What does this mean? !

Harry was a little confused, he looked at the big snake with its eyes tightly closed.

There shouldn't be any danger, it looks so pitiful! Harry thought, of course, he is not stupid. He stepped back a long distance, then raised his wand and asked,

"Are you hungry?"

His voice was neither too loud nor too soft, just enough to reach the ears of the big snake.

"He... he can talk to me just like the master!"

The big snake heard Harry's voice, and there was fear in his tone. Then, the irrefutable will deep in the genes came like a torrent.

This is the natural control of the Parseltongue on snakes.

"Yes, Thad is hungry!" It answered hoarsely. The voice was no longer intermittent.

Harry was relieved to see that it didn't attack, "You can't hurt people, right?"

"Yes, the master doesn't allow me to hurt people."

Master? Is this guy being kept? Harry was a little horrified, and kept looking around to see if his master was here.

"Who is your master? Can you tell me?"

"My master is Salazar Slytherin. He ordered me to guard Hogwarts here when the Muggles attacked here..."

"Slytherin! Your master is Slytherin?!" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Yes, my master is Slytherin." It said affirmatively, and when it said this name, its pronunciation was unusually clear.

"How long have you been here!" Harry asked calmly as much as he could. Although there was something inexplicable here that attracted him, what was happening now made him want to leave.

"I don't know!" The big snake still answered. It couldn't violate a Parseltongue unless another Parseltongue appeared here and had more "Slytherin" blood than Harry.

Its hierarchical order is: Slytherin → Slytherin's descendants → Parseltongue

Harry is the third one. And the only one who belongs to the third level. Because his Parseltongue ability comes from the residual soul of Voldemort.

The talent of Parseltongue can generally only be inherited. The first recorded Parseltongue was the despicable Herpo, and then Merlin. Perhaps it should not be said that he was a Parseltongue, because Merlin could communicate with any creature.

Then came the Slytherin lineage.

"You..." Harry was about to continue asking something, but suddenly heard a bang behind him.

That was the sound of a high-speed moving object breaking through the water flow frantically.

A stone spear passed by Harry's waist and shot straight at the big snake Thad.

Although it closed its eyes, it had been relying on its tongue to collect information about the surroundings, and the stone spear missed.

This move did not hurt it, but it broke the communication between Harry and it. Thad turned back, twisting his body quickly, and disappeared in the dense water plants in the next second.

"Guji Guji."

An inexplicable sound sounded beside Harry. He turned his head and saw four creatures with human upper bodies and fish lower bodies standing beside him. Perhaps they should be called mermaids.

The skin of these mermaids was iron gray, and their dark green hair was long and unkempt. Their eyes were yellow, their incomplete teeth were also yellow, and they wore pebbles strung together with thick ropes around their necks. They surrounded Harry and smiled at him maliciously.

They all held spears in their hands, and their thick and powerful silver fish tails slapped the lake.

The next moment, Harry felt a pain in his hand, and his wand was pulled away.

Harry turned his head and saw that a merman ran behind him and snatched his wand away.

"Why would I want to come here to see it?" Harry thought desperately. Without his wand, what else could he do!

Seeing that Harry didn't speak, one of the mermen swam up. He looked stronger than the other mermen, and wore a necklace made of shark teeth around his neck.

He swam to Harry's side and said in broken English, "You are from Nari, merman."

"You misunderstood, I'm not a merman, I'm a wizard!" Harry wanted to explain and pointed to his wand.

The merman tilted his head in confusion when he heard Harry's words, but didn't think much about it.

In fact, he was just doing his routine work. The whole tribe did not rest tonight, but was told by the elders that a guest would come here tonight.

Just invite him back when the time comes.

As for how to invite him!

Thinking of this, the mermaid muttered twice to the back in a language that Harry could not understand, and then they pointed their spears at Harry.

A mermaid on the side of Harry poked Harry with the tip of his spear. If there were no scales, he would definitely be poked to bleed. He motioned Harry to go in that direction.

