Hearing this, Colonel Slaine couldn't help but open his mouth, and after a while he nodded and said, "You're right, Sergeant, you reminded me!"

After saying that, Colonel Slain stopped hesitating. He turned back and shouted to the adjutant: "Lucas, go stop Major Philip immediately and ask him to treat the prisoners well!"

"Colonel..." Lucas couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this.

"Go!" Colonel Slain ordered loudly.

"Yes!" Lucas replied helplessly.

Seeing Lucas running out of the city unwillingly, Slaine spread his hands helplessly and said to Qin Chuan: "Sergeant, if my adjutant is half as smart as you, I will be satisfied!"

Then he shook Qin Chuan's hand and said, "Thank you for the reminder, I think... it's time for me to say something to those prisoners!"

"Yes, sir!" Qin Chuan replied.

It can also be seen from this that Colonel Slain is a smart man. He knows that at this time, he should use those prisoners to convey the "spirit" of the German army, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing the pressure on the German army's attack.

Looking at Colonel Slaine leaving in a hurry, Werner came up with a surprised expression and said: "It's unbelievable, you actually succeeded!"

Qin Chuan also felt lucky, because at least nearly 10,000 British soldiers would be saved from the catastrophe, especially since most of these British soldiers were logistics troops. It was difficult for them to pose a threat to the German army on the battlefield, so this was actually a good idea. A win-win situation.

But the adjutant Lucas still had doubts about this. He said to Colonel Slaine who followed: "Colonel, how can we ensure that they will not tip off other British people? They will even escape back to Tobruk Port and become ours." trouble!"

"Don't worry, Lucas!" Colonel Sline looked at the captured "Matador" cars and said, "Because we have cars, we will always be ahead of them!"

Colonel Slaine is right. The characteristic of German combat is rapid action, just like the most famous "Blitzkrieg" of the German army.

Of course, Colonel Slaine also thought of another benefit that even Qin Chuan had not thought of... If the prisoners were deprived of all supplies, including food and water, it would be impossible for these prisoners to go far in the desert, and they would even They would become a problem for the British, because these prisoners would certainly consume a lot of food, water, and medicine from the incoming British troops.

Ten minutes later, the troops were on the march again. The difference from before was that this time the German army used cars.

The space in the back compartment of the British "Matador" military truck is very large... After all, Britain is an old industrial country. Its tanks are not good because they have developed in the wrong direction. Even a fool knows that the main function of cars is transportation.

This allows each car to carry at least thirty German soldiers... The German soldiers riding in the car are divided into four rows, with two rows in the middle and one row on each side. There are about seven people in each row, plus the driver and passenger in the front. There were exactly thirty people driving.

In this way, one hundred cars can carry almost the entire regiment, and some cars are used to transport supplies.

In fact, the Matador military truck is long enough to carry 38 people or more.

But considering the dangers of packing too many people... For example, if you encounter an enemy ambush on the road, packing too many people in the carriage will cause a large number of casualties in the first place and make it impossible to fight back due to overcrowding. In addition, too many people will not be convenient for soldiers. Jump out of the car and quickly evacuate to start a battle formation to counterattack.

On the other hand, the extra space can be used to store some supplies, such as water, gasoline, food, ammunition, etc. The German army did not lack these at this time, and the British army's warehouses could be said to have everything. Large and small boxes were filled with supplies. Seeing these supplies, the soldiers felt much more at ease.

Qinchuan's troops were arranged in the car... The purpose of taking the car was to rush to the British army's next supply depot as quickly as possible and occupy it.

Therefore, although taking a car saved the soldiers from the pain of walking in the desert, it also increased the risk of fighting the enemy.

For Qin Chuan, he would rather choose to sit in the car, because he was almost exhausted at this time... He had not had a good rest since the capture of Tengeter, and then he marched all night long. Now they have been in intense fighting, marching, and death for twenty-four consecutive hours. This has made Qin Chuan and everyone else exhausted. As soon as they got into the car, they collapsed in the car and whirled desperately. Sleep deeply, no matter how the car roars and shakes.

Before going to bed, Qin Chuan even thought about if a cannonball could blow up the car he was in while he was sleeping... This might be the most worth looking forward to, because he could die without pain or fear. Never face this cruel world again.

Qin Chuan was awakened by the roar of the plane, because even in his dream he knew that the sky at this time belonged to the British, and the plane represented the enemy's situation.

Sure enough, when Qin Chuan opened his eyes, he saw that the other German soldiers were already awake, with panic and worry on their faces.

Qin Chuan knew what they were worried about... This was a desert, and it was still daytime. If a British reconnaissance plane discovered them and sent fighters and bombers to intercept them, the convoy would have no place to hide.

Then Qin Chuan soon felt that the convoy had slowed down. The driver was obviously affected by the aerial reconnaissance plane.

Qin Chuan hurriedly shouted to the driver in front: "Don't stop, keep going, keep a constant speed!"

The other German soldiers in the carriage soon realized what was happening, and spontaneously shouted to the military vehicles following behind and parked on the roadside: "Keep moving forward, keep a constant speed!"

After thinking about it, Qin Chuan shouted again: "Don't shoot!"

This sentence was also passed down loudly, just like an order issued by a superior.

In fact, many people thought this was an order from their superiors. Later, some people learned that it actually came from a sergeant.

I don’t know whether the Germans are naturally obedient to order or were forced by the pressure of the war. The convoy quickly got rid of the small chaos and once again drove in an orderly manner on the road at a steady speed, and no one got off the car or stuck their head out. Go, no one is shooting.

After a long time, the "rumble" of the plane gradually faded away, and the soldiers couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"What a great idea, Sergeant!" Werner looked at Qin Chuan and said, "Pretend to be British!"

Werner fully understood the intention of Qin Chuan's words... The German army was traveling in a British "Matador" car. If under the reconnaissance of the aircraft, it could keep moving at a constant speed without confusion and without any hostile actions, it would be very difficult. It is easy for British pilots to mistakenly think that this is their own convoy.

"Don't be too happy!" The baker said while taking a kettle and taking a sip of water: "We can't be sure whether we have really deceived them. Maybe their bombers and fighter jets are already on their way!"

The baker's words made the soldiers feel relieved again.

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