The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 115 Humiliation

On Saturday morning, Lind had just returned to the dormitory from the Room of Requirement, and then changed his clothes and went to the common room.

Not long after, he heard footsteps.

After a while, he saw the captain of the Quidditch team, Wood, coming down, wearing the bright red robes of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. But after a while, Fred, George and others also came down one after another.

"Wood is really crazy," said Fred.

"He is definitely not crazy, because he is not as confused as us. Even now that the sun has just risen, he is very energetic." George also followed and complained in a low voice.

After a while, he saw Harry coming down with sleepy eyes, followed by Colin Creevey, who was holding the camera hanging around his neck with one hand and running behind Harry with a stack of photos in the other hand.

"Harry! I heard someone calling your name on the stairs. Look what I brought! The photos are out, I want you to see--" Colin shouted, just like the voice Lind heard on the fourth floor last night.

Harry looked at the photos with an unpleasant look on his face, and forced a smile on his face.

"Can you sign it?" Colin asked eagerly.

Is it because the signature will sell for more? Lind thought, but didn't say anything.

"No." Harry said flatly, glancing around to see if there was anyone else, "Sorry, Colin, I'm in a hurry - Quidditch training."

Then he hurriedly climbed out of the portrait hole.

"Wow! Wait for me! I've never seen Quidditch!" Colin hurriedly climbed out.

"It's boring." Harry said hurriedly, but Colin didn't listen, his face was shining with excitement.

"You are the youngest house team player in a hundred years, right, Harry? You are?" Colin trotted beside him, "You must be great. I've never flown before, is it difficult? Is this your broom? Is it the best?"

"Yes!" Harry said helplessly, as they walked farther and farther away, Lind could no longer hear their voices.

"They are called Bludgers. Every..."

Not long after that, about an hour later, people began to come down from the lounge one after another. Lind had to sit in the corner and gave himself an ear-blocking spell before starting to study.

While reading a book, Lind suddenly felt someone walking towards him. Since the accident at Professor Snape's place last week, even in his human state, his five senses have improved a lot.

Looking up, Jane was walking towards him. In the main aisle of the lounge, Hermione and Ron were also looking in this direction, probably waiting for Jane.

Lind stopped his ear-blocking spell, and the noise around him suddenly hit him, making him feel dazed.

"Why are you still here? Do you want to go and see Harry play Quidditch?" Jane said.

Lind was a little surprised, why did he suddenly invite himself up today. But she didn't think much about it, and waved her hand to refuse, "Sorry, I'm not interested in this kind of sport."

Hearing this, she was not surprised at all, and pretended to say "Okay!" with regret. Then she turned around and walked back, with a smug look on her face, "I said he would definitely not go, he must think this kind of sport is boring."

The reason why she specially came to invite Linde today was because Ron just said, "No one doesn't like Quidditch, Harry fell in love with it the first time he came into contact with it."

Then the two of them made a bet, and then Jane deliberately came to invite Linde.

Linde heard what Jane said, but they all thought that Linde couldn't hear it.

Just after taking a look at the book, Linde suddenly remembered an interesting thing.

It seems that Ron once had a dispute with Malfoy and others on the court. At that time, he wanted to cast a curse on Malfoy, but because of the wand, he was backfired, so he started to spit slugs, that is, slugs.

Keep vomiting, keep vomiting.

Linde is quite curious about this.

Thinking about it, he put away the book and stood up, "Wait, I suddenly think it's not bad to go and take a look."

Jane turned her head and looked at him in disbelief, "Didn't you say you wouldn't go?"

Linde walked over quickly and tidied his clothes. "Suddenly I think it's not bad to take a look and relax."

After that, the four of them ate something in the auditorium, and then came to the stands of the stadium. As soon as they sat down, Linde began to wait, watching Harry and the others practice, all as a pastime. In fact, he was waiting for Ron to do something tricky. From time to time, he looked at his wand.

Colin was patting Harry and the others, and didn't notice the unfriendly expressions of the people flying in the sky.

After waiting for a while, Linde saw several green-robed figures walking over on the high stands, all holding the same flying broom in their hands.

But the others may not be able to see so far, after all, the stands here are indeed a bit high. Others may only see a few green-robed people walking over.

Then, he saw Wood flying down angrily, and the rest of the Gryffindor players followed him. Seeing this, the people in the stands also felt that something was wrong, and they also walked down quickly.

After a while, they went down and heard the quarrel from a distance. Lind stood behind a few people, hiding himself as much as possible.

"Did you see it? Nimbus 2001, as for this... Use it to sweep the floor!" An arrogant voice could be heard from a distance.

"Oh, look," said Flint, the captain of the Slytherin team, "Someone broke into the court."

"What's wrong?" Ron asked, "Why don't you play ball? What is he doing here?"

Ron looked at Malfoy in surprise, who was wearing the Slytherin Quidditch uniform.

"I'm the new Seeker of the Slytherin team, Weasley," Malfoy looked at several people who came. He didn't notice Lind. When Lind arrived, he stood next to those from the Gryffindor team. The tall one went behind.

He said proudly, "Just now everyone was admiring the brooms my dad bought for our team."

Ron stared at the seven high-end brooms in front of him in stunned silence.

"Nice, isn't it?" said Malfoy pleasantly, "but maybe Gryffindor can get some gold to buy a few new brooms. You can cash in the prizes and sell those Sweeping Seven Stars No. 5, and I think the museum will Bid for them.”

The Slytherins laughed loudly.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team has to pay to be on the team," Hermione said tartly.

Jane also said, "Indeed, you should probably think about why you joined this team. No, no, no, I made a mistake. The team that needs to accept this kind of low-level "sponsorship" should not be of a good level."

Including Malfoy, the proud faces of everyone in Slytherin darkened.

Malfoy said viciously, "No one wants to know what you, a man, think!" Then he pointed at Hermione, "And you, a stinky little Mudblood."

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