The engine rumbled, and the tracks rolled over the steel plates, making a sharp and sharp sound that made your bones feel itchy.

Qin Chuan and a group of soldiers followed the tank and slowly advanced towards the Soviet position. Artillery shells exploded in front of them. This was the mortar firepower provided by the infantry who provided fire cover for them at the back... Mortars It is easier to coordinate than long-range artillery, because the gunner is observing the armored forces not far behind, and then makes adjustments according to the actual situation to advance the shells forward layer by layer.

Soon the Soviet troops began to fight back.

But as expected by Qin Chuan, the Soviet infantry in front of them lacked anti-tank equipment, because all the bullets and mortar shells flying from the opposite side were bullets and mortar shells.

But of course, these things couldn't cause much damage to the tank. The tank still pushed forward at a speed of about ten kilometers per hour, getting closer and closer...

If it were at other times, the Soviet troops would have jumped out of the trenches and fled in droves, but that was not the case now.

Qin Chuan knew what they were doing... Order No. 227, not to take a step back.

In fact, it is more accurate to say that Stalin personally flew to Stalingrad to do certain aspects of mobilization, that is, the "punishment battalions" and "interception teams" are more intimidating... After all, an order is just an order, although soldiers are expected to obey orders. This was their duty, but the Soviet army's military discipline was lax and disobedience to orders often occurred. Over time, a considerable number of soldiers did not take orders to heart.

But "punishment camp" is a specific measure.

Every soldier will consider this in his heart: Rather than being sent to a punishment camp and dying in shame or even bringing shame to his family, it is better to die heroically as a hero.

Therefore, even if they are extremely scared, even if they are unwilling in every possible way, and no matter how much they miss this world, they still have to make the right choice in the end... stick to their position and not retreat even a step.

Several Soviet soldiers jumped out of the smoke of the artillery shells, screaming wildly and rushing towards the paving tank, holding in their hands the explosive packets that had lit the fuse.

In a way, what these Soviet soldiers did was correct. Because the pavement tank has a steel plate blocking the front, it cannot see them and cannot shoot or fire at them.

But the German soldiers following the paving tanks were well prepared. They immediately leaned out and raised their guns, and then mercilessly pulled the triggers on the Soviet soldiers...

After all the gunshots were fired, the Soviet soldiers fell into a pool of blood.

In the face of the MP43's firepower, this kind of suicidal charge has basically no chance.

The explosive package exploded more than 20 meters in front of the tank, and its effect was to blast a hole in the ground.

A Soviet soldier crawls slowly in the mud holding a bundle of cluster grenades.

He is very smart and has a death wish. This can be seen from the fact that he used mud to camouflage himself and then estimated the direction of the paving tank and lay still... In this case, who can find out? A target lying motionless on the ground? Most people thought it was a corpse.

Therefore, he only needs to wait for the tank to drive in front of him, then set off the grenade to finish what he should do.

But Qin Chuan still discovered him, because his legs were trembling unconsciously. Perhaps he was not even aware of this, and at the same time he could not control it, because it is human beings' fear of death, even those who have experienced many battles. Few veterans can face it calmly.

Qin Chuan did not relent. He gently pulled the trigger with his index finger, and a bullet flew out and hit his head... Then his legs stopped shaking.

With a crisp "clang" sound, a paving tank stopped and stopped moving.

Qin Chuan realized that this must be some kind of direct-fire anti-tank weapon, but the sound didn't sound like an anti-tank gun, and it was more likely to be an anti-tank gun.

Looking in the opposite direction of the paving tank, I saw a long barrel protruding from the center of several sandbags.

That is the Soviet PTRS-41 anti-tank rifle.

This thing can be regarded as a new weapon, because during the Moscow Defense War, only 77 of them were produced and urgently equipped with the Soviet army. But in the Battle of Stalingrad a year later... the Soviet army equipped more than 60,000 of them. So much so that the German army was very troubled by it.

The reason is that it is very powerful and can penetrate 50MM armor at a distance of 100 meters. You must know that the front armor of the "Type III" tank is only 47MM.

However, because of its one-sided emphasis on anti-tank power, it is not suitable for individual soldiers to fire... The entire gun weighs 20 kilograms, and it requires two people to carry it in tandem to move quickly on the battlefield.

What's more serious is that it is said that each person using its gun can only fire three rounds: fire one round with the right shoulder, then switch to the left shoulder, wait for the right shoulder to relax, then fire another round, and then fire one more round I can't bear the recoil.

A Soviet shooter once described the feeling of firing: his shoulder felt like being kicked hard by a donkey.

But no matter what, it has successfully fired one shot and penetrated a paving tank.

Of course, Qin Chuan couldn't let it continue, so he raised his rifle and aimed behind the sandbag. When he saw a head popping up to observe, he killed it with a "bang".

The tanks are getting closer and closer to the Soviet trenches, and are about to approach the 50-meter distance for throwing grenades...

Once approaching this position, it almost means that the Soviet army has no chance, because the German army only needs to lean out to throw pieces of grenades into the Soviet trenches, and when the Soviet army does this, most of their grenades will Blocked by tanks.

Then it can be imagined that the German army only needs to take advantage of the residual power of the grenade to charge, and the Soviet defense line will no longer exist.

At this moment, rows of grenades were thrown in the direction of the Soviet army. After the explosion, the Soviet army was heard shouting, and they climbed out of the trenches one after another in the smoke and launched a charge towards the German army.

Seeing this, Qin Chuan couldn't help but secretly praise... This should be the credit of the Soviet commander. The timing of launching the counterattack was just right.

It was too early, the distance between us and the enemy was too long, and they were all dead before they could even rush forward.

It's too late, and you have to face a rain of enemy grenades.

From this point of view, the Soviet commander still has some combat experience.

If the German army is equipped with a bolt-action rifle at this time, it is very likely that they will be rushed into the team and engage in hand-to-hand combat. It is conceivable that the tank will not be able to play its role in this case.

But the problem is that the 1st Infantry Regiment is equipped with MP43.

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