The tanks rumbled all the way, and the two tanks in front spat out tongues of fire at the fleeing German troops from time to time. This made Kohler and Kunig a little bit unbearable.

"Hold on!" Qin Chuan said: "Now is not the time. Think about the fact that there are more than twenty enemy tanks behind us. They will find the problem as soon as possible and give us a few rounds. Unless you are suffering from the cold No, I hope there’s some warmth!”

The soldiers couldn't help but laugh, and the tense atmosphere eased a bit.

Finally, the dilapidated building Qin Chuan mentioned appeared in the periscope. In the night sky, it looked like an abandoned fortress in a fairy tale world, riddled with holes, but still standing there.

Qin Chuan continued to observe through the periscope for a while, and then said: "Yes, that's it. Let's repeat the process again, destroy two tanks, go around and then destroy the building. Aim at the bottom of the building, do you understand?"

"Understood, sir!"

"Listen to my orders, armor-piercing bullets..."

The turret moved slowly and aimed the muzzle at the tank in front.

Then, when the two tanks in front drove to the dilapidated building, Qin Chuan shouted: "Fire!"

With a sound of "Boom!", a shell came out of the gun.

Although the T34 tank does not have an advanced suspension system like the "Sherman" tank and can aim and shoot while moving forward, Qinchuan's tank is only a few meters away from the two tanks in the front row, and it can hit without having to aim at all. The target, and it was facing the rear of the target, so the armor-piercing bullet hit the ammunition rack of a tank in front. There was only a "boom" sound, and a ball of fire exploded from the tank on the left. .

It is correct to attack the tank on the left first. Qinchuan's tank needs to circle to the right. The tank on the left will be blocked by the tank on the right during its forward trajectory.

The explosion immediately caused panic in the Soviet army.

But their reactions were somewhat different: most of the tanks did not discover that one of the tanks had done it due to the problem of vision and obstruction. However, some infantrymen discovered this scene, but their first reaction was to treat it as "accidental fire." , after all, it is inevitable that this will happen when fighting in the night.

So immediately several Soviet soldiers ran to the front and waved and shouted at the tank, as if to stop the tank.

How could Qin Chuan and others pay so much attention? The heading machine guns "whispered" and hit these Soviet soldiers who had not yet understood the situation. The unsuspecting Soviet soldiers were immediately knocked down and fell to the snow. inside.

Only then did the Soviet army realize the seriousness of the problem. They wanted to react and warn, but it was too late...

Qinchuan directed the tank to increase its accelerator and overtake it from the roadside. At the same time, the turret rotated to the left, and when it advanced to the right wing of the Soviet tank, it fired another shell.

With a "boom", the Soviet tanks stopped moving, and the road was blocked by two destroyed T34s, one on the left and one on the right. As Qin Chuan said before, there was only a little space left beside the road for passage. .

"Good job!" Qin Chuan shouted: "Now, aim at the building!"

"Yes, Captain!" Kunig replied as he adjusted the turret to face the building, and fired a shell with a "bang".

What was fired was an anti-infantry grenade. The shell burst into flames and then blew a big hole in the wall, but the building still stood firmly in front of the muzzle.

The Soviet army also reacted at this time. Several Soviet soldiers "heroically" rushed out from the corner, but as soon as they emerged, they were ruthlessly knocked to the ground by machine guns.

This was just a prelude. Soviet tanks were quickly mobilized, but because the road was blocked, they had to rush up one by one from the right side.

"Grenade!" Qin Chuan ordered: "Ignore those tanks!"

"Yes, Captain!" Kunich responded, and then fired another cannonball towards the building.

"Boom", the shell made another big hole in another part of the wall, this time causing a partial collapse, but the building still stood firmly in the darkness.

At this time, the barrel of a Soviet tank had slowly stretched out from the corner, and at the same time, the turret rotated in the direction of Qinchuan...

"Grenade!" Qin Chuan ordered loudly.

This means that the target is still the building and not the enemy tank.

Everyone knows what this means...if this shell cannot blow up the building, it means there will be no chance.

But Qinchuan had no other choice. Destroying the enemy tanks seemed to be able to block the road and even the side of the road, but it could not be blocked. The Soviet tanks could push the tank wreckage away and continue the attack.

Therefore, Qin Chuan has only one way out, and that is to destroy the building!

In Qinchuan's periscope, the Soviet tank in front of him slowly turned its turret a few meters away and pointed the black muzzle at him... This was a very strange feeling. Qinchuan had experienced being shot. It was a dangerous situation with the muzzle of the enemy, and it was not just once, but it was the first time that the enemy's gun was pointed at the gun, and it was a tank gun.

Qin Chuan couldn't help but have a picture in his mind: an armor-piercing projectile was fired from the muzzle, which penetrated the tank armor and instantly caused high-speed flying armor fragments in the tank. Everyone in the tank would "share" it. A few dollars or even dozens of dollars.

If they were lucky, the armor-piercing shells would detonate the tank shells, causing everyone to die within a few seconds without feeling any pain. Otherwise... they might be left hanging here to suffer from blood loss or hypothermia before taking their last breath.

However, at this moment, Kunich fired a shell in time.

With a "bang", the shell hit the concrete pillar of the building. After a burst of smoke and dust, the building collapsed. The Soviet tanks and tank wreckage suddenly disappeared in the periscope, leaving only a pile of broken bricks and tiles and pieces of cement.

"Long live victory!" Kohler and other soldiers cheered.

"Great, we stopped them!"

"Not only did we stop them, we buried at least five enemy tanks in the ruins!"

Even Kurucs was mumbling something. Although Qin Chuan couldn't understand, he could see from his expression and movements that he was sighing.

"Captain, we succeeded, Captain!" Kohler said while stepping on the accelerator to the bottom: "Unbelievable, comrades will be crazy about our victory!"

"No, Kohler!" Qin Chuan reminded: "Slow down!"

"Why?" Kohler asked puzzledly.

"Because I don't want to be destroyed by my own people!"

Kohler said "Oh" and immediately slowed down, and the cheers of the soldiers also stopped.

"Yes!" Kohler said, "I almost forgot that we were driving Soviet tanks. They (German soldiers) would mistake us for Soviets!"

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