As soon as they stepped into the cool hallway, they saw Professor McGonagall pacing over. "You're back, Potter, Weasley," she looked at the two children, "You two stay tonight. Hey, what's wrong with you?"

She frowned and watched Ron spit out a slug.

"Uh, Ron's wand has a problem, but it shouldn't be a big deal!" Harry said hesitantly. At this moment, the slugs Ron spit out have become much less and smaller.

"Okay, Weasley." Professor McGonagall waved her wand and tapped Ron's forehead, "You'll go see Madam Pomfrey later."

The emerald green light flashed across Ron's head, and Ron suddenly felt his stomach churning. He bent over and vomited, and a bunch of slugs came out of his mouth.

"Uh..." Professor McGonagall squinted uncomfortably, and waved her wand again, and a large pile of slugs on the ground disappeared.

"Thank you, Professor." Ron whispered, and then burped.

"What are we going to do tonight, teacher?" Ron asked, nervously holding back another burp.

"You go and help Mr. Filch clean the silverware in the trophy room," said Professor McGonagall. "No magic allowed, Weasley - just clean it with your hands."

Ron gasped. Filch was a person hated by all students. Similarly, Ron felt that he hated all students.

"Potter, you go and help Professor Lockhart reply to his admirers." Professor McGonagall said.

"Ah, no, can I clean the trophies too?" Harry begged.

"Of course not," Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows, "Professor Lockhart asked for you. Remember, both of you, at 8 o'clock in the evening." After that, Professor McGonagall left.

"I just don't understand why Lockhart is so... so obsessed with me." Harry held his head in despair.

"Well, maybe Dumbledore wants you to know how ridiculous it is for a person to have a reputation without matching skills?!" Lind suddenly thought of this. But he didn't say it.

Ron finally wiped the mucus from the corners of his mouth, and Linde walked to him, "You can rinse your mouth with the water spell. However, I'm curious about what wand you wanted to use to deal with Malfoy at that time."

"I wanted to cast a slug spell on him, but I ended up disgusting myself..." Ron said.

"Slug Curse" Linde was a little surprised, "Does it work the same as your own?" Linde didn't know that there was no evil spell that could make people spit slugs. He thought it was a new spell that could be studied due to an accident, so he was so concerned.

If this is really a spell that has never appeared before, Linde might be able to study it and see if he can figure out the corresponding spell chanting and the trajectory of the wand's operation.

This kind of research from scratch will definitely make him have a deeper understanding of spells, just like solving a math problem.

"Well, I saw Fred and others use it, it's particularly disgusting." Ron said with a green face. He didn't understand why Linde cared about this.

"Okay!" Linde felt a little sorry. Since this spell already had a mature spell and casting trajectory, it had no appeal to Linde. There was nothing to surprise him about the effect alone.

After that, Linde said goodbye to several people and walked away alone.

"I can't believe he said that!" Ron looked at his back and said in a low voice.

"What?" Harry asked.

"It's what he said just now. About mudbloods and purebloods." Ron replied.

Hermione was a little puzzled, "What's wrong with that?"

"You and Hermione may not understand." Jane also said on the side, "The idea that purebloods are superior to others is deeply rooted in the hearts of Slytherins. Of course, I'm not saying all of them."

"But Salazar's own motto to Slytherins is not that they are superior to others." Hermione said angrily.

"Come on, just look at Malfoy and you will know. He is simply the best embodiment of Slytherin in this era." Jane said disdainfully, "Although what Lind said is not absolutely correct, it is indeed equivalent to scolding all Slytherin students."

"Isn't this correct?" Harry and Ron asked loudly in confusion.

"At least most of them are born with a rich family business to inherit." Jane rolled her eyes at Harry, leaving them speechless.

"Will he be retaliated by Slytherin?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"We won't let this happen," Harry said affirmatively. "I will keep a close eye on Malfoy."

"That's right! He said those words to stand up for us. And I don't think he was wrong. Even they themselves had nothing to refute at the time, right!" Ron also said passionately.

"Then you'd better get a new wand first!" Jane reminded kindly, "Remember what I said?"

Ron's face changed for a while, and then he nodded resolutely. "Okay, I'll lend it." In order to protect my friends in Gryffindor, I am willing to take on a huge debt at a young age.

"But how can I buy a wand?" Ron suddenly thought.

"Go ask Professor McGonagall! I think she can't stand it anymore." Hermione whispered.


Time soon came to October. Ron asked Professor McGonagall for permission to change his wand and she took him to Diagon Alley to find Ollivander. Since then, he has been in debt of seven Galleons.

Ron said at the time that he was relieved to see Professor McGonagall.

Besides Hermione joining the Charms Club, there is nothing worth mentioning.

Cedric said he was going to take the OWLs exam, so he was more serious than anyone else in the club.

Although this school year has just started, and OWLs are at the end of next school year.

It's almost two years apart.

And Lind is sure that he has the ability to get an O in the exam, but he still feels that it is not safe enough and needs to work harder.

He said he didn't want to lose his friends in the Charms Club.

At that time, Lind asked Professor Flitwick for last year's OWLs test questions to test himself with Cedric and Hermione.

Cedric easily got double Os, and his performance in both the written and practical tests was perfect, but he still said that the questions are changing every year, and he should continue to work harder.

Lind's written test was at the E level, almost O, but the practical test was much worse, and he couldn't cast many spells, so he could only barely be considered A-level, but he felt that he should be able to get E-level if he took another try.

Hermione is a little worse, double A, this result made her eyes red.

The results of the three people outside the club can make people exclaim, and even in the club, many people say they are excellent. But basically, these evaluations are made considering the grade and accumulation issues.

However, these three people are not satisfied with this result. After coming to this environment, they did not compare themselves with the outside world.

Set a small goal first, Linde wrote in the notebook.

At the end of this school year, get double O in OWLs of Charms and Transfiguration.

O (outstanding) Excellent

E (exceeds expectations) Exceed expectations

A (acceptable) Pass

P (poor) Poor

D (dreadful) Dreadful

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