Harry wanted to explain, "This is Hogwarts, you can't do this!" However, no one paid attention to him. Seeing that he didn't leave, the guy poked him again.

Other mermaids also approached with ill intentions, and one of the spears was about to poke his eyes.

"What are you doing!" Harry shouted. But his body was forced to swim over there.

In this way, no matter how he shouted, no one paid attention to him, but the mermaids spoke to themselves in words that Harry could not understand. Every time Harry wanted to speak, they would poke or whip him with spears.

At the back, Harry could only walk in despair, while the fishmen became happy and laughed along the way.

After a while, Harry saw a village.

Harry was carried and swam in. There were many rough stone dwellings in this village, speckled with algae. Harry saw faces in the darkened windows.

This is the mermaid from the Black Lake that Hermione was talking about, Harry thought.

I don't know if Dumbledore will find him. Who knew I was here! If only someone knew I wasn't in the dormitory tonight, then they would complain and force Ron to come find me after revealing my whereabouts.

Harry prayed in his mind. At the same time, he was poked behind him again, signaling him to swim faster.

He had no choice but to swim forward quickly while looking around. Soon, there were more and more stone dwellings, some of which were surrounded by gardens. He saw a little Greenlody chained in front of a door. Mermaids appeared from all directions, looking at him curiously, pointing at his webbed hands and gill sacs, covering their mouths with their hands and whispering.

Then, Harry was led around a corner, and a very strange sight appeared in front of him.

The place seemed to be the square of a small mermaid village, surrounded by some houses, and a large group of mermaids floating in front of the houses.

Among them was an extremely old mermaid who was carried in a basket made of woven water plants.

Harry now felt like one of the zoo animals swimming around him, laughing and pointing at him.

They don't want to put me in a cage and keep me there for them to watch! Harry thought.

He was escorted here, but his destination was not here. After staying here for a while, he heard a sound coming from the basket being carried, and then the mermaids who were watching him dispersed reluctantly. open.

There were only a few mermaids left, two of them carried the basket and the old man mermaid inside, and the other two stayed behind Harry and stared at him.

And the mermaid holding his wand handed his wand to the old man in the basket.

The bone-free hand picked up his wand and rubbed it, as if looking at a delicate work of art.

Then, he raised his hand casually and waved his index finger to the right. Harry was escorted over there. The old fish swim ahead.

After swimming slowly for a while, Harry suddenly felt his head being poked.

He turned his head and looked fiercely at the mermaid who poked his head, shocking the other person. After reacting, he yelled at Harry angrily and pointed downwards with his finger.

Harry turned around and saw the mermaids in front carrying baskets and starting to swim downward.

Harry could only swim downstream involuntarily.

Arriving below, he was led into a cave. The mermaid carrying the basket was still walking ahead, and Harry was pushed. He looked back and saw that the two mermaids behind him had not entered the cave. They looked at Harry threateningly and motioned for him to continue swimming forward.

Harry could only follow reluctantly. The cave was very narrow and he really had no other room to escape.

Unknown algae grow on the walls of the caves here. They emit a faint blue fluorescence, lighting up the entire cave.

After swimming for a while, probably no more than 50 feet, Harry followed them into a large hole, like a room. The room was a little dark, and even in his current state, he couldn't see clearly. He could only see a lot of things.

Once they were inside, they put down the baskets they were carrying on their shoulders and walked out of the cave.

When passing by Harry, a mermaid bared her teeth at Harry, and Harry, not to be outdone, stared back.

As soon as they left, the entrance to the cave was blocked by a large stone that suddenly appeared.

"Sit down, kid." The mermaid in the water plant basket spoke fluent English. He raised Harry's wand tremblingly and waved it casually. Large seaweeds burst out from the ground behind Harry, and then weaved into the shape of a chair.

Harry did not sit down. He asked the old guy in the basket fiercely, "Why on earth did you tie me here? This is Hogwarts."

The mermaid waved his wand again, and the basket began to change, supporting him like a bed.

