A flare shot into the air, the tank was approaching.

The British tanks increased their horsepower and rushed towards the port as fast as possible, but infantry tanks were infantry tanks. Even at the fastest speed, they still seemed to be moving. The British soldiers following them only had to jog all the way. Keep up.

The British believed that tanks were auxiliaries to infantry, so they slowed down the tanks to adapt to the infantry. On the contrary, the Germans believed that infantry was an auxiliary to tanks, so they let infantry ride on cars and motorcycles to adapt to the speed of tanks.

Facts also proved that the Germans were right. They used their victories on the battlefield time and time again to mock opponents who slowed down their tanks to adapt to their infantry.

A flare shot into the air, and the tank was closing in again.

Qin Chuan couldn't help but think in his mind, if the British did not attack step by step like before, but used armored vehicles to form a fast detachment to launch a sudden attack on the port...

The speed of this kind of light armored vehicle can reach 70 yards, which will prevent the German army from having any time to react. The British will be able to sieve all the German soldiers into a sieve at the first time and then successfully occupy the port.

Fortunately, the British did not do this. They were more keen on the "insurance" or "rigid" attack method, otherwise Qin Chuan would have become a corpse by now.

Another flare shot into the air and the tank came closer.

Under the bright light of the flare, Qin Chuan could even see the driver's observation hole in the center of the tank.

The British commander poked half of his head from the top of the turret and looked forward with only his eyes exposed... The tank was advancing in the dark and had to coordinate with the infantry, which forced the commander to do this to maintain the tank's formation.

Qin Chuan's finger on the trigger couldn't help but tighten, but in the end he still didn't fire... He had to wait for Bazel's order.

Finally, Bazel, who had been observing the enemy with a telescope, shouted to Qin Chuan from across the street: "Frick, show them how powerful you are!"

Qinchuan immediately understood Bazel's intention. He wanted Qinchuan to make a good start to stimulate the morale of the German soldiers... The German soldiers really needed this at this time, because the enemies were much more numerous than them and their equipment was poor. Much better, most of them, including Qin Chuan, thought they were dead.

So everyone turned their attention to Qinchuan, and some people looked at the German army on the opposite side, guessing which British army Qinchuan would choose as a target.

"Don't be soft, sergeant!" Werner added softly.

Qin Chuan felt an unprecedented pressure, but he quickly controlled his mood, took a deep breath and aimed at the target. His index finger continued to apply pressure on the trigger, and then with a "bang", a bullet went straight to the opposite side. .

The bullet hit a tank commander who popped up. Due to gravity, he immediately fell down and disappeared, leaving only a red and white mixture on the rear hatch.

"Hit!" the soldiers shouted.

"Fire!" Bazel ordered loudly at this moment.

In response, the soldiers raised their weapons and fired at the British troops. The bullets hit the tank armor and made a "clang" sound of gold and iron. The sparks from the impact were particularly obvious in the darkness.

The British army also began to fight back. The tanks' parallel machine guns spewed flames outwards, and the British soldiers hiding behind the tanks also continued to lean out and shoot.

Although the two sides fought fiercely, the hit rate was actually very low... The firepower of the German army could hardly pose a threat to the British army protected by tanks. The British tanks and armored vehicles were firing indiscriminately because of their limited field of vision and poor visibility.

This gave Qin Chuan an opportunity. He shot down the emerging tank commanders one after another... Those tank commanders didn't notice this at first, until Qin Chuan took aim at the fifth target. Only then did they realize the danger, so they hid in the tank one after another and closed the hatch.

But this obviously added a lot of pressure to the tank crew... The tank at this time was not equipped with night vision goggles, and all the crew members hiding in the gaps between the flares were blinded, not only the machine gunner, but also the driver. Members don't know if they have deviated from the direction.

What's even more frightening is that in the darkness, they don't know when a shell or an anti-tank grenade will be fired from the opposite side, blowing them and the tank into a ball of flames.

"Keep going!" Major William, the commando leader, shouted from behind. At this time, he had realized that the battle was not as easy as he and Major General Evans had imagined.

"Flare bombs!" Following Major William's order, several illumination bombs rose into the sky.

In an instant, the German position was illuminated, and Qin Chuan was dazzled before he could close his eyes.

The British army took advantage of this moment to open fire, and bullets from tanks, machine guns, and various firearms in the hands of the soldiers came like raindrops.

A shell exploded in front of the anti-tank gun...An anti-tank gun is always the first enemy tank to attack the target, because it is the only equipment of the opponent that can threaten the tank at a long distance.

Fortunately, the shell did not hit the anti-tank gun. This may be because the enemy gunner could not aim accurately in the dark... It is difficult for the gunner in the tank to judge the distance of the target, especially in the dark, and it is often difficult to hit the target. Requires luck.

But a piece of shrapnel exploded by the shell passed over Qinchuan's head and passed at a tricky angle across the abdomen of a German soldier who was shooting against the wall... Qinchuan could even hear the shrapnel tearing open his clothes, or so to speak. It's the tearing sound the belly makes.

The soldier watched with disbelief as his intestines rolled out and fell to the ground, just like a package dropped on the ground. Because the temperature was low in the early morning, these intestines were still steaming.

The soldier slowly knelt down and tried to stuff them back in a sluggish manner, but fell to the ground unconscious before he could move twice.

"Fire!" Bazel shouted to the anti-tank gunner.

After a few "boom" sounds, the five anti-tanks immediately fired artillery shells at the locked target. Three of the five shells hit the target, which was good enough for infantry without professional training.

But the results were disappointing. Except for one shot that happened to hit the track of the tank and immobilized it, the other two shots bounced away.

"What's going on?!" Bazel shouted.

Qinchuan soon discovered the reason. Compared with the "Matilda" tank, the "Valentin" tank's front armor has a greater inclination angle, which makes its armor thickness slightly lower than that of the "Matilda" tank. But it is more likely to ricochet and also increases the physical thickness.

Then another batch of anti-tank shells were fired. At this time, one tank was fortunately destroyed, but the other tanks were still "rumbling" and approaching the German army step by step.

"We can't stop them!" Kuhn shouted, "They're coming!"

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