The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 127 Opponent (First Order Request)

Lockhart turned to Snape and began to bow. Snape glanced down, then turned and looked at Lockhart, but he did not bow, but held his wand in front of his chest.

"As you can see, we hold the wands in a normal dueling posture," Lockhart stood up without embarrassment and explained with a bright smile below, "On the count of three, we will cast the first It's magic. Of course, neither of us will take the other's life."

"If he pushes Lailai any further, Snape might really kill him!" Ron whispered from below, and all of them could see the impatience on Snape's face.


They both jerked their wands over their shoulders at the same time. Snape's wand was swung so fast that it was difficult to discern its trajectory, as if it were written in two-stroke letters: "Expelliarmus!"

A dazzling red light suddenly flashed from the tip of the staff, and Lockhart was struck unsteadily. He flew backwards off the stage, hit the wall, then slid off and curled up on the floor. His wand flew high into the sky and landed among the crowd.

Malfoy and several other Slytherin students applauded. Hermione jumped up and down on tiptoe. "Do you think he's okay?" she screamed, covering her mouth with her fingers.

"What the hell!" Harry and Ron said at the same time. Lockhart staggered to his feet, his hat falling off and his wavy curls standing on end.

"Okay, you see!" he said, stumbling back onto the stage. "This is a disarming charm - as you can see, I lost my wand - ah, thank you , Miss Brown.

Yes, Professor Snape, it's a good idea to show them this move, but don't mind what I say, your intention to do this was obvious just now. If I wanted to stop you, it wouldn't take any effort. I think that in order to increase their knowledge, we might as well let them take a look..."

Snape looked at Lockhart with a blank expression, looking at him with disdain, as if an ant had bitten him and he wanted to crush it to death. Lockhart probably noticed his look, and only heard him quickly end his boast, "This is the end of the demonstration! Now I will come among you and divide you into groups of two. Professor Snape, if you are willing to help I……"

They walked through the crowd and paired people up. Lockhart paired Neville with Justin Finch-Fletchley, but Snape walked up to Harry and Ron first. "The dream team should be broken up, I think," he said with a sneer. "Weasley, you could pair up with Finnigan. Potter—"

Harry subconsciously looked at Lynd. In his mind, Hermione and Jane must be a couple, so there was only Lynd.

"I don't think so." Snape said, with a cold smile on his face, "Malfoy, come up here. Let's see what kind of person you can make the famous Potter. As for you, Miss Granger - you and Miss Jane should be together!"

After the assignment, he turned to look at Linde. Linde had no intention of leaving now. If Snape wanted to teach him some real skills, then staying would be a good choice.

"Who do you want to spar with? Augustus!" Snape smiled maliciously.

"It's all up to you! Professor." Lind looked at Snape's evil intentions and couldn't figure out what medicine he was selling in his gourd, but he still took the initiative to hand over the choice to Snape.

He won’t die anyway. And he is confident in his own strength.

Slytherin team captain Marcus Flint, the buck-toothed boy, suddenly squeezed out of the crowd roughly, "Professor, why don't you just let me take care of this kid!"

After hearing this, many people started shouting. Anyone with a discerning eye knew what this guy wanted to do. He clearly wanted to bully the younger wizards. Wood also squeezed out. It's only been a few weeks, and their Gryffindor anger has not subsided yet!

"Flint, if you can't find anyone to practice with, how about you come and practice with me!" Wood looked at Flint and said unceremoniously.

"Quiet! Oliver, I think I have assigned you your practice partner before. Now, all of you, stand back!"

Wood looked at Snape unwillingly, and finally, under Snape's intimidation, he could only retreat, and glared at Flint before leaving.

At this time, another person emerged from the crowd, "Professor, if Augustus doesn't find anyone to practice with, I think I should be able to do the job. It just so happens that I don't have anyone to contact!" The person who came spoke politely, He didn't say any unnecessary words, as if he simply wanted to sparring with Linde.

"It's Cedric!" Hermione whispered,

"Who is he?" Ron and Harry looked confused.

"He is Lind's classmate in the Charms Club, in the fourth grade. His grades are very good!" Hermione explained to them.

Lind looked at the person who came, it was Cedric, the flower of Hogwarts.

"Digory, you don't have to worry about these things!" Snape said calmly.

Cedric wanted to say something else, but was pulled by his classmates behind him. In the end, he had no choice but to give up, but he did not leave. He still stood there, wanting to see what Snape would do with Lind.