His tail flapped feebly, and his whole body was extremely thin. Many of the scales fell off, leaving only the ugly and hideous gelatinous skin.

"We don't mean any harm! You did it yourself, didn't you?" Although his body looked weak, his voice was sonorous and powerful.

After speaking, he took out a small grass ball. There was water-insoluble mucus flowing in the gaps of the grass ball, which made Harry feel chills.

The old man squeezed the grass ball and squeezed out a lot of mucus that stuck to his hands, which looked very disgusting.

But this pinching action seemed to turn on some switch, and the disgusting grass ball suddenly became very attractive to him.

It was so disgusting visually, but Harry's body still conveyed the desire to get this ball of grass.

This was what had been attracting Harry in the past.

"You... did it on purpose! Why did you bring me here? Are you also Voldemort's lackeys?" Harry roared angrily, thinking about how to spread the news.

He no longer felt that he could survive.

"Voldemort? He doesn't look down on inferior races like us!" the old man said, his tone a little decadent. It seems like he reluctantly admits that he is an inferior race.

Only then did Harry notice that he was completely different from the mermaids outside. His skin was not that livid color, and his conversation was completely different from those guys outside.

Those guys outside...what should I say! They also had an uncivilized feeling. Just like a savage. But the old man fish in front of him gave him a different feeling.

He is like an old wise man, speaking slowly and slowly. Although his body is so decayed and old, his eyes and tone are still full of energy.

Just like Dumbledore.

The old man stuffed the grass ball behind his back again, and Harry didn't know where he put it, but the inexplicable feeling of attraction disappeared.

"You can call me Serui. You can call me directly or you can call me Old Serui. It doesn't matter." The old man named Serui said.

"I don't mean any harm, this is your wand!" As he said, he waved Harry's wand, "I can see that you are a little wizard. Goblins don't use wands, and when I was still traveling on land, humans I started using this kind of wand. It’s very convenient.”

After saying that, he gently threw his wand forward, and Harry's wand returned to his hand along the water flow.

"Why don't you sit down?" Seri glanced at Harry, "Don't worry, I just want to chat with you."

Harry took the wand and felt a little more at ease. Before he could say anything, he felt a huge force that he could not resist pressing him to sit on the chair woven from water plants.

Lao Serui waved his hand, and the originally dark cave suddenly lit up.

The dazzling colors suddenly illuminated Harry, which made him a little dazed, allowing him to relax for a while.

The corals growing on the walls, as well as various algae and some creatures he didn't know, were floating and squirming with the water flow.

They all emit different lights on the stone wall, providing light and oxygen here.

There are many things placed in the huge stone cave space, and many thick plants hang down from the stone wall above. The ends of these plant fishing dangles are wrapped with different things.

Serui waved his hand to the side, and a plant quickly stretched out and floated down, placing the thing wrapped at the end into Old Serui's hand.

It was a rusty trident with a lot of algae growing on it.

"Are you a wizard?" Seri asked Harry softly while holding the trident and wiping it with his skinny hands.

"Of course I'm a wizard!" Harry wanted to wave his wand to let him have a good look, but he couldn't move his hand at all and was pressed against the chair by the huge water flow.

"Then do you think you are like a wizard?" Seri laughed.


Serui seemed to have expected that he would not be able to tell, so he continued to ask. "What do you think you look like now?"


"Still can't tell? Let me tell you!" Serui finally wiped the trident at this time. It was golden in color and had a sharp tip, as if there was a cold light flashing through it.

Seeing this, Serui smiled with satisfaction, and stabbed forward with his halberd. Harry, who was unable to move, was a little scared.

"You are the 'Ancestors', from Atlantis!"

"Ancestors?" Harry repeated doubtfully.

"Yes! An ancestor." Serui said, adding in his heart: The only one I know in the world.

The name Serui was actually used by him when he was traveling on land in his youth.

Taken from English: Three

His mermaid name is relatively simple, Yu San.

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