The scene of the Soviet female pilot committing suicide has been lingering in Qin Chuan's mind.

Maybe it's because women rarely appear on the battlefield, maybe it's because the woman's eyes showed deep fear and nostalgia for this world before she died, or maybe it touched the soft part in the hearts of the soldiers, which made the soldiers He silently immersed himself in what he was doing.

Qin Chuan could understand their thoughts. The female pilot actually reminded them of their family members, such as mother, sisters, and fiancee... Because Qin Chuan was no exception. He couldn't help but think of his home in Frankfurt and those The relatives waiting for him to return, and Hannah who doesn't know where she is at this time.

In the silence of the soldiers, the sky gradually darkened, and the atmosphere became tense again, because everyone knew that the enemy's counterattack was about to begin.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the German soldiers exited the three buildings.

Of course, the two troops connected to the left and right, namely the 2nd Battalion and the 3rd Battalion, had to pass through beforehand... In fact, the barbed wire fences built by the Germans and the locations where mines were laid must be ventilated with the friendly forces on the left and right, because this can allow the friendly forces to communicate with each other. Take cover and identify friend or foe by location.

"Order!" Qin Chuan said: "Don't attack at will, don't get up, and don't move around outside the trenches unless necessary!"

Eberhard responded and passed on the orders one after another.

This order had emphasized before that not only the 1st Infantry Regiment, but all units entering Stalingrad must do this.

The reason is simple... it is difficult to identify ourselves and the enemy in the dark ruins, especially since the Soviet army may infiltrate from the tunnels. In this way, the German army has only one way to identify the opponent, whether it is moving or getting up.

There was silence all around, with only artillery fire exploding silently in the distance, and occasionally one or two rounds would explode nearby... That was the Soviet artillery deployed on the other side of the Volga River. This was the Soviet artillery fire at Stalinger. The only thing that has an advantage in the Le direction.

The reason is that the Soviet artillery on the east bank of the Volga River has very free logistics and also has many artillery pieces that cannot be transported across the river.

In fact, the Soviet army did not need to transport artillery across the river at all, because their artillery could hit Stalingrad directly from the east bank. As mentioned before, Stalingrad is only five kilometers deep to the east and west.

This made the Soviet army have more artillery than the German army and more artillery shells than the German army. In the artillery battle, the Soviet army was once suppressed and unable to move. In the end, it could only keep a distance away from the Soviet artillery range and only target Stalingrad... That is to say, the enemy's and our artillery are outside each other's range, but they can all hit Stalingrad, and Stalingrad will only suffer.

With a "boom", there was a sudden explosion in the darkness.

This explosion was obviously not an artillery shell but a landmine, because there was a scream right afterward... The Germans deployed "S"-shaped jumping mines. As long as one detonated, it would injure several surrounding enemies.

But the screams soon turned into some inconspicuous whimpers, and then gradually faded away.

That was when the Soviets, fearful of exposing their target, covered the mouths of the wounded and sent them away.

In fact, they didn't need to do this at all, because the German army was more defensive at night, especially after using "lattice tactics", it was less likely to attack at night.

"Bang bang!" Several gunshots came from the rear, followed by several grenade explosions.

The soldiers with quick intelligence came to Qinchuan one by one: "The enemy's tunnel entrance has been found and has been blocked!"

Soon another such order came, and five tunnel entrances were discovered one after another.

It can also be seen that the tunnel entrance is actually very difficult to block, because it has not even been dug when the German soldiers searched, and there is no trace of it from the outside, just like the German army did in Holm.

However, due to the tight defense of the German soldiers and the fact that they all lay down in the dark and attacked targets that moved or stood up when they saw them, these Soviet infiltration units failed one after another.

Qin Chuan thought that the Soviet attack would start soon, but after waiting for a long time, there was no movement at all.

After thinking about it, Qin Chuan understood that the Soviet army's attack was a combination of internal penetration and external attack. If there was no internal chaos in the German army, which meant that they failed to penetrate successfully, the Soviet army would also choose to stand still in order to preserve its strength. After all, military strength is also a valuable resource for the Soviet army, especially Stalingrad.

Then, Qin Chuan issued an order: "Let some personnel shoot and shout a few times, pretending to be in a melee!"

Eberhard couldn't help but be startled when he heard this, and then quickly understood what Qin Chuan meant and passed on the order.

A few minutes later, Kuhn was heard shouting from behind: "Enemy, shoot!"

Amidst the gunfire, someone shouted again: "No, we are our own! Don't shoot!"

"That's the enemy over there!"

"Asshole, hold on!" Kuhn ordered loudly: "Don't shoot randomly!"

After several explosions, there was another scream.

If Qin Chuan hadn't personally given the order, I'm afraid even he would have been deceived by them... I didn't realize that these usually serious German soldiers really had acting talent.

Of course, the Soviet army ambushing in the front would not miss this opportunity, so shouts of killing suddenly broke out in the darkness, and mortar shells rained down on the German defense lines... The Soviet army was indeed fooled.

Several flares rose into the air, and groups of Soviet soldiers suddenly appeared in the originally deserted ruins. They were holding rifles or Bobosha submachine guns in their hands. They were only a hundred or even dozens of meters away from the German defense line. , swarms of ants rushed toward the Germans under the cover of artillery fire.

It is no wonder that the German army could not withstand the Soviet attack. If it were at other times, during such times of internal and external troubles, the German army would soon be trapped in hand-to-hand combat and close combat with the Soviet army.

Of course, this does not mean that the Soviet army will definitely win in hand-to-hand combat and close combat.

In fact, because the quality of the German soldiers was superior to that of the Soviet soldiers, they also had advantages in hand-to-hand combat.

The problem is that hand-to-hand combat will weaken the German army's advantages in equipment and quality, so the German army will not be able to maintain the same disparity in casualty ratios as on the northern defense line... When the Soviet army launches an attack on the northern defense line, it is common for the enemy-to-enemy casualty ratio to be 10 to 1. thing.

From this point of view, as long as the Soviet army can fight hand-to-hand combat, it is a victory, even if it loses a battle with 2 to 1 or even 3 to 1 casualties.

Of course, the Soviet army will not be so relaxed this time.

Landmines exploded one after another, causing the entire charging Soviet army to slow down.

Then Qin Chuan shouted: "Fire!"

The German soldiers lying on the defensive line each pulled the trigger on the target they selected.

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