It took less than three hours from the time the body was discovered to the moment the briefcase was collected by the British Consulate.

At first glance, it seemed like a very ordinary thing. The body was found, and then Spain did what a neutral country should do and returned the body and the briefcase to Britain.

But there is an undercurrent...

Of course the briefcase had been opened, but it was opened very carefully without leaving any traces. The reason is that Spain is a neutral country and should not participate in any intelligence or military-related events between belligerent countries. The contents of the briefcase Obviously there must be intelligence value, the question is just the value.

After opening the briefcase, people in the Spanish Navy office were shocked when they saw the contents, because one of the documents revealed that the British army's attack on Sicily was just a feint attack, and its real goal was to attack Greece and then attack Romania to the north and Italy to the west... This is almost exactly the same as the analysis by the generals in Rommel's headquarters.

Spanish office personnel hurriedly reported the incident to the naval command.

Because considering that delaying the time will arouse the suspicion of the British Consulate... As mentioned before, if the British realize that the briefcase has been opened, the intelligence will lose value, because the British will change the battle plan, so its The target of the attack will be uncertain again.

So the naval command made a prompt decision and ordered to notify the British Consulate and at the same time photograph the documents in the briefcase, including the body and the items carried in the clothes.

The people at the British Consulate knew nothing about this. In fact, they knew nothing about it... because they didn't know that this was a trap set by MI5 for the Germans. They just received a tip from the British military. Message: "Be sure to keep the secret of the briefcase strictly and get the briefcase as soon as possible!"

So, the performance of the British Consulate is genuine.

At the same time, because they were not professional intelligence personnel, they could not see any flaws during the inspection and did not know that the briefcase had been opened.

When the briefcase was handed over to MI5, the intelligence officer carefully opened the most important document... and found that the little black powder left on the page had disappeared, so he knew that his plan was half successful.

Some of the details are so thoughtful that it’s hard to believe.

For example, MI5 chose Spain because they knew that although Spain was a neutral country on the surface, it had always maintained friendly relations with Germany because Hitler helped Spanish President Franco win in the Spanish Civil War (1936 to 1939). relationship, once major information is discovered, it will definitely be reported to Germany secretly.

The small town of Huelva was chosen because there were many German spies here, as well as British spies. This not only helped Germany obtain intelligence but also helped Britain learn about the progress of the matter.

To prevent the autopsy from being too thorough and uncovering anything, the MI5 men hung a St. Christopher amulet on the body to fool the Spaniards into thinking that the unfortunate Major Martin was a Catholic.

The Spaniard was a Catholic and did not want to "disturb" him too much out of respect for religion. He was buried after a hasty inspection... The body found by MI5 died of rat poison poisoning. The homeless man was probably because of Starving, he mistakenly ate a poisoned rat while looking for food. (Note: This is different from the one uploaded on the Internet that he died of pneumonia and had water in his lungs)

It was named "Martin" because German spies had a list of almost all naval officers starting with the letters A to L, and "Martin" started with M.

Other things are to fake Major Martin's life, such as having a newly engaged fiancée, bank overdraft slips, etc. These are relatively simple.

The people from MI5 made everything watertight, so the intelligence was soon as they imagined. The Spaniards revealed the intelligence to the Germans, and the Germans sent the intelligence to Berlin as if they had obtained a treasure...German Intelligence The department even believed that the British did not realize that the information had been leaked, so the intelligence was valuable, which means that the British would continue to proceed with these plans.

Of course Qin Chuan didn't know this at this time... In fact, he had known this for a long time. He even knew that MI5 had revealed several flaws in its operations, but these flaws were revealed by German intelligence for various reasons. The department ignored it.

From this point of view, the German intelligence service is still much younger than the UK, an established espionage country.

Qin Chuan was staring at the "rumbling" drilling... Yesterday, he had heard from Professor Backhouse that Well No. 3 had been drilled to 2,100 meters because of the smooth process.

This depth is almost reaching the oil level, which makes Qin Chuan a little nervous. He can't help but think: What if he remembers it wrong? Or what should I do if there is an accident and I don’t get the oil?

If oil cannot be found, it can be said that everything in Algeria's layout has been in vain, and it has even attracted a large number of Allied troops to increase in North Africa... The strength of the Allied forces that the African Corps faces now is at least its Four or five times, the number of Allied fighters and bombers has also increased sharply to more than a thousand, which has reached the point of overwhelming numerical advantage.

At this moment, the drill pipe slowly rose, and then the drill pipe was removed section by section.

"What happened?" Qin Chuan asked.

"It's time to change the drill bit, Captain!" Hans, whose face was covered with mud, replied.

Qin Chuan shook his head and sighed that it was hard work, so it was time to change the drill bit... However, Hans and others did not know that they were about to run out of oil at this time, so it was understandable.

Each section of drill pipe is generally about nine meters long, and more than 2,000 meters means there are more than 200 drill pipes. When replacing the drill bit, it needs to be removed while rising. After the drill bit is installed, it must be lowered and installed again. The whole process takes at least several hours.

So Qin Chuan, feeling bored, leaned on the recliner and took a nap with a newspaper covering his face to protect himself from the sun.

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Chuan heard Hans yelling in surprise: "Professor, you should come over and take a look!"

Qin Chuan woke up in a daze and saw exploration members gathering from all directions towards Well No. 3. Qin Chuan seemed to realize something and stood up and walked towards Well No. 3.

"Captain!" Colonel Backhouse held a handful of black gravel and looked at Qin Chuan, who was walking towards him, and said, "We are going to be lucky!"

"This is a sandy oil layer, Captain!" Hans explained excitedly: "It is full of oil and has a strong smell, which means we are not far from the oil field!"

"Are you sure?" Qin Chuan looked at Professor Backhouse.

Professor Backhouse nodded and answered firmly: "Yes, I'm sure!"

At this time, Qin Chuan's hanging heart was completely relieved, and cheers came from around him!

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