Things were just as Qin Chuan imagined, and the British and American allies quickly united together...perhaps it could be said that they had learned a bloody lesson, perhaps because the British and US military could not bear further defeats, or perhaps it was for personal reputation. , national interests, no matter what the reason is, Britain and the United States have to unite in the face of this tragic defeat.

Then, the British and American troops quickly regained air supremacy. The U.S. military even sent B17 bombers to bomb the German and Italian airports in Italy... This was Eisenhower's reward for the German and Italian troops after being deceived.

But this "reward" is more symbolic. On the one hand, this is because high-altitude bombers like the B17 are easily detected by radar. Therefore, before the B17 flew over Italy, the German and Italian fighter jets Already transferred.

On the other hand, as mentioned before, high-altitude bombers don't have much accuracy.

Then, the British and American forces stationed a total of three aviation wings at the airports on Malta and Panterella Island, and air superiority was transferred to the Allied forces.

At the same time, the U.S. military used C47 to airdrop batches of supplies, including fuel and ammunition, to the British Eighth Army in the Catania Plain... There are advantages to having air control, even if the British Eighth Army The group army has become a lonely army and it is difficult to encircle it. Just like on the battlefield to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, the volunteers cut off the U.S. supply line and surrounded it time and time again, but allowed them to break out of the encirclement again and again.

Finally, when the British fleet rushed to Catania with the transport ship, the US C47 airdropped a large number of lifeboats for the British army. At the same time, the sky was full of British and US reconnaissance aircraft, and the British Navy's naval guns were also ready. Covering the British army, batches of lifeboats, landing craft, and even fishing boats commandeered from the people of Sicily were used to transport British soldiers back to transport ships one by one and then transferred to the island of Malta.

Because the US military owns a port, although it is only a small port with a small throughput, if all people are transported, it will be very fast. The US military even transports all the tanks that have landed through the port, except for two that are malfunctioning and unable to move. Outside the "General Grant".

In contrast, the beach where the British troops evacuated was a large area of ​​burning cars, tanks, armored vehicles and remaining supplies.

At the moment when all British and American troops withdrew, the entire island of Sicily was boiling.

To be precise, the whole of Italy was boiling.

The performance of the Italian soldiers in this battle is really unflattering, but of course the Italian government will not publicize it like this.

Mussolini’s impassioned voice was played on the radio: “The brave soldiers of the Italian 6th Army, the great German soldiers, you have witnessed history with your courage, you have pushed the wheel of history forward with your blood, and you have defended the world with your lives. The beautiful island of Sicily was protected from enemy invasion. I am proud of you and Italy is proud of you..."

Qin Chuan thought that the Italian soldiers would feel ashamed after hearing these words, because they had basically made no contribution to this battle, but those Italian soldiers lined up neatly, raised their guns and clenched their fists, cheered loudly, and showed off He looked like he would give the enemy a good look if they dared to come again.

"I read that right!" Werner leaned against the car, biting a piece of grass in his mouth boredly, looking at the Italians and said, "Why do I have the illusion that this battle is fought by them?" Winner?"

"That's not an illusion, Werner!" the baker replied: "This battle was originally fought by them! Look, they basically didn't die, but the British and Americans were defeated!"

"That's right, Sergeant!" Werner replied: "We seem to have become someone else's tool!"

"Captain!" At this time, David walked up to Qin Chuan and others, saluted everyone, and said, "It's time for me to return to my unit!"

"Why don't you stay in our army!" Dominic suggested: "As long as you are willing, I believe the captain will agree!"

After saying that, he turned to Qin Chuan and asked: "Really, Captain?"

"Of course!" Qin Chuan replied.

David is a qualified soldier, and the most important thing is that he learns quickly, which may be related to the fact that he is a college student.

"Sorry, Captain!" David replied: "It does feel good to fight with you, but... you know, I still have dreams!"

Qin Chuan nodded. He understood what David meant. Qin Chuan's unit often performed the most dangerous tasks, such as the last time he pretended to be a British army and sneaked into the US military.

Therefore, David, who still has dreams, of course knows that choosing this army is not a good thing.

Watching David leave, the baker smiled and said, "He is an interesting young man, and he is very smart!"

"Oh!" Alfredo said, "I realize that I am the stupidest person in the world!"

The soldiers couldn't help laughing and hugging each other.

In a way, Sicily is a good place, because there are always endless oranges and lemons hanging on the trees, which is almost unimaginable for soldiers who have been fighting in Africa for a long time... At first they didn't even dare to pick these fruits and eat them because they learned something in Africa: most fruits are poisonous.

However, it was different here. Alfredo told the soldiers that they could eat as much as they wanted, which was obviously a good thing for the soldiers who had not been able to eat fresh fruit for a long time.

Of course, there are bad things.

Compared with the dry heat in the desert, it is stuffy and humid here. This climate is obviously very beneficial to the growth of mosquitoes, so malaria is widely spread here... and it is difficult to prevent, because this disease depends on mosquitoes Watch and bite to spread.

Qin Chuan's company had only stayed here for a few days, and five people were infected with malaria.

Fortunately, the locals are used to this, and they all know what medicine to take when suffering from malaria, so there is no need to worry too much.

In order to prevent this disease or worry that a large-scale outbreak would affect the combat effectiveness of the troops, and at the same time to express his gratitude to the German soldiers, Mussolini specially transferred 200,000 mosquito nets from Italy to Sicily to give to the German soldiers... Stationed in Sicily The German army only had about 100,000 people, and there were still a set of men left, and the rest were used as spares after damage.

But in fact, not many people actually use mosquito nets, because this is a battlefield, and they usually live in tents and woodlands. In addition, the climate is humid and hot, so the mosquito nets will break within a few days.

What's more, even if you go to the trouble of hanging up a mosquito net, mosquitoes will still get into it.

So whether you will get malaria ultimately depends on your fate, just like whether you will be hit by a bullet on the battlefield.

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