The decisive battle against the Third Reich

Chapter 759 Transportation Major General

"General!" Qin Chuan took the phone and identified himself.

"Major!" Major General Lex said on the other end of the phone: "I admire your victory on the battlefield, but as soldiers we must abide by military discipline, and violations must be severely punished. Lieutenant Biedermann may have his Contribution, but that doesn't excuse him from punishment, don't you think so, Major?"

Major General Lex emphasized his tone when he said the word "major".

Qin Chuan knew what Major General Lex meant. On the surface, he was saying that Biedermann could not disobey orders on the grounds of his contribution, but in fact, what he was saying was that Qin Chuan was proud of his victory on the battlefield.

To a certain extent, Qinchuan and Biedermann did disobey orders as Major General Lex said... Biederman did not follow Major General Lex's order to throw away his pipe, and Qinchuan did not follow Major General Lex's order. Biedermann was ordered to be surrendered.

From a general point of view, it is the duty of soldiers to obey orders, that is, they must obey regardless of whether the order is reasonable or not, so it is indeed Qin Chuan and Biedermann who are wrong.

This made Qin Chuan feel sick, because some incompetent officers could always whitewash their narrow-minded ways of revenge into military regulations, and then shamelessly stand on the moral high ground and demand others to obey.

Apparently Major General Lex is one of them.

"Sorry, General!" Of course Qin Chuan would not let Lex take advantage. He replied: "What Biederman did was indeed wrong, so I warned him sternly... In the army, especially on the battlefield, it is important to To win the respect of others, he must have real ability, otherwise he will not be able to survive on the battlefield!"

Conrad couldn't help but give a thumbs up when he heard these words.

Like Major General Lex, these words are superficially talking about Biederman, but they are actually talking about Lex.

Of course Major General Lex would understand what Qin Chuan meant.

He was silent for a while and then replied: "Very good, Major, we will see you later!"

With that said, he hung up the phone.

After Qin Chuan hung up the phone, he said incredulously: "How did a person like him become a major general?"

"Major General Lex's full name is von Lex!" Conrad replied.

Qin Chuan couldn't help but say "Oh". People with the word "Feng" were basically from noble families. They received good education from childhood and entered the military academy to study, and then it was easier to obtain high military ranks.

"Let him go!" Qin Chuan said. He still didn't take it to heart because he thought that as a nobleman, Major General Lex should have such grace and magnanimity.

On the other hand, Qin Chuan believed that on this battlefield where we share the same hatred and hatred, we really shouldn't be unhappy with each other over such a trivial matter.

But it turns out that Qin Chuan still underestimated the character of Major General Lex who was determined to take revenge and end up in trouble.

A few days later, Alexander found Qin Chuan and Colonel Slain.

"I have to tell you that our training may not be able to continue!" Alexander said.

"What? What's going on?" Colonel Sline asked.

"They said that because of the intense war, there was insufficient fuel supply!" Alexander replied: "We only have enough fuel for two days!"

"What a ridiculous reason is this!" Colonel Slain yelled: "We are next to the Baku oil field, and we are actually running out of fuel? Who told you this?!"

"Kinov Fort Command!" Alexander replied: "They are responsible for our logistics!"

Colonel Slaine left the training at hand and walked to the headquarters.

Qin Chuan seemed to understand something and chased after him a few steps and said, "Colonel, I think this is not a problem of insufficient fuel!"

"What's the problem?"

"I have offended Major General Lex!" Qin Chuan replied: "The commander of the 192nd Infantry Division is also the supreme commander of Fort Kinov!"

Colonel Slaine couldn't help but be stunned.

Then Qin Chuan told Colonel Slain the whole thing.

"Damn Major General!" Colonel Slain couldn't help but yelled after hearing this: "He is just a 'transportation major general'. All they need to do is blow the sea breeze and drink red wine here, and then deal with the guerrillas. dare……"

Colonel Slaine was so angry that he turned pale and could not speak.

The 'transportation major general' that Colonel Slain said was a contemptuous term for the logistics support force... The German army was fighting on the soil of the Soviet Union, and it was inevitable that they would be attacked by guerrillas during the transportation process.

At the same time, this kind of guerrilla group is quite special. Many of them are organized by regular troops, and there are many veterans among them. Some of them are quite good because they received assistance from the Soviet army.

These guerrilla security divisions are unable to deal with them, and several regular troops are often needed to ensure the safety of railways and highways.

The troops responsible for these tasks are often troops with poor combat effectiveness, so the German army nicknamed them transport troops.

Major General Lex's 192nd Division is such a force, and what Qin Chuan said last time seemed to hit Major General Lex's pain point. This time, he used the lack of fuel as an excuse to intervene.

For this reason, Major General Lex also made a series of excuses. For example, the First Infantry Regiment used aviation fuel, and the frontline aviation fuel was in short supply and needed to be reserved. He even thought about how to answer the questions from the First Infantry Regiment.

Like I said before, you can always find an excuse if you put your mind to it.

For example, when considering the need to reserve fuel for a much to reserve and how long to reserve it, it's all about how much. There is no standard, and it can be whatever Major General Lex says.

But what Major General Lex didn't expect was that the First Infantry Regiment didn't call back at all.

This made Major General Lex a little confused. Does the First Infantry Regiment not need this fuel?

Just then the phone rang, and Major General Lex couldn't help but feel proud that the secret passage had finally come.

He deliberately waited for the ringing for a while before answering the phone, but to Major General Lex's surprise, the voice of Commander-in-Chief of Army Group South von Manstein came from the other end of the phone.

(Note: The former Army Group Commander von Bock was ordered to retire by Hitler because he disagreed with Hitler during the attack on Stalingrad and did not act according to Hitler's orders. Manstein took over as Army Group Commander because of his outstanding performance)

"General!" Manstein asked, "How is our fuel situation?"

"Your Majesty Marshal!" Major General Lex stepped forward and replied: "We have enough fuel!"

"So... what they said is true?" Manstein said: "The story about Second Lieutenant Biedermann!"

Lex felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave when he heard this. He did not expect that during the time he was waiting, this matter had gone straight to the army group headquarters.

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