But this feeling is very short-lived and illusory.

Ten minutes later, when the bombardment suddenly stopped, both sides jumped up and rushed towards the identifiable targets.

However, this battle ended quickly, because there were much fewer Soviets than the Germans, and the Germans still had MP43s in their hands. This meant that as long as one German soldier stood on the outside, he could leisurely attack one by one with MP43s. Kill Soviet soldiers.

"Russians!" Alfredo shouted viciously at the remaining Soviet soldiers in the trenches: "Hands up!"

The Soviet soldiers dropped their submachine guns and rifles and raised their hands.

While cleaning the battlefield, Qin Chuan finally discovered the location of the Soviet anti-tank gun... It was hidden behind a broken wall. The Soviet soldiers used broken cement boards to build a camouflage in front, leaving only a face. The large mouth serves as a perforation, and its existence is completely invisible from the opposite side.

Of course, at this time, it had been blown to one side and there were several corpses of Soviet gunners nearby. It was not known whether it was the "masterpiece" of German artillery or Soviet artillery fire.

Werner spat at the tank gun and cursed: "We lost three tanks just because of this gun!"

This behavior seems normal, but in fact it makes no sense... From the Soviet point of view, should they still stand there without fighting back and wait for the Germans to come up and deal with them?

Of course, Qin Chuan would not say anything from the German perspective.

The good news is that when Dominic and a few people were searching the building, they discovered a Soviet field kitchen in the basement. The cooking soldiers surrendered voluntarily, so they seized the millet porridge that had just been cooked in the kitchen.

The Soviet cooks were surprised to find that the German soldiers lined up in front of them with lunch boxes, as if the Germans were their prisoners and were begging for food from them.

But this beautiful soap bubble soon burst. The Germans shouted viciously at the bewildered cooks: "Hurry up, Ivan, serve us porridge!"

The German attack in other directions was somewhat different from that of the 1st Infantry Regiment. They still used planes and artillery bombs in a meticulous manner, and then charged towards the Soviet defense line under the cover of tanks.

All this was under the observation of Chuikov's telescope... In order to clearly see the German attack, he risked climbing to the tallest building on Pushkin Street: the Stalingrad Bank Building.

Chuikov noticed that German close air support deteriorated as the infantry advanced or the terrain changed. Although the German "Stuka" dive bomber is far more accurate and more powerful than high-altitude bombers because of its high-speed dive bombing, the "Stuka" bomber has extremely limited control over the precise landing point of the bomb. Therefore, German bombers were less willing to drop bombs on targets close to friendly forces unless there was a large and clearly visible target.

Needless to say, the reason for this is that the German army was accidentally bombed by its own bombers during the previous attack. In addition, if the weather is bad and the visibility is poor, it will be difficult for the pilot to determine the target in the air flying at high speed.

So after Chuikov returned to the underground headquarters... Chuikov's headquarters was located on Pushkin Street. It was an underground shelter converted from a basement. There was a 30-foot-thick soil layer above it. There were dozens of rooms for the use of the army headquarters personnel. . This underground shelter was called the "Tsaritsyn Caves" by the Soviets and was originally used as a headquarters for the front army.

(Note: Stalingrad’s original name was Tsaritsyn)

Chuikov stared at the map under the light for a while, then nodded slightly and said: "I think I have found a tactic to fight them during the day!"

"What?" Krylov couldn't believe it.

"We are frightened by the enemy, Comrade Krylov!" Chuikov said: "We always think that the enemy is strong during the day, so we have to stay away from them so that we have time and space to block them!"

"Isn't it?" Krylov asked doubtfully.

"Of course not!" Chuikov shook his head and said: "Because doing so will give the Germans space to attack us... I mean, if our defense line is two hundred meters or more away from the Germans, then the Germans will You can use planes, artillery and tanks to bombard us as much as you like! Not only will we not be able to defend our defenses, we will suffer a lot of casualties under their bombing, and these will be meaningless casualties!”

After a pause, Chuikov continued: "But if we push the defense line forward to only 100 meters, 50 meters, or even closer to the Germans..."

Krylov couldn't help but open his mouth when he heard Chuikov's words.

This was unthinkable before, because the German army had an advantage over the Soviet army in terms of equipment and quality. Pushing the defense line in front of the German army was almost like seeking death.

But Chuikov didn't think so.

"In this way!" Chuikov continued: "The enemy's Stuka bombers and artillery will not dare to attack our army, unless they will blow up their own troops together. If they really do this, it will still be beneficial to us. of!"

Chuikov was right. If he could exchange one life for another, the Soviet army would choose to exchange it without hesitation.

"But even so, the enemy still has tanks, Comrade Chuikov!" Krylov said.

"Yes, tanks!" Chuikov nodded: "That is indeed a headache, but if the enemy and we are in the same building, or even in the same room, do you think the German tanks know where to hit? "

Krylov couldn't help but nodded after hearing this.

In other words, the troops should push forward as much as possible, use the cover of buildings and ruins to engage in close combat and melee with the Germans, and launch counterattacks against the Germans as before... They should take action whether during the day or at night, unless the enemy constitutes The threat was so great that the Soviet army had no choice.

"At the same time!" Chuikov thought for a while, then continued: "We should conduct dispersed group operations!"

"Group combat?" This once again stunned Krylov.

The previous consensus of the Soviet army was that the quality and firepower of the German army were superior to the Soviet army, so if the Soviet army wanted to defeat the enemy, it must invest more and denser troops.

But Chuikov now talks about "group operations". Wouldn't this be defeated by the German army one by one?

"Yes, group operations!" Chuikov nodded firmly: "We are no longer units like the previous battalions and regiments, but a group of ten to twenty people, occupying every corner of every building, even through tunnels, The sewers go into their backs!"

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