The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 100 Underground

The spatial change directly eliminated the gravitational potential energy of Lind's fall. With one step, the two stood in a familiar room. Lind looked at Dumbledore, who looked very proud, and felt helpless.

Dumbledore smiled, patted his shoulder, and handed him a key. Then he said, "I'll give it to you. By the way, the quota for exchanging pounds for Galleons is available every year. It's very cost-effective. Don't forget it." After that, Dumbledore blinked and disappeared in the next moment.

Lind put away the key, walked into the bathroom and started to wash up. Then he changed into a black robe with gold thread and tidied it up.

Lind looked at himself in the mirror. Because he was thinner than before, his face looked more angular, which was in sharp contrast with the small round faces of Harry and Ron of the same age.

His eyes were deep, his eyes were emotionless, and his eyebrows were just flat on his face. He always had an expression of being uninterested in anything and not waking up. This is the sequelae of his current brain occlusion. In fact, sometimes his heart is still quite volatile.

For example, just now, when he stepped on Big Ben and the House of Representatives, he could not suppress his emotions. Of course, he also couldn't control himself when Dumbledore took him to a bungee jump.

After casually tidying up his clothes, Linde pushed the door open and walked down. The Leaky Cauldron was full of guests at this time. Linde walked down so openly. Unless someone was staring at the staircase all the time, no one would notice him.

After coming down, the fireplace suddenly rose, scaring the people next to him, and Harry came out of it.

"Huh! I didn't read it wrong this time." Harry thought about the first time he used Floo powder two days ago. He actually ran to a store in Knockturn Alley and peeked at the mysterious transaction between Malfoy and his son. He didn't want to have this wonderful experience again. Last time, it was good luck that Hagrid rescued him, otherwise he would have fallen into the hands of those wizards who didn't look like good people.

Harry ran out, patted the dust off his clothes, looked around, and saw Lind who had just come down.

"Hey, Lind." Harry waved to him with a smile. Lind returned the greeting and walked over to him, "Hello, Harry, long time no see. Dumbledore has something to do, so let me take you to get the money."

"Ah?" Harry looked at Lind with surprise on his face, looking at him in disbelief. Is there any relationship between Lind and Dumbledore?

I dare not say anything else. Harry himself is known as the savior. In his memory, he should be the one who is closest to Dumbledore among his peers. Why did Dumbledore ask Lind to help him at this time?

He thought about Lind's performance in school. He only remembered that Lind was attacked by Quirrell in the end, and he tried to protect him at that time. At other times... Lind was either studying or on the way to study.

Although this scene made him a little confused, his simple mind still didn't think too much. He just wanted to get some money to buy some daily necessities.

He answered in a daze, "Okay! Oh, right. And Ron. We came together."

As soon as he finished speaking, the stove once again burst into green flames as high as a person, and Ron ran out from the middle.

"Harry, you are amazing. If it weren't for you, I would never have gotten this money!" Ron said to Harry happily as soon as he ran out. After that, he spread his hands, revealing a handful of silver Sickles and a bunch of worthless Knuts.

This handful must be less than one Galleon.

Ron showed the money in his hand generously, saying that he would treat Harry to ice cream, candy and joke props later.

This kind of friendship that does not involve too much money makes Linde feel good.

"Linde?! Hey, is that you?" Ron saw Linde next to Harry, with embarrassment in his eyes, praying that Linde would leave quickly, otherwise he couldn't go with the three of them, and he only treated Harry and not Linde, how embarrassing. But it was just such a small amount of money...

Although Linde saw the complicated thoughts in Ron's mind, he didn't care much about what he thought.

"Let's go! Dumbledore has something important to do, so I'm here to help you." Lind shook the vault key in his hand. After saying that, he took the lead and walked to the back of the bar. Harry followed behind and showed Ron an expression that he didn't know what was going on.

At this point, Ron had no choice but to follow.

Skillfully opened the wall passage of Diagon Alley, Lind didn't want to say anything more, and took the two to Gringotts in a short while.

He cast a floating spell on himself in advance, and then walked in with the two people's confused eyes.

Finding an empty counter, Lind propped up the counter with one hand, just like using buoyancy in a swimming pool, his height suddenly exceeded the goblin at the counter.

I still remember things!

"Hello, withdraw money. No. 687 Potter's vault, this is the key." Lind handed over the key.

The goblin was a little impatient when he saw Lind show his head at first, but then he couldn't help laughing when he heard what Lind said.

People in their line of work are annoyed by people who have a lot of things to do. There are very few people who can make things clear in one sentence like Lind.

According to the gentlemanly etiquette of the British, it must be:


"Hello, what business do you want to handle?"

"Oh, of course, my life has been blah blah recently..."

"Oh, then I really need to come to the bank..."

"Yes, so I want to withdraw some money from my safe."

"Which safe is it?"


A lot of nonsense.

But this little wizard is different. Thinking of this, the goblin stretched out his long fingers and took the key.

"No problem, it is indeed this key! But..."

Linde pulled Harry over and lifted his hair to reveal the scar on his forehead. "Identity proof, nothing is more convincing than this."


"Don't worry, sir. Harry, if I force you, just tell them quickly that the goblin's magic is very powerful and can definitely protect you." After saying that, Linde looked at Harry.

Harry was originally pulled over, and he was a little confused. He was suddenly asked this question, and he didn't react whether he should shout.

The goblin looked at Harry's expression and Linde's emotionless face and somewhat inexplicably provocative tone, and was even more hesitant. But seeing that Harry didn't say anything in the end, he let them in.

"Hey, Kings, take them to vault 687."

A short man came out from the corner. Lind put away the key and looked over. "Wow, a familiar face!"

Lind had come to Gringotts several times to exchange Galleons, but he had never met the goblin that he had a confrontation with the first time he came to Gringotts.

I thought he was fired! I didn't expect he was still working here.

The goblin named Kings who came out was the goblin that Lind had seen for the first time.

Kings also saw Lind, and his already stinky face became even stinkier. He snorted. He took the key that Lind brought and began to lead the way.

Kings opened the door for them. The vault of Gringotts came into Lind's eyes for the first time.

In front of them was a narrow stone corridor, which was illuminated by the burning torches. The stone corridor was a steep downhill slope with a small railway below. Kings blew a whistle, and a cart rushed towards them along the railway, and they climbed on the car. Then, the car started to speed down like a roller coaster.

At first, they sped along the maze-like winding corridor. Kings wanted to remember the road he had walked, turning left, right, right, left, the fork in the road, right again, left again, but he couldn't remember it at all. The clattering cart seemed to know the road, and there was no need for anyone to drive it.

The cold air whistled past, Lind rubbed his dry eyes, and saw an underground lake below.

He inexplicably understood what Dumbledore had said to him not long ago, "smell something".

There seemed to be some strange smell in the underground lake below. Even when driving at high speed, he still felt that "smell".

Although this smell was a bit strange and not pleasant, it inexplicably attracted him...

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