"Flare!" Udavinko ordered loudly.

With a "Teng" sound, a flare shot into the air and illuminated everything in front of him. Sure enough, he saw a dozen T34 tanks advancing towards the Soviet army under the cover of a group of Soviet troops.

"Damn it!" Udavenko said nervously: "They are heading towards our minefield!"

"Gurizkov!" Udavenko ordered the next second: "Take a few people up and lead them to the passage!"

"Yes, Comrade Udavinko!" Gurizkov responded, and with a wave of his hand, he rushed forward with several soldiers hunched over.

Fortunately, the troops that came for reinforcements did not have many tanks, only twelve. At the same time, what surprised Udavenko was that...their coordination with each other was very smooth, almost as soon as Gurizkov commanded them. When they are in the passage position, they all converge towards the passage.

This is not common among tank soldiers. Udavinko knew that the Soviet tank communications were backward, and to do this, he must have a clear mind.

But this doesn't seem surprising, because only such elite troops can break through the German defenses and rush here.

Another flare was fired. Udavenko wanted to see clearly the enemy chasing the reinforcements and provide fire cover for them.

At this time, several "Soviet soldiers" coming from the direction of reinforcements jumped into the trenches and shouted in Russian: "Damn it, stop firing flares, that will make our tanks a target for the enemy!"

When Udavenko heard this, he felt that this was right, so he quickly ordered to stop lighting flares.

"Comrade!" Udavenko asked the soldiers excitedly: "Which section are you from?"

"We are from the 3rd Brigade of the 7th Tank Corps!" the soldier replied: "Comrade Rotmistrov ordered us to come for reinforcements. We paid a lot of casualties before we rushed to this place. The name is correct, Rotmistrov." Trov General Udavinko also heard about it, and any remaining doubts he had were dispelled.

This "Soviet reinforcements" were actually a mixed group formed by the German army.

The basis of this mixed regiment is of course the well-trained 1st Infantry Regiment, with dozens of tank crews selected from the 5th Armored Regiment, driving tanks captured from the Soviets during the State Farm battle. T34 tanks, plus a company of Brandenburg troops and two engineer companies.

Needless to say, the use of the former is to talk to the Soviets and confuse them, while the latter is used to blast and lay mines.

In addition, the 21st Armored Division also performed a scene with them, which is what the Soviet soldiers saw...The Soviet troops broke through the German defense lines, and the German troops were chasing after them.

In order to make the scene more realistic, they even rehearsed several times.

"Welcome, comrades!"

"Long live Stalin!"

"Defend Stalingrad to the death!"

Qin Chuan and others lined up and entered the Stalingrad Industrial Zone amid the cheers of Soviet soldiers.


When Qin Chuan stepped into this city, he couldn't help but sigh. Historically, this city was about to become a veritable meat grinder. The average life span of the soldiers sent into this city was only three days... in batches. People poured in and turned into corpses in batches. Both the enemy and us were red-eyed. There were only two things they knew: live and kill the enemy.

But now, he walked into this city so easily and even penetrated deep into its hinterland.

Looking at the surrounding soldiers and civilians cheering and waving to them, Qin Chuan and the German soldiers also waved to them with bright smiles and puffed-up chests.

It was actually very easy for the Soviets to see through whether this team was real. They only needed to report the situation to the headquarters, which sent a telegram to the Stalingrad Front (all telephone lines were cut off by the Germans and they could only send telegrams). Verification will soon reveal whether any Soviet troops have broken through the German defense lines and reached Stalingrad.

But this is not simple. The reason is that there are very few radio stations in the Soviet army. There are only two radio stations available in the entire Stalingrad...one for the 62nd Army and one for the 64th Army.

On the other hand, the 3rd Brigade of the 7th Tank Corps was indeed attacking the northern defense line. Who knew in the darkness whether a unit actually entered Stalingrad by chance.

Therefore, Qin Chuan was not worried about this. By the time they finished their investigation, the First Infantry Regiment would have completed its mission.

But the reality was not so smooth.

As the First Infantry Regiment was advancing along the street toward the "Red Barricade" artillery factory, an American-made jeep drove up to the front of the team and blocked the way.

A captain jumped out of the jeep and shouted to the team: "Who is your commander?"

A "Soviet major" came forward and replied in proficient Russian: "Our commander is Colonel Goronev, he should be at the back of the team!"

"You are now under the command of the 62nd Army!" the captain said: "Comrade Lopatin ordered you to station in Silicate New Village and wait for orders!"

"Okay, Comrade Captain!" the major responded and then looked at Qin Chuan, who also had the rank of major.

Qinchuan took a moment to recall the map he had memorized before, and realized that the direction of this new silicate village deviated from the direction of the first target, the "Red Barricade" artillery factory.

Not only that, Qin Chuan also knew that the so-called "XX New Village" was originally a dense worker dormitory area, but at this critical moment... the worker dormitories are no longer worker dormitories. They have been piled with sandbags and converted into bunkers. , employees were also issued rifles and grenades to be armed.

If the First Infantry Regiment enters this so-called "New Silicate Village", it will probably get stuck in the quagmire and it will be difficult to get out of it.

So Qin Chuan winked at the soldiers around him, and they met the captain and the driver of the jeep.

Looking around, not many people were paying attention. He suddenly covered their mouths and pierced their chests with a military spike. Finally, they moved the bodies to the jeep and covered them with canvas. A German soldier jumped on the jeep and started it. He followed the group and continued to move forward... This was not to seize the jeep, but to worry that leaving the jeep where it was would allow others to discover the bodies inside.

All the actions were completed within one minute. Those soldiers were from the Brandenburg detachment. Their techniques showed that they had undergone professional training. Even the blood on the ground was covered with mud shoes. Said it left no trace at all.

But as the old saying goes, a common man who paid homage to the "reinforcements" on the rooftop of the building next to him was looking at this scene in surprise.

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