"Oh, what's the big deal? You don't have to think of Salazar Slytherin! Think about it in a positive way. What if he is the descendant of the despicable Herpo?" Lind said easily.

"Despicable Herpo... then he is worse than Slytherin!" Jane said unhappily.

"Despicable Herpo?" Hermione and the others looked at Jane in confusion.

"To be honest, he is worse than Slytherin. Despicable Herpo is the first person in history to be defined as a dark wizard."

"The first dark wizard?" Hermione exclaimed.

"Yes, as far as I know, he is the earliest recorded Parseltongue. Many of his magic researches are still taboos!" Jane crossed her arms in front of her chest and explained to several people.

"Hearing you say that, then he is worse than Slytherin!" Ron said, and Hermione nodded in agreement.

"Herbo is the best. Slytherin is too famous. Look at the way they look at me now. It's because they associate it with Slytherin." Harry had the opposite view. He had been suffering from fame since he entered school. Now it was because of the fame of Slytherin's Parseltongue that others had bad associations with him.

Linde didn't care about these things, but changed the subject, "I heard that when Parseltongues communicate with snakes, it is difficult for them to realize that they have changed their language at that time!" Linde supported his head with both hands and looked at Harry with interest.

"Yes, that's..." Harry's mind turned rapidly, thinking about how to describe it, "It's just that I will talk to snakes unconsciously, and I will enter that state all of a sudden. I don't even realize that I have changed a language!"

"I want to see it!" Linde said his purpose without any concealment.

"But..." Harry was stunned for a moment, thinking about what happened in the hall just now, and wanted to refuse from the bottom of his heart.

"Harry, are you rejecting me simply because you don't want to, or because you're afraid that others will hear you speaking Parseltongue again?" Lind had a gentle smile on his face.

"Why do you care so much about the opinions of outsiders? Your relatives and friends won't reject you just because you speak Parseltongue!" Lind continued, and gestured to Ron and the others, "Whether it's them, me, or Professor Dumbledore, they won't dislike you just because you speak Parseltongue!"

"Parseltongue is a very powerful skill. It would be a pity if you hate it because of other people's eyes." Lind continued to distort Harry's thoughts.

He understood that Harry didn't actually resist Parseltongue, but what happened in the past few minutes made him feel at a loss and confused. This confusion is like the light fog in the morning, and it will naturally dissipate before long.

But when Harry was still in the fog, Lind deliberately guided Harry and told him: You don't have to hate this ability.

In fact, he didn't hate this ability, but when Linde said it, Harry seemed to think so, and then he felt that Linde was right.

It's just a trick!

"Linde, you are right, I shouldn't care about other people's eyes... and I am also quite curious about Parseltongue!" Harry felt that he suddenly understood, that's right! Why care about other people's eyes! Harry Potter will not change because of other people's eyes. Harry Potter can speak Parseltongue, let others say whatever they want!

"Then, I want to put a snake here, you don't mind!" Linde seemed to be asking for others' opinions, but his right hand had already shaken the wand out of his sleeve.

From the time he sat down until now, although he often asked questions to ask for opinions, and seemed to have a smile on his face, his tone of speech was always extremely affirmative and unquestionable. In this case, even if these little wizards have some complaints in their hearts, they will not say anything if they see that others do not raise any objections.

In other words, the right to speak is always under Linde's control.

Seeing that no one raised any objections, Lind took out the twig that had been with him for more than a year.

The magic wand touched the twig, and the slender twig gradually turned into a green bamboo leaf green snake with a triangular head and a red tail. Then, Lind waved the magic wand again.

"The dragon is out of the hole!"

A fat python more than one meter long suddenly jumped out from the tip of his wand.

"The snake transformed by the transfiguration and the biological projection transformed by the spell!" Lind explained lightly, "I want to see if there is any difference when you communicate with them!"

Both snakes rubbed Lind's hand intimately, and the bamboo leaf green snake even coiled around Lind's palm, and then tried to drill its head into Lind's empty palm.

