Qin Chuan tried to pull out the bayonet, but failed twice because the kneeling body would be dragged forward and backward by the bayonet.

The correct approach should be to step on the corpse and pull out the bayonet. Qin Chuan actually knew this in his heart, but subconsciously refused to do so... He didn't know why, maybe because of the fear in his heart, maybe because of He felt an inexplicable sense of guilt, and he was unwilling to step on the corpse in front of him that had died under his own knife like firewood and then abandon it.

At that moment, Qin Chuan even wanted to drop his rifle and everything else.

Later, Qin Chuan felt terrified when he thought of this. This was a battlefield, and any hesitation or mistake could cost him his life. But at that moment, Qin Chuan committed both.

A British soldier took advantage of this moment and rushed forward with a bayonet drawn, fiercely, as if he wanted to avenge his comrades.

It was definitely too late for Qin Chuan to pull out the bayonet. In desperation, he could only throw the rifle with the corpse in the direction of the enemy... The butt of the gun made an arc and fell heavily on the British soldier's nose. Blood spattered and the British soldier The army's momentum could not help but slow down.

At this moment, Qin Chuan rushed forward and strangled the opponent's neck. In the flash of lightning, he saw another British soldier rushing up from the corner of his eye. Qin Chuan quickly hugged the British soldier and turned over to block himself. …

Qin Chuan only felt the British soldier on his body tremble suddenly as if he was surprised, and soon relaxed and stopped moving. This British soldier probably never expected that he would die in a friendly force. Under the bayonet.

The "murderer" who accidentally killed a friendly soldier did not hesitate at all. Although he knew that he had just accidentally killed one of his own, he stepped on the corpse very quickly and pulled out his bayonet, and then planned to give Qin Chuan a stabbing blow after he fell to the ground and was unable to fight back. .

But at this moment, a bayonet plunged into his neck with a "grazing" sound... Qin Chuan took a closer look, and it was Alfredo who saved him.

The submachine gun clicked again, and Werner and Keller had loaded the magazines in time.

However, the situation did not improve. After all, the German army only had one company rushing over, but the British army had at least one regiment. They rushed towards the German army from three directions in a steady stream, trying to drive the German army out and put them away like a tide. Fill this gap.

At this time, Qin Chuan noticed an anti-tank grenade on the ground, which should have been dropped by a German soldier in hand-to-hand combat.

Without thinking much, Qin Chuan picked up the anti-tank grenade and pulled out the safety pin. He shouted "get down" and threw the anti-tank grenade away.

There was a loud "boom", and the grenade hit the tail engine of the tank. It also exploded and caused all the British troops who rushed forward to fall to the ground. However, they soon discovered that lying on the ground was of no use because the tank quickly burned. , and even a ball of flames erupted from its rear, just like the flames ejected from the rear of a rocket. The flames burned a dozen nearby British soldiers into screaming burning men.

Secondly, these firemen were still running and jumping in the crowd of British troops. The British troops who were charging with all their strength could only avoid them one after another, thus giving the German troops a short respite.

Then Werner followed suit, grabbed an anti-tank grenade and threw it towards the "Crusader" tank in the other direction. There was another "boom", and the tank also caught fire without any surprise.

The engines and fuel tanks of tanks are generally rear-mounted, and most of the tanks of this era use gasoline. It is strange that they will not catch fire once they are blown through.

When Qin Chuan and others rushed into the enemy camp and fought desperately with the British army, the German army on the other side was stunned. Of course, this included the frontline commander Colonel Olbridge. He could not figure out what was going on. The defense line composed of tanks and soldiers could be broken through by infantry so easily, and these tanks were new types of tanks that he had never seen before.

Not only that, those infantrymen also used a company of troops to kill the British army into chaos, and then blew up two... no, three tanks.

Because just when Colonel Olbridge was surprised, another British tank turned into a ball of flames with an explosion.

"Colonel!" the adjutant asked from the side: "I have found out that they are the troops of the 1st Battalion and 2nd Company. The company commander is Captain Bazel. Do you need me to call them back?"

Colonel Albridge was stunned for a moment, and then replied with a complicated expression: "No, we should let all the troops rush forward like them!"

In fact, there was no need for Colonel Olbridge to say that at the next moment, the German troops along the entire line of defense launched an attack on the British army...to be precise, the infantry. Their attack method was similar to that of Bazel, hitting a ball in the middle. Discharge smoke grenades, and then launch a charge under the cover of 50MM mortars.

After such a rush, the German soldiers discovered that the enemy tanks were as posing no threat to them as a stone. If it was of any use, it was to build a nominal steel defense line in front of the British army.

The British defense line quickly collapsed. After realizing that their defeat was certain, the British infantry behind the tanks dropped their tanks and retreated like a tide, leaving only the "Crusader" tanks in place. I don't know what to do... Several "Crusaders" wanted to turn and escape with their speed advantage, but they were quickly destroyed by the Germans.

Without infantry cover, tanks can be said to have blind spots everywhere. Especially cruise tanks like the "Crusader" without heading machine guns, it is even more difficult to withstand infantry attacks, not to mention that there are German troops on the opposite side. No. 3 tank.

It didn't take long for the remaining "Crusader" tanks to open their hatches and raise their hands to surrender. They were worried that the Germans would target them if they surrendered too late. They even put white flags they found from nowhere out of their hatches. Shaking.

At the last count, there were actually 26 tanks that had surrendered. You must know that the British "Crusader" tanks only had 50 tanks in total, which means that there were more tanks that surrendered than those that were damaged in the battle.

As soon as the pressure on Qinchuan's side was relieved, the British troops that were rushing toward them like a tide suddenly disappeared. Qinchuan and his comrades couldn't believe it until they saw the German soldiers rushing over from both sides. cheered.

"We won, Sergeant!" Werner hugged Qin Chuan: "I can't believe it, we really won!"

"I thought we were definitely doomed this time!" The baker also joined in: "But Sergeant Frick, you saved us once again, saved us all!"

"I, I..." The excited Keller was speechless as usual.

"Forget it, Keller!" Werner laughed: "You just need to call it out!"

Sure enough, Keller shouted to the sky.

"Good advice, sergeant!" Bazel patted Qin Chuan on the shoulder: "It turns out you were right again, but the battle is not over yet, and it's not time to celebrate yet!"

"Yes, Captain!" Qin Chuan replied.

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