers away, and then bursts of dull explosions came from the distance, like thunder.

"What happened?" Werner asked.

"It should be the 15th Armored Division that is fighting the enemy!" Kuhn poked his head out of the trunk to look around and said, "It seems the fighting was very intense!"

"What should we do?" A recruit asked anxiously: "Shouldn't we go for reinforcements?"

"Relax, private!" said Jakop. "They will give us orders!"

Sure enough, the order came down soon.

But the order was not to reinforce but to garrison on the spot.

"Get ready to deal with enemy tanks!" Bazel shouted: "The British are equipped with new tanks, so build fortifications and bring up anti-tank grenades!"

Bazel's words caused quite a shock among the soldiers, because the German army rarely failed in tank battles... The previous failure was against the British "Matilda", but that was resolved quickly. What new tanks will the British have now?

Qin Chuan knew the should be the appearance of the "General Grant" tank.

"Sergeant!" At this time, General Strike's command vehicle stopped in front of the position. The adjutant sitting in the co-pilot seat leaned out and waved to Qin Chuan, saying: "Come in the car, Sergeant, the general needs to talk to you!" "Yes, sir!" Qin Chuan stopped his work, put away the engineer shovel and ran towards the command vehicle. "We are in trouble, Sergeant!" After Qin Chuan got in the car, Colonel Olbridge raised a piece of paper in his hand: "The British are equipped with a new type of tank. Have you seen such a tank?" Qin Chuan leaned over and saw that the picture on the paper was a "General Grant" tank. "No, no, Colonel!" Qin Chuan shook his head. Qin Chuan of course had to answer no, this was a tank that had just been produced in the United States, and few people knew about it. "There are at least eighty of them!" General Strike said, "According to what we know now, the performance of this tank is not worse than ours. The 15th Armored Division has suffered heavy losses and can no longer hold on!" Qin Chuan certainly knew this, otherwise the 21st Armored Division should not have been stationed in place but reinforced the 15th Armored Division. Another meaning of stationing in place is that the German army will retreat in full... but they must fight and retreat at the same time, otherwise the British army will chase them all the way. "We only have 24 tanks!" Olbrich said worriedly, "Can we stop their attack?"

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