Qin Chuan's guess was correct. The misfired rifle hit the camel, and it was the lead camel... The lead camel was so frightened that he immediately got up and ran away. The other camels naturally followed and ran into the wind and sand.

At this time, Bushila panicked. You must know that these camels carry all his belongings, and as a "desert man", the most basic thing is not to let the camels run away. This almost means death, so Bushila Silla quickly got up and shouted, chasing after her.

"Come back!" Qin Chuan shouted, but Bushila couldn't hear him at all... In fact, even if he heard it, he wouldn't know what Qin Chuan was shouting. Bushila couldn't understand German.

So Qin Chuan could only watch Bushila disappear into the dust. While he was still stunned, Bazel had already dragged him up and ordered loudly in his ear: "Chase quickly. Don't let that guy out of our sight!"

As he spoke, Bazel dragged the rest of the company up and headed towards the direction where Bushila disappeared, carrying the wind and sand on their heads.

There is nothing wrong with Bazel doing this, because his mission is to protect Bushila and Alfredo, and the more important thing is Bushila as a tour guide... Now that Bushila is in trouble, his first reaction is of course to chase him. return.

But in fact, Bazel's decision was wrong.

The reason is that Bushila is a veteran who has walked in the desert for many years and survived. He naturally has his own set of skills, such as sense of direction, tracking, etc.

In other words, if Bushila ran out like this, it was very likely that he would eventually catch up with the camel and return to find the large army. But Bazel ran out with the army to look around... that was another matter.

Although Qin Chuan felt something was wrong, he still obeyed the order and chased after Bazel and others.

The wind and sand made visibility very low. Qin Chuan and others could only move towards the sound of camel bells. However, as they walked, the sound of camel bells could no longer be heard. Then they suddenly discovered that the people who were supposed to be following them were nowhere to be found. Qin Chuan and others could only move forward. Chuan wanted to go back and look for the large army, but he couldn't tell the direction in the wind and sand. He vaguely saw a few figures stumbling forward in front of him, so he could only follow them all the way.

Qin Chuan tried several times to get them to stop, but failed because as soon as he opened his mouth, the wind and sand poured in, making Qin Chuan unable to make a sound at all.

I don't know how long I walked, but I still couldn't find Bushila and his camel. In fact... Qin Chuan and others lost themselves.

At this time, the wind and sand finally stopped, and it was only then that Qin Chuan discovered that Werner, Keller and Alfredo were walking in front.

"Where are the others?" Qin Chuan asked.

"I don't know!" Werner replied: "I thought they were with you!"

Qin Chuan looked around and found that it was already dark, and it was so dark that he couldn't see anything.

Then everyone shouted around in unison:

"anyone there?"

"Captain Bazel!"

"Lieutenant Kuhn!"

But no voice answered them, even if several people climbed to the top of the hill and shouted in unison.

"Are we...lost?" Alfredo asked, a flash of fear in his eyes.

The soldiers didn't answer, it was a question that didn't need an answer at all.

After a pause, Werner said: "We have two choices: one is to stay where we are, and they may send people to find us, and the other is that we go to them!"

"I don't think they will send anyone to look for us!" Qin Chuan shook his head and said, "Because it is so common for several soldiers to be separated or missing in the storm, and this is still a desert. None of our soldiers will be like Bu Sheila is so familiar with this land, sending people to search will only cause more people to disappear! "

Werner thought about it and thought it was right, then nodded and said: "Then... we can only go find them ourselves!"

"But how to find them?" Alfredo said: "We don't know their location at all. Maybe we are walking in the opposite direction and the distance is getting farther and farther but we don't know!"

When Alfredo said this, Werner fell silent.

After a pause, Werner pushed the problem to Qin Chuan: "Sergeant, what should we do now?"

Qin Chuan looked at the sky full of stars and asked without answering: "How much water do you have left?"

"I have one pot left!"

"I still have a pot and a half!"

Fortunately, a few people gathered together and still had five bottles of water.

"This is what I think!" Qin Chuan said: "We must make plans to rely on these five jugs of water to reach Mses Oasis!"

"What?" Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

"That may be three days or more away, Sergeant!" Werner said: "And we may not be able to find the Mses Oasis!"

"That's why we need to plan!" Qin Chuan replied: "Our troops are heading towards the Mses Oasis. If we want to find them, we must go in the direction of the Mses Oasis!"

"Yes!" Alfredo agreed: "This way there will be no situation where we are walking in the opposite direction to the troops without knowing it. At the same time, it will increase our chances of finding the troops on the road or being found."

"That's right!" Qin Chuan nodded: "However, this does not rule out the possibility that we have never found the troops..."

"If this happens..." Werner continued: "That means we have to go all the way to the oasis!"

"Yes!" Qin Chuan nodded: "Although I don't want this to happen, we must be prepared for this, right?"

Everyone couldn't help but fell silent after hearing this, but although they didn't speak, they knew that Qin Chuan's plan was the most reasonable... at least no one else had thought of a better plan.

"If you all have no objections!" Qin Chuan shook the kettle and said, "Then from now on... we can only consume a kettle and a half of water at most every day, so that we can persist for at least three days. Just in case, Collect the urine in an empty jug!"

Werner and others couldn't help but look at each other in shock after hearing this.

"Sergeant!" Then Werner asked again: "But how do we know the direction of the Msese Oasis?"

"Look up at the sky, Werner!" Qin Chuan pointed to a star on the horizon and said: "That is the North Star. It only appears in the north, which means... this is the east, which is the direction of the oasis. !”

Saying that, Qin Chuan raised his legs and left.

Alfredo followed and asked: "Sergeant, what if we run out of water and can't find an oasis!"

"Then...just lie on the ground and take a nap!" Qin Chuan replied.

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