What is good for the US military also means bad for the German army. Especially the vast majority of those stationed on Chambier Island are logistics troops, so the prospect is worrying.

"We can reinforce Chambier Island!" Colonel Becker said anxiously in the headquarters: "Half of our ammunition is concentrated there, and it is also our rear. If it is occupied by the Americans, we will be completely surrounded. !”

"No, we can't do it!" Qinchuan replied: "Our three islands are isolated from each other by canals, and the interconnecting bridges have been blown up. This means that if we want to reinforce Shambil Island, we must cross two artificial rivers, and the Americans They won't allow us to do this, they will wipe us out in the river as soon as we cross, just like we did!"

"The lieutenant colonel is right!" Colonel Slain said: "What's more, they still have tanks. The Americans only need to put a few tanks on the river bank, and we will not be able to cross the river!"

"So... now we can only watch helplessly as the enemy attacks Chambord Island and cuts off our transportation lines?" Colonel Becker asked.

There was silence in the conference room, because the reality seemed to be like what Colonel Becker said, and the German army had nothing to do.

The key to this is that the German army does not have sufficient anti-tank equipment and does not have air superiority. In addition, the fortress does not have enough artillery. Therefore, although it is surrounded by natural danger, it cannot play its role at all...if it has enough artillery , or if the artillery in the fort had not been dismantled, just a burst of artillery fire from the three islands at the US tanks concentrated in the middle would have made them unable to eat.

"What are they doing now?" Colonel Slain asked: "I mean the Americans, why haven't they launched an attack yet?"

"They are repairing!" Qin Chuan replied: "Some of the amphibious tanks need maintenance, because their tents may have been penetrated by bullets or shrapnel, and it will be dangerous to enter the water again!"

"They don't need to worry!" Colonel Becker said, "We can't do anything to them!"

"How much ammunition do we have?" Colonel Sline asked again.

"There is still a lot of ammunition!" Colonel Becker replied: "But there is not much ammunition left!"

"What do you mean?" Colonel Slain asked.

"This was originally a French fortress!" Becker explained: "They stored a large number of artillery shells in underground warehouses, including anti-aircraft guns and howitzers, of various types! But... we only have artillery shells but no cannons!"

As mentioned before, most of the fortress's cannons were dismantled and used elsewhere. The remaining cannons were only used for teaching purposes. They were jointly suppressed by US aircraft and artillery in previous battles. At this time, they were There isn't much left to use.

This is a very embarrassing situation. There are countless artillery shells but they cannot be used. On the other hand, the weapons held by the German army are faced with the situation of having no ammunition available.

"How is the situation with the reinforcements?" Although he had no hope, Qin Chuan still asked reluctantly.

Colonel Slaine shook his head helplessly: "It's not that they don't send reinforcements, but that the Allied forces have air supremacy, and they use air supremacy to block us! If there are reinforcements, they can only arrive for a small amount of time at night. Partially... they plan to use helicopters to transport some troops nearby, and then use the darkness to reinforce us. But if Chambier Island falls, we won't even have this reinforcement!"

So the problem returned to Chambier Island again... It wasn't until it had problems that we discovered that it turned out to be so important.

At this moment, a burst of artillery fire suddenly came from outside the headquarters.

The officers looked at each other, knowing that the US military's attack on Chambier Island had begun.

Sure enough, the baker then called and said: "Lieutenant Colonel, the Americans have begun to attack, we need reinforcements!"

"Sorry, Lieutenant!" Qin Chuan replied: "You know, we can't provide reinforcements to you! You can only rely on yourself!"

Amidst the sound of gunfire, the baker on the other end of the phone said: "There must be a way, right? You must have a way!"

With that the baker hung up the phone.

The battle on Chambile Island was fierce, which could be heard from the intensive gunfire and artillery fire coming from that direction.

Qin Chuan, Colonel Slaine and others were anxiously waiting for the result in the headquarters, although there was no doubt about the result.

Finally, after more than half an hour, the sound of gunfire and artillery gradually subsided.

"Falled?" Colonel Becker asked.

However, surprise... the call came and it was the baker.

"Lieutenant Colonel!" said the baker: "We repelled their attack!"

There was a burst of cheers in the headquarters, although this was actually nothing to be happy about, because it was just a repelling of an Allied attack, and they would have a second and third time.

"We suffered more than 600 casualties!" The baker's next words shocked everyone.

The total strength of Chambile Island is only more than 3,000 people. If the battle continues like this, they will all be wiped out in a short time.

"They are accumulating ammunition!" said the baker: "I think it will be difficult for us to block their next attack."

"Wait!" Qin Chuan asked, "You said... they are accumulating ammunition?"

"Yes!" the baker replied: "Their ammunition must be transported from the west bank of the Moselle River, but they have amphibious transport ships, which is not a big problem for them!"

"Keep holding on, Lieutenant!" Qin Chuan replied: "I think I have figured out a way!"

When Qin Chuan put down the phone, Colonel Slain said doubtfully: "I hope you are not comforting him, Lieutenant Colonel!"

"No, of course not!" Qin Chuan replied.

"What can we do?" said Colonel Becker. "Attack their supply lines? As I said before, we can't do that because we have to cross the canal!"

Although the defense of Metz Fortress is strong, its disadvantage is that it cannot attack freely because of the existence of the "moat".

"No, we don't need to attack!"

"How can we cut off their supply lines without an attack?" Colonel Sline asked.

"I remember Colonel Becker just said..." Qin Chuan said: "We have many artillery shells in the warehouse!"

"Yes!" Colonel Becker replied: "But we don't have cannon!"

"We don't need cannons!" Qin Chuan replied.

"God, how can we shoot out those shells without cannons?" Colonel Becker asked Qin Chuan in a frantic manner: "Are we holding the shells and rushing towards the enemy?"

"Of course not!" Qin Chuan replied: "We can throw them into the river and let the river water bring them to the enemy. All we have to do... is to set a time for them and then tie them to floats!"

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