The Decomposition of Everything

Chapter 4 Researching Runes

Yi Qianqian was practicing at home, and Shen Zhi walked slowly to the library of the academy. He did have many questions, but his own secrets prevented him from asking the teacher. Just like now, he can instantly imprint the rune on his dantian, while others are still in the state of visualization. He has already achieved it in one step.

To visualize, he has super mental power. To imprint the rune, he directly uses Yuan energy instead, and can directly draw the imprint on the dantian. If the rune is the basic particle of the magic of this universe, then his Yuan energy is likely to be a higher-level universe, or it may be the most basic particle of the Yuanchu universe. Yuan energy is likely to be a dimensionality reduction attack. This plug-in is more powerful than he imagined. Perhaps it can be called Yuanchu Qi, original Qi, or Qi of Creation.

For several days in a row, except for classes, he spent all his time in the library, understanding the best things in the other world, which must be knowledge, which greatly expanded his horizons and answered many doubts.

The cultivation rules of the immortal sect are magic, and they can be called magic cultivators, but there should be other cultivation methods outside the Wanling Realm, such as Yinsha and Xuan. He guessed that Yinsha and Xuan might be other series of cultivation methods, and that Mingyue Fairy also came from other realms. But the cultivation rules of this universe are unchanged, and it is still composed of runes. Therefore, all cultivation is carried out around runes.

Runes are used to form attacking magic, practice skills, form all things, and form realms. His Thunder Stone Tablet is a heritage of the immortal sect, Yunxiao Thunder Art. If he engraves the runes of the Thunder Stone Tablet in full, he can form a Yunxiao Thunder Realm.

But how can he be willing? The Yunxiao Sect has been wiped out, which means that the Yunxiao Thunder Realm is not powerful, at least not invincible. He has such an outrageous plug-in. If he doesn't design a more powerful method himself, he will be sorry for his identity as a time traveler.

Sitting cross-legged in the house, Shen Zhi was disassembling his Thunderfall Technique. His guess was correct. The Thunderfall Technique was also composed of runes, but it was a complete set, and no traces of runes could be seen, that is, encryption. The immortal sect released the finished product and hid and encrypted the composed runes, so that others could not disassemble it, and runes were the greatest treasure in this world.

It takes 100,000 spirit stones to buy a thunder rune, and the price is clearly marked. Some special runes are even more expensive. Those that can be sold are already basic.

Shen Zhi was sweating profusely as he used decomposition to disassemble the Thunderfall Technique. This was a delicate job. If you use too much force, it will turn into Yuan Energy, and if you use too little, it will be useless. So he could only experiment a little bit. Anyway, the finished product of the Thunderfall Technique was cultivated by himself, so at most he could try a few more times.

Hard work pays off, and his efforts were not in vain. At the moment of decomposing the Thunderfall Technique, the runes will flash. He only needs to remember them a few more times to imprint them in his Dantian one by one.

After a night, when the sky was just getting light, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes. There were five more runes in his dantian. He had completely disassembled the thunder spell. There were eight runes that made up the thunder spell, and the other three were included in the five basic runes provided by the academy. Thunder element rune, convergence rune, combination rune, these are the true meanings of the three runes explained by Ye Haotian. Each basic rune contains a special meaning. He spent two weeks just explaining the meaning of these five basic runes, as well as their composition meanings, which can be said to be extremely cumbersome. But as long as you have enough runes, you can get infinite thunder and lightning mysteries by combining them at will.

Shen Zhi raised his hand gently, and a subtle lightning fell on the ground. This is the thunder spell of branding runes. The power is controlled by the heart, and it can be small or large. And they are all instantaneous. This is the real control of this spell. Isn't this coding?

After understanding the reason, he can finally take out the Thunder Stone Tablet, regardless of its finished product, and brand all the runes he has never seen into his dantian. Then combine them one by one to comprehend.

He didn't even go to class, that class was meaningless, it could only explain five runes at most. This retreat lasted for a month, no wonder the immortal cultivators would retreat for several years at any time. If it weren't for Yi Qianqian's worry, he really wanted to sink into this endless thunder and lightning mystery.

At this time, six thunder and lightning rune groups of different sizes had been formed in the dantian, with five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, as well as universal runes. With a thought, the runes were arranged, and the eight runes of the thunder spell were already combined, and they could release the five thunder spells of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and even let them combine to form various other spells, which required careful study. But the combination of Yunxiao Lei Fa is ready-made, based on the five elements of thunder balls, gathering and bursting. So the rune group he got was of the five elements.

Shen Zhi sighed, this is the cultivation of immortals, just these combinations can be studied for countless years. It is also necessary to form a physical object and a world, and the time required is estimated to be calculated in thousands of years. No wonder it needs inheritance, it is the research result of countless immortal cultivators from generation to generation. And future generations only need to practice peacefully.

Put it aside for the time being, Shen Zhi walked out of the room and came to the living room. Yi Qianqian happily jumped up, hung on his neck, and said excitedly: "Is the retreat over? You have been in seclusion for a month and have forgotten me."

Shen Zhi laughed and picked her up. After a lingering entanglement, Yi Qianqian was so beautiful that her face blushed to her neck.

He hugged Yi Qianqian and coaxed her: "This time I have gained a lot. I have understood how to cultivate immortals. Even if there is no inheritance, we can create it ourselves."

He told Yi Qianqian his insights bit by bit, and finally concluded: "No matter how difficult it is, we must create our own magic. This is the most correct way."

Yi Qianqian looked at him with admiration, her eyes full of little stars, and said excitedly: "What about mine?"

Shen Zhi chuckled and kissed her and said: "I have already considered it for you. To cultivate Yin and Yang, I will dismantle the magic of Yin Sha and Xuan and teach you the runes. You need to participate in the rest by yourself." "Wu Wu combination, no matter what traps Yin Sha Hexuan's technique has, as long as you break it and control the runes, no one can take it away from you in the future. How is your mental strength training?"

Yi Qianqian smiled proudly and said: "I see you are working so hard, how can anyone dare to relax? I have been able to visualize a rune, and my mental power has increased a lot, and it may become faster and faster in the future."

Shen Zhi pinched her little cheek and praised her: "You're so good. You don't need to learn the wood runes for the time being. Human energy is limited. You only need to practice a few complete spells for the wood runes. As a matter of fact, For the superficial disguise, I will teach you the runes soon. I will also go out and buy some spells. There are some universal non-attribute runes that are common to any series of spells. I need to study them and collect the universal runes first. Say it again.”

Shen Zhi naturally thought why not take advantage of the existing advantages. Like other thunder and lightning spells, he didn't need to study them at all. He could just use them to dismantle them. He could learn not only unavailable runes but also ready-made spells, at least in terms of combat power. After strengthening it, the future path must be studied slowly.

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