To be honest, there were so many stares surrounding Lynde and Snape that it made him a little unhappy. He still likes to hide himself in the dark, and then like a poisonous snake, attack the enemy at once, inject venom, and kill the opponent in an instant.

"Augustus, you and Flint will be in the same group!"

Hearing this, the faces of the people around changed, but due to Snape's intimidation, they did not dare to say it out loud.

Afterwards, Snape strolled back to the upper floor and stood with Lockhart.

But he did not expect that Wood and Cedric would bring their training subjects to stand on both sides of Lind and Flint. After that, many teams from Slytherin and Gryffindor began to move towards this side unconsciously.

Lind and Flint were now like bombs that would explode in an instant.

Snape saw this situation from above and walked down directly, standing between Lind and Flint to prevent things from getting worse.

And Lockhart still stood there complacently, perhaps he understood the atmosphere off the stage as everyone was looking forward to his duel teaching.

"Facing your partners!" Lockhart stood on the stage and shouted, "Bow!"

Lind did not bow, nor did Flint.

Lind's eyelids drooped, and he looked around lazily. He was a little undecided. Reason told him that it was best to be defeated by Flint honestly, but to be honest, he might not be as old as Flint, but as long as he played the right combo, responded properly, used his skills reasonably, and didn't reveal any flaws, he should be able to win the opponent by a narrow margin.

This possibility of a narrow victory, the surrounding atmosphere, and the hormones secreted in his adolescent body all stimulated him, hoping that he could show his strength at this time.

"Raise your wand and get ready!" Lockhart said loudly, "When I count to three, I will cast a spell to disarm the opponent-just disarm-we don't want any accidents. One-two-three..."

"Just disarm!" Wood deliberately repeated Lockhart's words loudly beside him, seemingly talking to himself, but in fact everyone knew that he was warning Flint.


Flint raised his wand and waved it at a speed that looked like a newborn learning to walk to Lind. Before he finished his spell, Lind could tell what spell he wanted to cast just by the trajectory of the swing!


He recited the spell at a speed that seemed extremely slow to Lind.

Although Lind had analyzed this situation long ago, he was still slow and rolled over a second before the spell was about to come. It was as if he just reacted.

Lind should be the only one in the second and third grades who could say that Flint was slow in casting spells. So he tried his best to act like a normal second grader and only reacted when the spell was in front of him.

After rolling over, Lind raised his hands expressionlessly. Everyone looked at the ground and found that Lind had thrown his wand on the ground while rolling.

Flint seemed not to see the wand on the ground, nor did he see Lind's deliberately raised hands, and cast another split.

Lind raised his hands, dodged the spell expressionlessly, and the real wand in his sleeve was ready to go.

Three times is the limit. If Flint still pretended not to react and continued to attack, then Lind would let him see what the combination of spells and the interesting chemical reactions produced by the combination of Transfiguration and spells are.

As for the fake wand on the ground, it was just the branch that accompanied him for nearly a year to practice spells!

He rolled to take out the branch and then put his real wand back into his sleeve. Otherwise, he could just sidestep and dodge the opponent's spell like the second time.

However, Snape did not want to stop Flint's idea. He just stood aside and looked at the two coldly.

Flint did not make a move again. Now the attitudes of both sides were very clear. Basically, this area was full of Gryffindor and Slytherin people, and they all glanced at each other.

Especially many people in Slytherin, they were whispering to each other, and many people remembered this person who publicly mocked the pure-blood family some time ago. People who were previously unaware now also know what Lind said on the Quidditch field.

The glory of pure blood cannot be slandered!

This is the education that many Slytherin people have received since childhood. Their ancestors and ancestors may have told them how proud pure blood is when they were young, that they are born superior, that they are nobles, and so on.

When the main members of a family have been spellcasters for hundreds of years, their descendants are undoubtedly spellcasters, not mortals like Muggles, and the social environment used to be unfriendly to wizards, then they are naturally prone to a morbid sense of superiority.

Moreover, with the development of modern times, the power of these nobles has become smaller and smaller, and they naturally want to take back the so-called noble glory more and more urgently, so they all follow Voldemort and want to pursue change.

As their children, they still maintain this sense of superiority, turning it into a weapon to attack other wizards who are classmates.

Just look at Draco. Except for a few teachers, he naturally maintains a superior face when he meets most people.

"Ridiculous pride!"

This is Lind's evaluation of most Slytherin people. If the pride of the nobility is obtained by eliminating dissidents and oppressing others together with Voldemort, that stupid dog, then this kind of pride is really funny.

But he would not deliberately say such words on this occasion.

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