Lind gently stroked the fine scales on the two snakes. He had raised pet snakes in his previous life. In fact, the skin of snakes feels very good. Of course, the premise is that it must be clean. Snakes in the wild are all sticky and smelly. That's because they have no legs, and their way of moving is to roll on the ground with their whole body in the mud and water.

Lind's behavior made Jane move the stool far away, and then looked at this side curiously.

"Malfoy can't control the snakes he summoned!" Harry said with some surprise.

"Many people can't control them, and I can't control them either, but they are willing to listen to me." Lind said lightly. "In fact, you can learn this spell, combined with the Parseltongue, and when Malfoy provokes you in the future, you can let the snake bite him. And this spell is very simple."

After speaking, he urged, "Harry, come on! Try talking to them first."

Harry nodded, then looked at the two snakes, staring at them. The others stared at Harry curiously. Around them, the others who had moved away because Lind had summoned the snakes cast curious eyes again.

After waiting for a long time, the two snakes still rubbed against Lind intimately, but Harry didn't say anything.

Harry seemed to have held back a long breath, and he cried out, "I don't know what to say."

Lind thought for a while and put the two snakes between Harry and him.

"Let them attack me!" Lind said lightly.

"No, how can it be possible." Harry was stunned for a moment, and then directly refused.

"That's it, don't worry! They are not dangerous!" Lind gestured to Harry to rest assured. "Look, it's just a triangular head. If bitten, it will only cause severe pain. The venom entering the blood vessels may cause swelling all over the body. As long as the treatment is fast enough, it will not die."

As he said, he used both hands to wrap around the middle of the python's fat body, "This is only as thick as an adult's thigh. The place where it is entangled will be locally necrotic due to ischemia and muscle damage, so if it is not entangled around the neck, it will not die."

As he said, he comforted Harry again, "Don't worry! It's safe."

Harry looked at Lind in horror. After hearing his words, he dared not do it anymore.

"Don't worry!" Lind asked again.

Harry looked at Lind's eyes and confirmed again, "Are you sure? Lind."

"Even if you don't believe me, you should believe in Parseltongue! Parseltongue can control snakes, right?" Lind said easily.

Harry nodded solemnly. Then he looked at the two snakes again. This time, a strange hissing sound came out of his mouth.

The two snakes looked at Harry and spit out their tongues and hissed.

Harry made that sound again, and the next second, the two snakes looked at Lind. Without any hesitation, they instantly shot towards Lind like a spring, opening their mouths.

Lind was quick-witted and grabbed the snake's head with both hands. Zhuyeqing's head was pinched, and its body was swinging helplessly on the table. The python was different. Its body was like a whip, quickly wrapping around Lind's arm and knotting it, and then tightening it.

Lind's arms under his robe had become thick, and the visible muscle fibers were accompanied by fine scales. He directly used brute force to resist the python's entanglement attack.

Harry exclaimed, and people around him quickly surrounded him with concern. Lind hurriedly said loudly, "It's okay, Harry just let them wrap around my hands! They didn't attack me!"

Hearing this, the few little wizards around him recovered. Harry wanted to enter the state of talking to snakes again, but he couldn't find that feeling.

"Harry, calm down and take the initiative to master that feeling. That is your ability, not the You-Know-Who's, nor Slytherin's. That is yours." After saying that, Lind pretended to be relaxed and leaned back on the chair, but his head was lowered.

"Release!" He whispered in a low voice. Others could not hear it, but the two snakes in his hands could definitely hear it.

He had been able to command small animals to a certain extent a long time ago, and now he wanted to try whether his commands to animals could resist the control of the Parseltongue over the snakes.

On Lind's lowered head, his hair was long enough to cover his eyes. His eyes turned into squares again, and he looked at the two snakes in his hands mercilessly, "Release, and be quiet for me!" Lind said lightly. But the momentum was getting higher and higher.

