"Ha, Lieutenant Colonel!" General Baker followed his usual style of pouring cold water: "Do you mean that everything we do must be based on your ME163, which we don't know what the outcome will be?"

"Why not?" Qin Chuan asked, "All this seems to have no loss to you!"

The officers in the study fell silent after hearing this, including Baker.

Qin Chuan made it very clear that the rebel organization would not succeed in overthrowing Hitler's rule in a short time or even launch.

In fact, historically they did not launch the bomb attack to assassinate Hitler until July 20, 1944, which was still one year and eight months away.

So why can't they try another path before that?

If this road fails, that is, the development of ME163 fails, and the German army cannot stop the Allies on the Maginot Line, it will not be too late to try to overthrow Hitler.

If it can be blocked, that means the German army still has hope of victory, then why not? Even if it wants to negotiate with the Allies, this is the capital for Germany to negotiate with the Allies. Otherwise...if the Germans have no power to fight back, the Allies will only ask Germany to surrender rather than sit down at the negotiating table.

After discussing for a while, General Baker nodded and said: "You have convinced us, Lieutenant Colonel! Now, we should discuss how to subtly influence the head of state to develop in the strategic direction we have formulated!"

"It is not difficult to convince the head of state to transform the Maginot Line!" Major General Teleskov said: "The head of state will always have a sense of insecurity. We can tell him...Germany needs to make use of the Maginot Line to prevent There is no danger of defending the Atlantic Wall after it is breached by the enemy!"

"Yes!" Grisdorf agreed: "In this way, even if the Americans successfully land, they will not directly take over Germany in the open plains. The head of state is likely to agree to this plan. After all, it is transformation rather than construction and requires consumption. The manpower and material resources are nothing compared to the Atlantic Wall!”

"In addition, we also need to reserve supplies at the Maginot Line!" Qinchuan said: "It includes food, ammunition, fuel, and of course weapons and equipment!

"We can do it!" Teleskov replied: "If the head of state agrees to the plan to transform the Maginot Line, we can legitimately reserve supplies on the Maginot Line. We can even store supplies on the Maginot Line Building an underground arsenal somewhere nearby, such as in the Alps, can greatly reduce the defense line's dependence on logistics! "

"We still need to build a tank fort!" Qin Chuan said: "There may be many tanks, armored vehicles and cars that need to be hidden!"

"This is not a problem!" Teleskov nodded: "This defense line has a large area of ​​mountainous terrain. As long as we build tunnel fortifications on the reverse slope of the mountainous terrain, we can effectively hide the armored troops!"

"These equipment troops can become the main force of our counterattack at any time!" Colonel Grisdorf looked at Qinchuan with admiration in his eyes.

"Yes!" Qin Chuan nodded, and then said: "In addition to mass production of helicopters, we also need a piece of equipment..."

"What? ME163?" Major General Teleskov shook his head and said, "No, Lieutenant Colonel, ME163 is still under development!"

"No, it's not ME163!" Qin Chuan replied: "It's the Soviet 'Stalin Organ'!"

The officers couldn't help but look at each other.

"Why is it?" Grisdorf asked doubtfully: "We actually have our own rocket launcher, which is the Type 42 self-propelled rocket launcher..."

"I know!" Qin Chuan interrupted Colonel Grisdorf.

"Yes, of course you know!" Grisdorf replied, even more puzzled. He didn't understand why Qinchuan would suggest that the Germans would mass-produce rocket launchers when they had rocket launchers that were even more powerful than the Soviet rocket launchers. The imitation of Soviet rocket launchers hurt his self-esteem as a German.

But things on the battlefield are not for self-esteem, but for practicality.

"The caliber of our rocket launcher is 150MM, while the Soviets' caliber is 132MM!" Qin Chuan said.

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Grisdorf asked: "A larger caliber means more power!"

"But rocket launchers rely on quantity to cause coverage and damage to the enemy!" Qinchuan replied: "There are only two enemies in a certain area. The 150MM shells and the 132MM shells have the same effect. They both kill these two enemies. But our larger caliber artillery shells cause a waste of resources. Because of their larger caliber, one of our rocket launchers can only fire ten rockets, while the Soviet rocket launcher can fire sixteen!”

After a pause, Qin Chuan continued: "In addition, we use half-track vehicles, while the Soviet Union uses cars!"

Colonel Grisdorf once again raised his hand in confusion: "Half-track vehicles have better defense and off-road capabilities!"

"Indeed!" Qin Chuan replied: "But we don't need these!"

As he spoke, Qin Chuan pointed to the defense line and said: "What we need is to dig a cave in the high ground of the defense line, come out of the cave and fire quickly when performing a mission, and then drive back to the cave when the enemy's artillery reacts!"

Grisdorf couldn't help but suddenly realized after hearing this: "So we don't need defense and off-road capabilities!"

"Yes!" Qin Chuan replied: "What we need is cheap, mass-produced equipment that can launch all the rocket launchers and return to the cave in a short time!"

This is the way the volunteers used to deal with the US military on the battlefield to resist US aggression and aid Korea, and Qin Chuan will certainly not let it go.

"Sounds like what we need!" Grisdorf and Teleskov looked at each other and said, "This will make the enemy's artillery and aircraft unable to do anything to us. We should mass-produce such weapons. Rocket launcher!”

"Yes!" Teleskov agreed: "And our artillery seems to be able to do the same, but it can't fire a large number of shells in a short time like a rocket launcher!"

"Then we also need to relocate the industries in France as much as possible!" Qin Chuan continued.

"This..." Major General Teleskov hesitated for a moment and then replied: "We will probably have to wait until the Americans attack before we can do this!"

Qinchuan knew the reason. Hitler would not allow any form of retreat, including the withdrawal of factories, before the US military broke through the Atlantic Barrier.

"But we must at least be prepared!" Qin Chuan said, "Or we can move them to the south!"

"Yes, of course!" Grisdorf replied: "I will be responsible for contacting you in this regard. We can find some excuses, such as fear of being bombed, to relocate!"

Qin Chuan nodded, this is what he wants.

As the saying goes, "There are policies above and countermeasures below." Although Hitler's strategic direction was wrong, if all parties were prepared without Hitler's knowledge, the losses could be kept to a minimum.

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