"Did you shoot?" The sergeant shouted at Qin Chuan from a distance. He noticed that Qin Chuan was the only one holding a rifle.

"Yes!" Qin Chuan replied.

"Well done!" The sergeant said, "Maybe I should thank you for not killing me!"

"Where's Berger?" Qin Chuan asked.

The sergeant raised his head to the back. Qin Chuan and others walked over and saw that Berger had been controlled and squatted on the ground with his hands tied behind his back.

"What happened?" the sergeant asked.

"We got separated from the troops!" Qin Chuan explained simply: "We found this guy killed his subordinates and robbed their water, so we tried to arrest him, and then you showed up!"

"I'm sorry!" said the sergeant: "We were fooled by him!"

"Don't you realize how dangerous it was just now?" Qin Chuan said: "When you treat us as enemies, this guy is likely to hit you from behind..."

The sergeant was stunned, and then smiled bitterly: "So, I have died twice today!"

The sergeant contacted other units, and soon two sidecars and a car came. The scouts loaded Qin Chuan and others, including Berger, into the trunk. Of course, two scouts were arranged next to Berger, one on the left and one on the right.

Berger seemed to know that his doomsday had come, and he sat there in a daze with a dead face.

After a long time, he said to Qin Chuan: "Why can't you let me go? I just want to survive. I still have a wife and children. I have fought for three years and made many contributions!" "Yes!" Qin Chuan answered while drinking the water handed over by the scout: "I know you want to survive, but have you ever thought about your subordinates? They also want to survive. They also have wives and children. Of course, they have fought and made contributions!" "But if I don't do this, everyone may die!" "You also said, 'maybe'!" Qin Chuan replied: "That's just 'maybe'. In fact, if you use this half pot of water to support a few more hours, you and your subordinates... are saved now, everyone!" "But I don't know..." "Private First Class!" Werner was a little impatient when he heard it. He said to the scout next to Berg: "Can you block his mouth? I don't want to hear these meaningless words..." The scout took out a towel from his backpack quickly and stuffed it into Berg's mouth. Berger, unable to speak, could only stare at the other people in the car with hatred, and looked outside the car from time to time as if he was wondering if there was a chance to escape, but he quickly gave up the idea... He had no chance of success at all, and even if he escaped, he would still be dead in this desert.

The convoy quickly found the troops, and when Qin Chuan and others got off the car, the baker and others greeted them with surprise: "Look, who is back? We thought we would never see you again!"

Bushira bowed slightly to Qin Chuan and others and said: "God bless you, I will be saved if you come back alive!"

Then the baker saw Berger, who was brought down with his hands tied and his mouth stuffed, and asked in confusion: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Qin Chuan did not answer, and Werner and others did not know what to say. After all, Berger was a platoon, which was not a glorious thing for the troops.

But even if Qin Chuan and others did not say it, the officers and soldiers could guess something... Basically, everything that can happen in the desert is related to "water" and "survival".

Bazel and the scout sergeant walked aside and talked quietly, looking over here from time to time, and then Bazel's expression became very ugly.

Before the scout finished speaking, Bazel walked a few steps to Berger and punched him hard, knocking him to the ground, and then kicked him again, cursing: "You bastard, you are the shame of the empire and the scum of the army!"

No one stopped Bazel, because everyone knew... Berger was hopeless.

After a while, Bazel was tired of fighting, so he went to the communication car to contact his superiors... Bazel couldn't make the decision on such a matter, he had to report to his superiors and get orders.

But everyone knew what the order would be.

Sure enough, the order came down quickly. Bazel turned to Kuhn and said, "Execution, carried out by the first platoon!"

"No!" Berg's towel fell out of his mouth at some point, and he cried out in a crying voice, "Captain, don't do this! I have made meritorious deeds, and I will make meritorious deeds to atone for my sins in the future... Believe me..."

Bazel walked up to Berg, grabbed Berg's collar and pulled him up, saying, "Berger, die like a man, understand?"

Berger was silent, and he realized that it would be useless if he continued to shout.

Bazel pushed Berg in front of Kuhn and said, "Execute immediately!"

"Is it here, Captain!" Kuhn asked.

"Yes, right here!" Bazel said, "In a conspicuous place, so that the whole army can see it!"

"Yes, sir!" Kuhn turned around and ordered Qin Chuan and others, "Assemble in the first row!"

All the riflemen in the first row lined up on the side of the road. Two soldiers brought the trembling Berg to the front of the queue, about 30 meters away... At this distance, it is almost impossible for the K98K to miss, not to mention that there are a total of 15 rifles.

Qin Chuan was also a member of the queue. When he saw Berg's helpless eyes, he couldn't help but regretted. Was it really necessary for him to do this? Berg was just a man who wanted to live, but he pushed him into the abyss of death and cut off all his hopes.

But when he thought of the several German soldiers who died under Berg, Qin Chuan felt that this was the right thing to do.

No matter what, everything is a foregone conclusion now and no one can change it.

"Raise the gun!" Kuhn ordered.

After a pause, Kuhn shouted: "Let go!"

"Bang bang bang" a row of bullets flew out and hit Berg. Blood spattered and Berg fell to the ground like a wooden stake.

But he was not dead yet. He was twitching on the ground in pain, and a ball of blood would spurt out of his mouth every time he twitched.

Kuhn stepped forward, perhaps for final closure, or perhaps to end Berg's pain. He drew his pistol, pointed it at Berg's head, and then pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" The gunfire echoed in the desert wilderness and did not stop for a long time.

It was finally over... Although this process only lasted a few minutes, Qin Chuan felt that it had lasted as long as a century.

This was not just because Qin Chuan had killed someone at such a close distance for the first time, nor was it just that Bolger was one of his own, but more importantly, Bolger's death was because of himself.

From a certain perspective, Berg is actually just a person who tries his best to survive in this world. The same is true for Qin Chuan, as is everyone here.

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