The 11th Army was divided into two parts.

Part of it was the 28th Chasseur Division led by Wagner.

Their mission was the three Soviet divisions on the front of the Baku defense line.

This task is relatively easy. They only need to cooperate with the Brandenburg detachment to occupy the trenches being built by the Soviet people, light the fire step by step, and fill the defense gaps.

However, something went wrong during the actual implementation. Many Soviet people did not cooperate with the German command, and even launched a medium-sized riot at the last moment when the Soviet troops returned... Later it was discovered that this was actually caused by Soviet military political workers. The personnel were organized among the common people. When the German army launched an attack, they changed their military uniforms and hid them among the common people. The German army failed to detect them for a while and caused a lot of trouble for themselves.

However, the German army eventually overcame this crisis. After all, the fire trenches had been filled with oil. After being ignited, the Soviet army was roughly blocked at the other end. The gap was planted with a large number of mines by the Germans, making it impossible for the Soviet army to break through quickly.

The other part is the 1st Mountain Division and 1st Infantry Regiment led by Manstein.

Their first target is the train station.

The railway station is located north of Baku. It is a traffic link that transports gasoline, diesel, etc. produced by Baku's refineries in all directions northward to the Soviet Union. As long as it is controlled here, Baku's traffic connection with the north will be cut off.

At the same time, because there are many vacant warehouses at the train station and other directions in Baku are already overcrowded, this place serves as a settlement point for broken and wounded soldiers who retreated from the front line... The wounded soldiers are to be transported to the Soviet Union for treatment, but because the Soviet front line Gasoline and diesel are urgently needed, so the wounded soldiers are put aside first.

This also includes the Soviet 392nd and 394th Infantry Divisions that were crippled on the front line and were resting and recuperating.

The German army divided into several groups and sneaked towards the train station in the dark.

Although it was already dark, the train station was brightly lit, and the vicinity of the train station was full of cars and porters shouting... They were busy transporting diesel and gasoline to the Soviet front line.

As mentioned before, Baku produced 71.5% of the energy in the Soviet Union, so Baku's railway lines will not be idle at any time.

But now this situation is about to change.

Groups of German soldiers burst into the station from the darkness with guns drawn. The Soviet civilians who were coming and going under the lights did not notice the German troops at first. They obviously thought those were their own troops. After all, they did not see fully armed troops at the station. Nothing unusual.

But when they saw clearly that these soldiers were wearing German military uniforms, they couldn't help but be stunned.

They wanted to shout but did not dare to shout because several German soldiers were already pointing guns at them to signal them to get out of the car.

At first, the scene was quite controllable. Groups of civilians were being escorted by the German army and gathered together for supervision. It was not until a group of Soviet patrols came up and noticed that something was wrong, and they raised their guns to fight back... that the German soldiers' guns rang out.

In an instant, the station was in chaos. People were running away and dodging. Among them, there were many Soviet soldiers who did not understand the situation. They immediately grabbed their guns and ran towards the German army... They obviously did not realize that this was a large-scale German attack. I thought it was some enemy that had infiltrated in or a guerrilla group that made a sneak attack.

(Note: There are also many anti-government forces within the Soviet Union, such as the Nightingale guerrillas in Ukraine. The German Brandenburg troops are very good at cooperating with these guerrillas, and sometimes even organize the rescue of captured guerrilla members)

The stupid actions of these Soviet troops were of course like moths flying into a flame. They were knocked down in a pool of blood by the Germans within a few seconds of rushing forward.

The German soldiers were divided into several groups and rushed towards the station in various directions. They needed to resolve the battle as quickly as possible and use everything available.

The 1st Infantry Regiment was in charge of the warehouse.

Warehouses are always the most important and dangerous places for railway stations, because they store a large amount of military supplies, and some vacant warehouses are even used as temporary dormitories for stragglers.

Qin Chuan and others quickly realized this, because when he crossed the railway track and ran towards the target, he was blocked by the firepower of the Soviet army on the opposite side.

"Mortar!" Qin Chuan ordered loudly: "The third company will provide fire cover, and the first and second companies will rush over from both wings. Be careful to use the train to cover!"

"Yes!" Qin Chuan's several captains responded, and then each led his men to prepare for battle.

With the "boom" of mortar explosions, the soldiers of the third company emerged from their hiding places and fired rows of bullets at the opposite side.

Although it is basically impossible to see the target in the dark, the dense bullets fired by the MP43 can still suppress the Soviet army on the opposite side.

Qin Chuan waved his hand, and the first and second companies on both wings carried their guns and surrounded the Soviet army.

The commander of the second company is the viper Kuhn. He has very keen observation and judgment, and can always remain calm in critical moments... In this regard, what a commander needs is similar to that of a sniper, so Kuhn Eun will be a very good commander.

The commander of the first company was Captain Richard, and Qin Chuan knew from his resume that he was a veteran who had participated in World War I.

To be precise, Richard cannot be said to have participated in World War I... because Germany surrendered not long after he entered the battlefield.

In Richard's words, "I seem to have been sent to surrender to the enemy. I have never killed anyone or fought in a battle. If I hadn't fired two shots at a piece of rotten wood, I might still have become an unfired person." Once you pass the gun, you become a prisoner of war!”

"This is not an honor!" Richard said: "But I keep it in my heart, and I hope to return these shames to those who imposed the Treaty of Versailles on us!"

That year, Shade was only 16 years old. Now he is 40 years old and can be considered a veteran, but his physical fitness is still not much inferior to that of young people. This is due to the fact that he has never given up training for so many years.

The two troops spread out on the left and right, relying on the cover of the train to leap forward among bullets and artillery shells, and soon approached the Soviet defense line. After firing a burst of 50MM mortar shells, they rushed forward with MP43s. Go up.

There were only gunshots but no bullets coming from the opposite side, so Qinchuan knew that the 1st and 2nd companies had successfully broken through the Soviet defense line.

"Go!" Qin Chuan waved his hand and rushed forward with the third company responsible for fire cover.

The well-trained German army has formed a fixed pattern. There are even clear regulations on where each infantry should deploy to cover which unit. This may be said to be a stereotype, but it is very effective on the battlefield. .

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