A few minutes later, a thin general opened the door, saluted Hitler, and then shook Rommel's hand warmly.

The general showed no surprise when he saw Qin Chuan, and then he reached out and said to Qin Chuan: "Hello, 'Legendary Sergeant', I'm glad to see you here!"

Qin Chuan couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and quickly stood up and replied: "It's an honor, General!"

"Captain!" Hitler smiled: "Don't be surprised why General Canaris recognizes you. He is the director of Military Intelligence. There is nothing he doesn't know!"

When Qin Chuan heard this, he couldn't help but take a closer look at General Canaris. Judging from his military rank, he was the same general as Rommel, the only difference was that he was an admiral.

You must know that there are only 39 people in Germany who can become admirals. Most of them were achieved after meritorious service during the war, but Canaris became an admiral at the beginning of the war. This also shows Canaris’ status. high.

But it makes sense that Canaris would get the general at the beginning of the war, because as the director of military intelligence, he formed a very special force... the Brandenburg detachment.

This force is actually a "special forces" in the modern sense, even more "special forces" than "special forces".

Members of this unit speak at least one foreign language fluently. Some of them can speak Czech, Polish, and Ukrainian; some can speak the languages ​​of the Baltic countries, such as Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Finnish, and Russian; some can speak fluent English. , Portuguese and Spanish; a few even speak Tibetan and Afghani. The detachment also carried a large number of passports, ration books and identity cards.

They are also familiar with the customs and habits of the area where they perform their missions, making it difficult to separate them from the locals.

In the words of a German military intelligence agent, the first Brandenburgers to enter the Soviet Union knew "how to spit like a Russian."

As a result, once this unit was used in actual combat, it achieved many unexpected successes: they could often easily obtain important information that was inaccessible to intelligence agents during conversations with soldiers; they blew up enemy warehouses and captured And protected the bridges, making the German "Blitzkrieg" possible; they also plunged the enemy into chaos...

"General Canaris!" Hitler said: "General Rommel and this...'Legendary Sergeant', they are obviously worried about the 'Martin Secrets'. I hope you can convince them with evidence!"

"Of course, respected head of state!" After speaking, Canaris saluted Hitler and led Rommel and Qin Chuan out of the office.

Canaris took Qin Chuan and Rommel into an office downstairs, and then shouted inside: "Colonel!"

"Yes, General!" A young colonel quickly stood up and saluted Canaris and Rommel, and then shook hands with Qin Chuan politely: "I think you must be Captain Frick!"

"Yes, sir!" Qin Chuan stood up and saluted.

Qin Chuan had a feeling that he seemed to be under the surveillance of others all the time.

But Qin Chuan didn't feel any pressure at all...because these people would never know that they are not from this era!

"This is Colonel Ronner!" General Canaris introduced: "He is the chief of the Intelligence Analysis Section and the main person in charge of the 'Martin Secrets'. If you have any questions or doubts, you can ask the colonel directly. Or let him start investigating!"

"Very good!" General Rommel looked at Qinchuan and said, "It's up to you now. I'll go next door to have a cup of coffee with General Canaris. If anything happens... report to me at any time!"

"Yes, General!" Qin Chuan replied.

Soon, only Colonel Ronner and Qin Chuan were left in the office of the Intelligence Analysis Section.

Colonel Ronner made a phone call and had all the materials brought in... Germans are very meticulous in doing things. All documents and materials are clearly organized in catalogs. You can find any materials you want from the catalogs at any time. .

What surprised Qin Chuan was that there were more than thirty boxes of materials that were brought up, which made the office seem a bit crowded.

"Please don't mind!" Colonel Ronner said: "This is my working habit. I like to make my office look crowded. I hope that everything I need is within my reach, not I need to ask my assistant to pick it up!”

After a pause, he added: "If you need a larger room, I can arrange it for you right away!"

"No, sir!" Qin Chuan replied: "That's very good, and it doesn't take much time!"

"What?" Colonel Ronner looked at Qin Chuan in disbelief, and then couldn't help laughing: "Captain, this is not a war, it can be resolved quickly... Take a look at these boxes, if you want to find something suspicious in them Wherever you go, you have to look up every detail!”

As he spoke, Ronner patted a box and said: "For example, this is an investigation report on the fiancée, whose name is Joan Leslie; and this is an investigation on the funeral..."

"None of this is what I need!" Qin Chuan replied: "Colonel, you should know that if this matter is a scam by the British, then they will take care of all the details that we can see! Change In short, all of this..."

Qin Chuan spread his hands towards the thirty boxes and said, "Actually, they are all what the British want us to see!"

"Okay!" Colonel Ronner replied somewhat disapprovingly: "Then... tell me, Captain, what do you need?"

"I only need one document!" Qin Chuan said: "This document lists the entire process in detail, every detail, every photo, and then lists what you have investigated and verified, and what you have not investigated. Something verified!”

"You should have told me this earlier!" Colonel Ronner replied while flipping through the drawers: "If this was all you needed, then things would be much simpler!"

Not long after, Ronna turned over a document and handed it to Qin Chuan.

"Captain!" Ronner added, "Believe me, we have done everything we can to investigate and verify!"

Qin Chuan casually flipped through the document, which was indeed the entire process of the "Mincemeat Plan", which the German Military Intelligence Agency called the "Martin Secrets".

Of course, what Qin Chuan had in his hands was a copy of the photo taken by the Spanish Navy Office, not the original.

"Captain!" Ronna moved a chair over and said, "You can check here, and I'll ask my assistant to pour you a cup of coffee!"

"No need, Colonel!" Qin Chuan replied: "I have found what I want!"

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