Fierce gunfire rang out instantly, but most of them were not fired by the US military... The US military still didn't understand what was going on. Although some even saw people near the arguing soldiers, He fired, but he only thought it was accidental damage, misfire or an individual incident. Who would have thought that these British troops in front of him were all Germans!

On the other hand, the German army was mentally prepared early in the morning, and immediately launched an attack on the U.S. military the moment the gunfire rang out. The unprepared U.S. military was instantly thrown into chaos.

In fact, what's even more confusing is the Italian soldiers. They don't even understand what's going on at this time... Didn't they surrender? Aren’t the British and Americans allies? Why are they getting into a group here again?

They were so confused that they could only lie on the ground with their hands raised, or run around, which made the scene even more chaotic. Some Americans thought that these Italians were also pretending to surrender, so they shot them with guns without saying a word. Beaten to a bloody pulp.

Werner and Keller immediately guarded Qinchuan. Both of them had Thompson submachine guns. As soon as the trigger was pulled, the bullets poured out toward the American troops in front of them, killing a group of them on the spot. The American soldiers who had just had time to pick up their guns were sieved... The blood splattered from the American soldiers gave Qinchuan the feeling of a roof leaking, speckled with warmth and a bit of fishy smell.

However, Qin Chuan did not dare to hesitate. He immediately fell to the ground and set up his rifle.

At this time, he was holding an "Enfield" rifle. This rifle is not as accurate as the K98K, but as mentioned before, it is the fastest bolt-action rifle. In the same time, it The bullets fired may be twice or more than K98K.

"Bang!" A gunshot rang out.

Qin Chuan killed an American soldier wearing a tank cap.

The 1st Infantry Division is indeed a well-trained unit, but it may also be said that it is an instinct to escape. They all gathered behind the tanks in confusion.

If the tanks were allowed to move at this time and cover the infantry to advance towards the "British troops" like Qinchuan, I am afraid that the situation of the battle would be reversed.

Therefore, Qinchuan's primary target is the tank soldiers.

"Bang!" There was another gunshot.

The person he knocked down this time was a tank soldier who was about to jump into the tank. Qin Chuan believed that he was the commander of the tank because he was inspecting the tank not long ago.

"Pay attention to their tanks!" Qin Chuan turned around and shouted.

When he turned around, he quickly pulled the trigger and killed a tank crew member.

Of course, the German soldiers also knew that their focus was on the tanks, so they rushed towards the tanks while shooting.

When they rush to the tank, they will climb on the tank and throw a flaming grenade into the tank cabin. Then they will hear a "boom" and a piece of green smoke will come out of the tank cabin.

However, in the end, more than a dozen tanks started to move... Qin Chuan believed that the crews of these dozen tanks stayed in the tanks to rest. After all, Sicily was humid and warm, and there were a lot of annoying flies and mosquitoes outside. Sometimes there are poisonous insects such as scorpions and snakes. It is better to hide in the tank and have a good sleep than to bear these outside.

That just put them into play...these tanks were on the move and ready for battle the first time.

Then there were a few "pops", and the tank's headlights were turned on one after another. There were also several searchlights, which instantly illuminated the German army's side completely white. However, the German army was almost blinded by these lights. not open.

This was something Qin Chuan didn't expect. In fact, these were all unplanned situations.

But Qin Chuan was not worried. He just lay on the ground and looked at the watch quietly, watching the pointer jump to nine o'clock...

Several signal flares rose in the sky, followed by the roar of artillery shells. A few seconds later, the artillery shells exploded in batches nearby.

Of course, these shells cannot pose a threat to the tanks, because these tanks are behind the high ground, that is, in the blind spot of the shells, but everyone knows what this means... The German army launched a counterattack against the US military.

This made the U.S. military, which had stabilized its position, panic again, because they realized that they had to face a double attack from the enemy from inside and outside. At this time, it was still in the dark, and no U.S. military was confident that they could win in this situation. .

However, the U.S. tanks still organized defense with a desperate mentality. Perhaps it was the commander of the U.S. armored forces who stayed calm in the face of danger... He separated three tanks to deal with Qinchuan's group of "British troops", and the other tanks continued to organize at the crossroads. defense.

It should be said that under normal circumstances this approach is quite correct, because even the tank with the worst performance has an absolute advantage over pure infantry. What's more, the "Sherman" tank is still a tank with very good performance, plus there is infantry coordination. , it is not a big problem to defeat and eliminate the "British troops" who sneaked in.

On the other hand, ten Shermans were barely enough to block the pass.

But what the US military commander didn't expect was...this was not an ordinary situation.

The First Infantry Regiment carries more than 300 rocket launchers, and this is when they take effect.

The tanks turned on their lights to cover the infantry as they advanced towards the Germans. As they advanced, they fired wildly forward, but most of the people killed were Italian soldiers who were lying on the ground and did not dare to move... even though these Italian soldiers all raised their arms. With both hands shouting "Don't shoot" and "We surrender"!

But the deceived American soldiers didn't care about that. They cursed loudly and fired bullets at the Italian soldiers fiercely, and even ran over them with tracks. Instantly, blood splattered and wailing was heard everywhere.

If there was a chance to explain, the American soldiers would know that these Italian soldiers were more wronged than Dou E... The Italian soldiers surrendered sincerely from the beginning and never deceived anyone.

However, the battlefield is like this. It has never been a place where reason can be argued. Therefore, the Italians could only fall down in rows under the revenge bullets of the American soldiers with injustice. Many people did not even understand what was going on until they died.

This was also not a good thing for the US military, because their rifles, machine guns and even tank guns were aimed at those targets running around, and most of these running around were Italians, which means that the US military was aiming at the wrong targets.

Mistakes are not allowed on the battlefield, because there is often no second chance for mistakes.

Just like now, the American soldiers don’t know that in the darkness, German soldiers are taking out rocket launchers, loading rockets, and then aiming at the slowly advancing American tanks...

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