If any students feel that the Italian army is not weak in combat capability, they can check the history of World War II on their own.

I think there is a very bad phenomenon in the current social atmosphere, that is, some people always think that being different is the truth, and believe that everything has an inside story. For example, everyone thinks that the Italian army is not good at fighting, and suddenly there are Someone jumps out and says that this is not the case, what the truth is, and so on... Only in this way can we attract attention. But the facts are there. Soldiers always write books based on consulting a large amount of information. It cannot be said that every battle has a background of actual combat. If you have any questions, please supplement the information by yourself. Thank you!

"It seems that we have no choice but to defend here!" Bazel glanced at Colonel Slaine and said, "Colonel, don't worry! We will not let the British get any supplies, including those left by the Italians. The supplies below!”

"Italian supplies?" Colonel Slain was curious.

"Yes!" Bazel said: "We found some equipment left by the Italians in the warehouse. This was once a port for the Italians, wasn't it?"

Colonel Slain couldn't help but said "Oh", and then said with a smile: "The Italians must have left all their supplies to the British!"

"Are there military uniforms and helmets among these supplies?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Yes!" Bazel nodded: "The British moved everything they could use, such as fuel and food, to the front line, and the rest is this garbage!"

There was a roar of laughter from the officers, who were always proud to be in front of the Italian army.

Only Colonel Slain felt that Qin Chuan's question was not that simple, so he asked: "Is there any problem with this, Sergeant?"

"No, no...no problem!" Qin Chuan said, "I was just wondering if the British would still attack if we had reinforcements!"

"What do you mean?" Colonel Slaine looked at Qin Chuan in confusion: "Of course they will attack!"

"I don't think so!" Qin Chuan said: "If we have enough reinforcements, then the British attack will become an adventure."

"Explain it!" Colonel Slain raised his head towards Qin Chuan.

"You must know that Tobruk's defense line is very strong!" Qin Chuan explained: "We control the warehouse and have sufficient ammunition supplies. If we have enough troops... we can pour a large number of bullets and artillery shells at the enemy, including counterattacks. Tank shells, and the British 'Matilda' tank obviously cannot withstand such an attack!"

All the officers Qin Chuan said can understand that this does not mean that German artillery fire can penetrate the "Matilda" tank. In fact, the British anti-tank guns can hardly penetrate the "Matilda" at close range. frontal armor.

The problem is... "Matilda" has a high failure rate in high temperature environments, especially when the British army attacks in the afternoon when the temperature is the highest... If there is fierce artillery fire at this time, not to mention other things, Even making the ground rugged is enough for "Matilda" to eat a pot.

"Therefore!" Qinchuan continued: "If we have sufficient troops, the British army has every reason to believe that the possibility of them taking Tobruk is very low. If they attack by force, they will face a large number of infantry crossing the faulty tanks and heading towards us. machine gun position attack, and this proved to be ineffective!”

"Like the Battle of the Somme!" said Kuhn.

The Battle of the Somme was a classic battle that took place in World War I. In this battle, the German army deployed a Maxim machine gun every 100 meters, killing more than 100,000 British troops charging in groups within six days. ...Since then, cluster charges have been considered ineffective, thus completely rewriting the army's offensive tactics.

"In other words!" Qin Chuan nodded and continued: "In this case, the British have to consider whether they can capture Tobruk in a short time, otherwise they will be defeated by the main force led by General Rommel. The troops are completely surrounded... and if they don't choose to attack, they still have time and enough fuel to escape. I mean, they can leave the tanks and save the fuel for the cars, which will be a series. Increase their marching speed..."

"The problem is that we don't have enough troops!" Bazel interrupted Qin Chuan: "The fact is that we only have more than a thousand people, and many of them are wounded who have lost the ability to fight. They can trample them to death like an ant. us!"

There is no doubt about this. Two armored divisions will fight against a thousand exhausted German troops, and the main force of the British army will continue to come... So what Bazel said is absolutely true. The British army almost only needs Tobruk can be captured with a single charge, and it won't take more than an hour.

But the crux of the matter is not here.

"I know!" Qin Chuan replied: "But what if the British think our reinforcements have arrived?"

Hearing this, the officers couldn't help but look at each other.

After a long time, Bazel said: "If the British think that our reinforcements have arrived, then they will probably give up the attack and choose to escape!"

"So what we have to do is make the British believe that our reinforcements have arrived!" Kuhn continued.

"But how can we make the British believe it!" Lucas said: "Their air force has driven away the reinforcements, and they may even send reconnaissance planes to follow them all the way!"

The adjutant is right, the British are not so easily fooled, and the British Air Force also has the conditions... The "Mosquito" reconnaissance aircraft can fly continuously in the air for more than ten hours, so the British will not be so easily fooled.

So the officers turned their attention to Qin Chuan again.

Qin Chuan replied: "They can see warships on the surface, but they can't see submarines underwater!"

"But the Italians didn't send a submarine at all!" Lucas objected.

The officers looked at Lucas like a monster, and Lucas asked in confusion: "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, Lucas!" Colonel Slain said: "You didn't say anything wrong, you just didn't understand it clearly. The point is that the British don't know whether the Italians have sent a submarine, and we won't let them know! "

"This is a good idea!" Bazel said: "We can claim to the outside world that submarines have sent reinforcements, and we are blocking the port. No one knows whether there are really submarines!"

"Italian military uniforms and helmets can be used!" Kuhn said: "We can let our soldiers wear those military uniforms and helmets, and even carry Italian Mannlicher rifles. March through Tobruk in neat formation to reinforce the defense!"

Qin Chuan nodded and added: "We can make some dummies on the battlefield and let them wear Italian helmets and Italian military uniforms..."

"Then our soldiers return to the port and walk again, and there is another batch of reinforcements!"

"Yes, just like General Rommel fooled the British in Tripoli with fake tanks!"

"Can we fool the British?" Bazel asked worriedly.

"We have no choice, don't we?" Colonel Slain said, "Besides, it wouldn't hurt to try!"

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