At three o'clock in the morning, Qin Chuan was woken up by Eberhard.

Qin Chuan looked at his watch and looked at Eberhard in confusion. He remembered that the attack time was five o'clock, that is, after dawn... The German army with air superiority usually launched its attack at dawn, and this time was no exception.

"What happened?" Qin Chuan asked, knowing that something must have happened.

"I think you need to handle this matter, Major!" After walking out of the bunker, Qin Chuan found that there were more than a dozen German soldiers waiting for him outside.

Looking carefully, there is a body on the ground, and a tied German soldier next to it.

"What's going on?" Qin Chuan asked.

After Eberhard's narration, Qin Chuan learned that the soldier under control was named Herbert, and the body on the ground was that of a corporal named Goldman. The two of them were comrades in the third company and one platoon.

It was not a big deal at first. Herbert stole a package from the transport truck and enjoyed the cigarettes and food in the package alone.

Of course, this is not allowed in the German army, which is not very well-supplied. Otherwise, the whole army will become shameful thieves. The troops fighting on the front line will never get sufficient supplies and will only starve.

Even if this is the case, the punishment will not be too severe.

The reason is that this is a battlefield, and officers often have nothing to do with these soldiers who make mistakes.


He doesn't have to go to the battlefield anymore.

corporal punishment?

There were too many bumps and bruises on the battlefield, and two punches were nothing to them.

More importantly, Herbert will be punished in an honorary manner, that is, demerit, withdrawal of medals, etc.

But then it unexpectedly developed into a vicious incident.

Goldman happened to see Herbert stealing and told Herbert while the two were standing guard together: "You should return or hand over the stolen goods immediately, otherwise I will report this to my superiors!"

This made Herbert a little distracted, and then he thought of an idea.

When Goldman wasn't paying attention, he quickly ran to the machine gun point, turned the muzzle and fired a burst of shots at Goldman, and then threw a few grenades... This machine gun was reserved for sentries to use in emergencies. There are also several unscrew cap grenades.

Herbert claimed to the German soldiers who arrived later that a few Soviet guerrillas had seized machine guns and killed his comrades.

But the problem is... Goldman was only seriously injured. He briefly regained consciousness before dying and told the military doctor the truth.

Qin Chuan couldn't help being shocked after hearing what happened. He looked at Herbert with disbelief and said, "I thought we were all brothers sharing life and death!"

Herbert replied: "Indeed we are, sir..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Chuan kicked him to the ground: "You pointed the gun at him and pulled the trigger to kill him, and you called yourself your brother!"

"You're a disgrace to us, you bastard!"

Qin Chuan cursed and tried his best to greet Herbert.

At this moment, Qin Chuan almost collapsed, just like the crazy soldier on the battlefield, because he felt that he could no longer stand this dark place. Not only did he have to face threats from the enemy, but he also had to be careful of his own plots in the rear. . If possible, Qin Chuan just wants to go as far as he can and leave this ghost place forever.

Thinking about it afterwards, Qin Chuan thought that he was in a state of losing his mind and venting his negative emotions.

Because this is just a very rare case, and in some ways it is normal... There are still vicious murders in a peaceful society, not to mention the soldiers who are on the battlefield fighting and killing all day long. They encounter problems. They are used to using guns to solve problems, especially when they have to bear such heavy pressure.

"Sir!" Herbert, covered in blood, struggled to get up from the ground and said, "I hope you can give me a chance to die on the battlefield!"

"No, Herbert!" Qin Chuan refused without thinking: "You won't have this opportunity!"

He raised his head and asked the German soldiers to take Herbert down.

Qin Chuan believed that Herbert really wanted to die on the battlefield. Maybe he would be brave on the battlefield and would support a few Soviet people before he died.

From this aspect, Qin Chuan should probably give him this opportunity, because the battlefield is all about interests.

But in the battlefield, sometimes even if you want to choose a way to die, you can't do it.

Because for Qinchuan, or for the 1st Infantry Regiment and even the entire German army, military discipline is far more important than the results that Herbert may create.

As a result, the 1st Infantry Regiment lined up in front of the military camp half an hour in advance. Colonel Sline read out Herbert's charges in public and sentenced him to death.

Then, the military judge of the regiment and several military policemen pushed Herbert up. Although it was not yet dawn, everyone could see his pale face and staggering steps under the weak flashlight light. .

Without the slightest pause, the gendarme tied him to a stake that had been set up in advance and covered his eyes with a blindfold.

The chaplain stepped forward and whispered something in his ear. Although he couldn't hear clearly, he knew that the Lord would forgive his sins. If this could alleviate his inner guilt before he died, that would be a good thing.

But everyone knew that this would not have any effect, because there had been precedents of being tortured with shame like this before... Berg.

In order to serve as a warning, the army will list them as typical examples in the team or even as counterexamples when teaching new recruits.

Of course, I won't say so-and-so in detail when using it as a counterexample, but that's enough.

Herbert obviously knew that he would become one of them, and he lowered his head and began to cry softly.

But this did not stop the firing squad from proceeding.

"stand at attention!"


The firing squad raised their guns in unison with the command, and then pulled the trigger at the command.

"Bang bang..." After the gunshots, there were bullet holes in Herbert's chest with blood gushing out.

The crying stopped and he slumped against the rope, his consciousness and strength, or soul, leaving his body.

After a few seconds, the military doctor walked up to check. Although seriously injured, he still had a pulse, so he looked at the military judge standing nearby.

The military judge walked over, raised the loaded Ruger pistol, and shot Herbert in the temple at close range.

Needless to say, when the military doctor went up to check again, he had no pulse. In fact, the extra shot was unnecessary, as the pulse would have disappeared after just a few seconds.

The last shot was more of a shock to all the soldiers watching the execution, warning them to obey the rules at all times.

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