Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

But if you are still waiting for Soldier to update at this time, I'm afraid tonight will be miserable... Soldier can only say to you: Start working hard tomorrow, and try to make sure you don't have time to wait for updates next Chinese Valentine's Day!

On the march, the soldiers were all terrified and thinking: Why are they still attacking in the direction of the enemy? Are there enough supplies and ammunition? Where are the reinforcements?

But an order is an order, and there is no room for debate or questioning. The soldiers can only follow the troops and trot forward towards Tugela.

Tugela is more than 30 kilometers away from Tengetel, and we almost reached our destination before dawn the next day.

At this time, there was a "surprise" that no one expected...

The troops were walking in the night, and at some point there were several armored vehicles around them.

This was not a big deal at first. It was normal for the marching troops to have several cars around them, so the soldiers didn't care. They marched together for a while with courtesy to each other. Qin Chuan didn't even notice anything at first.

But as he walked, Qin Chuan felt something was wrong... When the troops came out of Tengeter, they didn't bring a single vehicle with them. Even the regiment leader, Colonel Slain, was on foot. So where did these armored vehicles come from? What about?

If it was said that the scouts seized it from the British army... this might make sense, but the troops were marching in secret at this time, so how could they seize a few "rumbling" armored vehicles and follow the troops forward?

Especially when one of the armored vehicles honked its horn because it was blocked by soldiers, Qin Chuan became even more suspicious... How could the armored vehicle honk its horn at this time, when it was about to reach the attack target? Aren't they worried about exposing their target?

So Qin Chuan waved to his men, and a dozen people stopped the five armored vehicles with guns drawn.

"What's wrong? Sergeant!" Kuhn caught up. He was surprised by Qin Chuan's behavior. He thought the person in the armored vehicle was an officer. Qin Chuan's behavior was asking for trouble.

Unexpectedly, the driver of the armored vehicle stuck his head out and cursed: "Don't block the road, you bastard!"

The curse startled Kuhn, and he quickly raised his gun and pointed it at the armored vehicle... The driver spoke English.

Qin Chuan walked to the car window with his rifle raised and shouted in English with a commanding tone: "Sir, if you want to survive, turn off the engine and open the door!"

The driver seemed to understand something, and his face suddenly lost all color, but he still slowly raised his hands as Qin Chuan said.

Qin Chuan heard another person at the back of the carriage ask sleepily: "What happened, John, why did you stop?"

"General, general..." The driver didn't know how to answer.

As soon as he heard this, Qin Chuan knew that he had made a lot of money this time... General, is there a British general sitting in the armored vehicle? !

Qin Chuan's guess was correct. There was indeed a British general sitting in the armored car, and there was more than one. There were four generals in the five cars, and a car of followers, but they were all swaying and falling asleep in the car. , so it didn’t work until the end.

These four generals are Lieutenant General Philip Neame, Lieutenant General Richard O'Connor, and two major general staff officers.

These two lieutenant generals are not ordinary people (in fact, those who can become lieutenant generals in war are not ordinary people).

Lieutenant General Philip Neame is the current commander-in-chief of the British Army's Cyrenaica Command. To put it simply, at this time, he is directly commanding the British Army on the entire front line.

Richard O'Connor is even more extraordinary... He is the predecessor of Lieutenant General Nimes. Not long ago, it was General O'Connor who led the British army to defeat the Italian army and captured 130,000 Italian soldiers.

This battle made General O'Connor famous, so he was promoted to commander-in-chief in Egypt, and his work was taken over by General Nimes.

It's just that General Nimes was unlucky... When O'Connor was in office, he faced the Italian army that was defeated in one blow. As soon as General Nimes took office, he encountered Rommel who led the 5th Light Armored Division to land in Africa. As a result, he was defeated. They were beaten so hard that they fled all the way here.

Wavell believed that at least part of the reason for this was General Nimes's incompetent command, so he sent General O'Connor, who had been all-powerful on the North African battlefield, to "assist" General Nimes in commanding the battle, hoping to turn defeat into victory.

But who would have thought... General O'Connor had only just arrived a few days before he plunged into the German army in a daze.

Hearing that two generals had been captured, the surrounding German soldiers gathered around to have a look at the British generals.

Qin Chuan said to General Nimu and General O'Connor who walked out of the car with blank faces: "Welcome, General, I think your choice is right!"

General Nim couldn't help but glared at the driver and said, "Well done, John, we really should give you a medal!"

"Don't worry, general!" Qin Chuan replied while disarming General Nimu and others: "We will give him a medal!"

A considerable number of the German soldiers knew English and couldn't help laughing when they heard the words.

The driver looked helpless. This was probably the most ridiculous thing he had ever done in his life, sending four generals into the hands of the enemy...

But this doesn’t seem to be his fault. First of all, no one would have thought that they would encounter a large German army outside Tengeter. Secondly, it was still dark at this time. In addition, this was a desert, and there would always be signs on the car windows. The thick layer of dust made it impossible for him to tell whether the troops were British or German.

But now it's too late to say anything and the driver can only accept his fate.

Soon, Colonel Slaine also came after hearing the news. He had obviously seen the photos of Lieutenant General O'Connor and Lieutenant General Nim, so he recognized them at a glance.

"God!" Colonel Slaine said in surprise: "General Nim, General O'Connor...are you here to capture me?"

The Germans burst out laughing again.

"Well done, sergeant!" Before taking away the two generals, Colonel Slain patted Qin Chuan on the shoulder: "We made a good start, didn't we? This seems to verify that your plan is right. !”

With that said, he ordered the guards to escort General Nim and others away. They needed to seize the time to conduct an interrogation to obtain more intelligence.

Then, Qin Chuan found that the German soldiers around him were looking at him blankly.

"What's wrong?" Qin Chuan said, "I just captured a few generals, and you also have a share!"

"Not because of the capture of the general!" said the baker.

"What's the reason?" Qin Chuan was a little confused.

"So..." Bazel said, "You made this crazy plan?"

Only then did Qin Chuan realize the problem.

"I just made a suggestion to the colonel!" Qin Chuan explained: "I didn't expect the colonel agreed!"

Bazel shook his head and sighed: "Sergeant, do you know my reaction when I heard about this plan? I was frightened... because I thought it was completely a matter of luck, but after thinking about it carefully, I felt it made sense. I can't imagine that the person who came up with this plan is standing in front of me... Bravo!"

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