The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 13 Astronomy, Stars and Magic Potions

The teacher of the afternoon spells class was Professor Flitwick. He was a very short spell master, and he did not hide his goblin bloodline at all, but said it openly, which won the favor of many young wizards.

Professor Flitwick called the roll in the first half of the whole spells class, and when he called Harry Potter, he almost fell off the book he was standing on.

The second half was basically answering the questions of the young wizards, just like chatting. Then he answered a series of questions such as why we should learn spells, what we are learning in spells, and why we should learn it.

Professor Sprout of the Herbology class was the same. He met the students for the first time, and then explained to the students the basic functions and basic conditions of each greenhouse.

In addition to Professor Quirrell, he boasted in front of the garlic-smelling professor that he bravely fought against the vampires in Romania, but when Seamus Finnigan asked him impatiently how he defeated the vampires, Quirrell's face turned red, and he was vague and talked about the weather.

And Professor Binns of the History of Magic, ah! A thousand-year-old ghost, for him, teaching anyone is the same, he just walks into the classroom and asks the children to open their books and then teaches.

Lind deliberately entered the classroom for Defense Against the Dark Arts and Scholastic, and then sat in the back row pretending to listen. Not long after, he was watching with other books in the back, holding a small branch picked up at random under the desk, using it as a wand to simulate casting a spell.

He would pick up his wand and try to cast a spell only after he felt that there was no problem.

On Wednesday night, Lind finished dinner and followed Andersen to the Hogwarts Observatory.

Wednesday night is Gryffindor's astronomy class. This course, which is basically not covered in the original book, requires observing the starry sky with a telescope at night, learning the names of different stars and the orbits of planets.

So it is taught by Gryffindor and Ravenclaw together. And the older the children are, the later the class time will be. It is the privilege of children to attend classes earlier.

The first-grade course is from 8pm to 8:50pm.

Linde came to the astronomy tower panting and met Professor Aurora Sinnesta, an old black female professor of astronomy.

After calling the roll, each child was assigned an old telescope, and then she asked the children to find Mars, which was the task she assigned to the children tonight.

When the class was about to end, she called all the children to gather in front of her.

"Children!" She clapped her hands.

"Now I will assign you a final exam!" Professor Sinnesta said mysteriously.

"Final exam?" Including Linde, a group of little wizards looked at each other.

"In June and July next year. A group of stars will be closely combined.

And I will tell you the position of one of the stars in each of the next classes and let you observe it.

And the answer sheet you have to give me at the end of the term is the star map formed after the stars return to their positions."

As he said, Professor Sinnesta waved to the little wizards below with a heroic face, "This is a big project! I will give all the extra points I can to the best student at the end of the term!!"

Good guy! I haven't seen this in my previous life. Whether in the novel or the movie, Linde is also a little interested.

It's like a long-term copy, which makes people want to attack.

With the discussion of the little wizards, the first astronomy class officially ended.

As time passed, the people of Gryffindor gradually realized that there was a spy in their college.

A first-year student named Linde Augustus lowered his head wherever he went, holding a book while walking and reading.

What the people of Gryffindor couldn't understand the most was that he was actually reading "Standard Spells: Elementary".

Even the people of Ravenclaw were a little strange, how could such a person be assigned to Gryffindor.

Moreover, this strange little wizard basically didn't talk at ordinary times. Every time he was about to hit the wall, turn or meet someone on the road, a crow on his shoulder would cry to remind him to read.

Even his roommate David said in the common room that Linde never discussed Quidditch and wizard chess with them. When he wanted to continue, he was stopped by Bellive.

But Lind didn't care about these. He didn't want to be a conspicuous person from the beginning, including the Sorting Hat said that he was more selfish.

But he didn't expect that his style would have the opposite effect in the environment of Gryffindor.

"Gu——" Andersen called softly.

Lind looked up and saw Ron and Harry walking towards him.

Lind stepped aside to avoid bumping into the two. Then the three of them passed by.


Seeing Lind turn the corner, Ron said, "He is really a weirdo, you know? I met him before school started, and he had a fight with Jane Devore at that time." Ron completely ignored what he said that day.

"Well... he's quite weird, but there are good things about him."

"What's good about him? He doesn't talk to us all day."

"At least he doesn't stare at me like others do." Harry said uncertainly. He felt like a monkey in the zoo these days since he came to school. People stared at him wherever he went. At least Lind made him feel good about this matter.

"Okay! But there's nothing we can do about it. Who made you defeat the god... By the way, do we have to turn right to go to the Potions classroom?"

Ron's sudden question interrupted the two's thoughts.

"Wait, we have to go back and follow Lind, he never gets lost!" Harry shouted, and hurriedly turned around and ran back. Ron also reacted.

In the cold underground classroom, Lind walked in slowly, followed by two panting little wizards, Harry and Ron.

At this time, there were already quite a few people in the classroom, but they were abnormally not noisy, even though Professor Snape hadn't come yet.

Because this classroom was really not comfortable, there were glass jars along the wall, and the animal specimens soaked in them were even more trembling.

Lind didn't care. He sat down at a table. Potions class usually worked in pairs.

However, no one would come to sit next to him in a short time. It was estimated that it would depend on who came later and then leave the empty seat next to Lind for the "lucky guy".

Lind didn't care who was next to him.

Except Seamus

He added in his heart.

Until the bell rang, no one came to Lind's side. Then he heard footsteps coming from behind!

Snape? Not only that, there was another sound with a faster frequency but lighter.

Just as he was thinking, he saw a figure suddenly rushing to sit next to him.

Long golden hair, with a carrot hairpin on her head. Fine cold sweat on her fair face.

Jane Devo did not expect that the stairs leading to the Potions classroom changed direction when she went to the toilet, so she had to take a detour to get here.

Although she ran as hard as she could, she still arrived at the classroom a step late.

It was not embarrassing to be late, but it was embarrassing to bump into the teacher who was about to enter the classroom.

She could only hurriedly find an empty seat and rush in to sit, and then when she turned her head, she happened to see the face she hated the most.

It seemed to be back to the day when she first came to England and saw the weird face in the magical animal shop in Diagon Alley.

Twitching up and down, weird and stinky face.

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