But the two snakes did not mean to stop, and Lind could still feel the force on them in his hands.

Lind exerted force and directly deformed the head of the bamboo leaf green snake. After a while, it turned back into the branch again.

Lind put the branch back into his robe, then picked up the wand again and pointed it at the python he had transformed.

"Stop the curse!"

Green smoke began to come out of the python, but after a while, the whole snake turned into a puff of smoke, and under Lind's control, it floated out of the window.

Lind waved his hands easily, signaling the people around him to rest assured. To be honest, he also felt the atmosphere of mutual help in Gryffindor during this period. Although he was not such an enthusiastic person, he really couldn't make himself hate this atmosphere.

"Harry just let them scare me." Lind said with a smile, and lifted his sleeves to reveal his thin and white arms underneath.

If it was really said that Harry really let the two snakes attack him, then Harry's reputation would be tarnished for a long time.

Fred rushed over and patted Harry on the shoulder, "Good boy, you scared us. I didn't expect Parseltongue to be so interesting!"

George also stood up and said with a smile, "Awesome! Why don't we have this ability!"

Ron said puzzledly, "That's the symbol of Slytherin!"

Fred looked at Ron as if he was looking at a cerebral palsy, "Ron, what's the big deal about this? The key is how we use our abilities."

George also said, "Yes, for example, if we really have this ability, we will definitely have one less stupid brother coming to school here!"

The laughter of the two also boosted the atmosphere of Gryffindor, and their grudges against Harry, the big star of their Gryffindor, who was actually a Parseltongue, also disappeared for the most part. They gathered around.

Harry was a little overwhelmed by the scene in front of him, and suddenly he saw Justin Finch-Fletchley, the classmate who was frightened by his Parseltongue. He quickly explained, "I'm sorry, Justin, I wanted that snake to stay away from you!"

Justin blushed a little when he saw Harry's sudden apology. In fact, he was the one who should apologize, "Harry, it's me who should apologize. I was scared at the time."

"What are you talking about here! It's just a misunderstanding, isn't it?" Fred interrupted their awkward apology with a smile, and George followed up and said, "Harry, can you perform again! Just like India That’s the same story as making the snake dance.”

Harry scratched his head. He didn't expect that such a thing would make everyone in Gryffindor accept his Parseltongue.

"That's right, Harry, let's take a look!" Someone from behind made a fuss. The atmosphere in the entire lounge was suddenly aroused, and people were shouting around Harry.

"But, there are no snakes!" Harry said a little embarrassed.

"I'll do it!" A seventh-year wizard suddenly walked out of the crowd. He was also very curious about Harry's Parseltongue. Although this ability is not well-known, it was the first time that everyone had seen it. Gryffindor's deep-rooted passion The spirit of adventure comes through at this moment.

Linde had already withdrawn from the crowd at this time. He had never been used to such big scenes and was not targeting anyone.

Afterwards, he returned to his own corner.

"It's really interesting. He is born with the ability to speak a language, instead of just communicating by feeling like me. And he has a strong suppression of this type." Linde said slowly.

"I can communicate with most creatures to a certain extent, but not through language, but through something more magical.

So someone like Merlin, who can communicate with all animals, in bird-talk, suckling-talk, and fish-talk? And Merlin can turn into an Animagus of any animal! "Lind thought of the legend in the wizarding world again.

Then he thought about other things about Parseltongue, "Helbo and Salazar are both Parseltongues. Moreover, Herbo studied the basilisk, and Salazar's representative animal is a snake, and he also raised a basilisk... …”

"Is their relationship with snakes like the relationship between the Dumbledore family and phoenixes?" Lind thought in his mind while scribbling on the parchment.

"It is said that whenever someone in the Dumbledore family is in need, they can summon a phoenix to help them!"

Thinking about it, Linde touched Andersen and sighed in a longing tone.

"How did they do it?"

Linde did not simply desire this ability, but wanted to know the secret behind it.

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