On the eighth floor, in the principal's room.

The floating candles emitting dim candlelight flew freely in the room, and the silverware on the table exhaled silver smoke to each other.

Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk, chewing some candy. Opposite him was Harry, who had his head lowered.

It was the second night. Harry wanted to come to Dumbledore as soon as dawn, but he was busy during the day, and it was not until night that Harry was able to come in.

"I understand everything. It seems that something happened to you, Harry, that we cannot reverse!" Dumbledore said slowly, and then his hand grabbed the golden trident placed on the table.

"But it's a pity that although this thing belongs to you, you are still a student."

Dumbledore's eyes under his half-moon glasses looked at Harry, "You understand what I mean, right! I can't watch a little wizard who is only in his second year waving and playing with this thing in the castle.

That would be difficult for Filch, and it wouldn't be good if he accidentally hurt someone. "

Harry was a little reluctant to give up, but he couldn't refute what Dumbledore said, but he still wanted to fight for it, "Professor, I won't wave it around with it. I promise!"

"Harry, you have to understand that there are many things that we cannot control ourselves. Remember? Just like last year, Hagrid got drunk and then revealed how to deal with Lu Wei!" Dumbledore said kindly. Fluffy is the three-headed dog that was in Hogwarts Castle last year.

It would be bad if someone hurt someone with him.

"But... okay, Professor." Harry said a little weakly. He didn't want to lose this thing from the bottom of his heart, but Dumbledore had already spoken.

"Then it's settled, I'll give it back to you later." Dumbledore smiled. "Then I think you should go back. After all, it's almost time to rest!" Dumbledore said with a smile. Lido pretended to check the time.

"Okay, Professor." Harry stood up, said goodbye and quickly returned to the lounge.

In the corner of the lounge, Linde's back was facing the entire wide lounge.

"Come on, open your mouth wider and say——"


In the dark corner, Andersen opened his mouth, the corners of his mouth were torn, and several tentacles stretched out from it and expanded outward into a chrysanthemum shape. Deep in the center of the throat, an eyeball drooped dully at the top of the throat.

After looking at it for a few times, Linde took back his left hand and the tweezers on his hand, and rubbed his eyes, which were a little dry and swollen because he kept opening them.

Andersen retracted his tentacles and closed his mouth. Then he asked Linde cooingly.

"You have an eyeball in your mouth." Lind thought of the scene he just saw.

Andersen had been retching today, and when Lind saw this, he thought he was sick, so he simply took a look. The result was not illness, but something growing in my throat.

Linde thought it was a tumor at first, but after checking it with tweezers, he found an eyeball wrapped under a layer of flesh. The eyeball was probably not fully developed yet and had no reaction to Linde's action of pulling open its "eyelids". Andersen's brain did not receive the visual images it transmitted.

"Wait a while! If you can't control it when you grow up, then cut it off!" Linde said lightly. His threshold for these slightly bloody things is getting higher and higher now. .

"It won't affect your eating!" Linde asked.

Andersen shook his head and cooed twice. It just feels like this thing is a little uncomfortable in its throat. But now it doesn’t affect my daily life.

That's good. Thinking, he touched the plaster covering his right hand. "It will take another week to fully recover." Linde estimated the time in his mind.

Last night, he tried to cast a spell with his left hand, but the wand couldn't be swung on the trajectory it should have. Except for the fluorescent flash, the other spells were not successfully cast.

He could only lie on the edge of the swimming pool and read a book...

Then he soaked his right hand in the water and turned the book with the tentacles of his chin.

During this time, he had already started refining the Sea Singer's potion. If he knew that Harry was directly given a sea beast sacrifice by Yu San, who was still alive in the Black Lake, he didn't know how bitter he would be.

However, he has never been to Black Lake now, so naturally he doesn't know about Yu San's failure and finally brought his tribe to live in Black Lake.

Thinking about this, Harry and his group walked not far from Lind, and Hermione began to guide Harry in practicing the waterproof and moisture-proof spell. Because Linde is not gregarious, the corner where he is is relatively empty. Harry and the others also came here to practice spells.

This is a protective spell. Except for Seamus and Neville, most people will not pose any danger, so they feel safe practicing here.

When Linde saw them coming, he shrank back to the corner and continued reading. There was a shorthand quill flying next to him, sketching on the book on his behalf.

The fingers of the right hand wrapped in plaster were beating with difficulty. Although it was a little inconvenient, it was right to find the feeling of casting a spell.

He basically has no entertainment activities now. In the past, his entertainment activity was watching famous scenes in the plot. Now with some changes in the plot, many famous scenes either have not happened or have not happened yet.

It is estimated that the basilisk incident will not happen again this year.

"No, no. The voice should be higher, with ups and downs, and the s should not be pronounced." Hermione corrected Harry like a little teacher. Just now, he tried to cast a spell, but his robe was twisted up like a handkerchief, strangling him so that he couldn't breathe.

Linde looked at Harry's appearance and inexplicably thought of the brain block technique.

In the brain block technique class during this period, Snape just talked to him about theoretical knowledge and asked him how he was practicing.

This Linde didn't know.

In the original book, Harry practiced the brain block technique because he was stimulated by Dobby's death. It was not until then that he practiced it. The description at that time was:

He finally learned to control and learned to lock Voldemort out of his brain, which was exactly what Dumbledore wanted him to learn from Snape. Just like when Harry was sad for Sirius, Voldemort's mind could not control Harry...

Although this description is only a part of the brain block technique,

the practice of brain block technique is indeed the same as described in the original text, and it is even more mysterious than this.

Snape just told him that when you can escape into your own subconscious space, you will truly learn the brain block.

And he also spent about two hours every night to stay underwater, trying to enter a deep meditation state similar to sleep, trying to break the barrier between the sea of ​​consciousness and enter his subconscious.

But every day he just felt that he was wasting time. Maybe in a place that he couldn't see, touch or feel, he didn't have a system that would show him a progress bar.

But he never thought that he was doing useless work. After all, in addition to the scarcity of brain block, another feature is that it is difficult. He also went to Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick to learn about it, but they all said they didn't know it.

So far, he knows that only Dumbledore, Snape and the future Harry can do brain block.

In addition to Harry, the chosen son, one is the top of the magic world, and the other is a T0-level genius player.

Whenever he thought of this, he would sweep away his unhappiness and continue to practice brain block with enthusiasm. Furthermore, he does not accept Legilimency and cannot use Boggart, so his practice can only be gradual.

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