Linde's birthday is on December 27th. He doesn't know if this date is right or not. Anyway, Mrs. Evelyn told him so.

But he himself has no desire to celebrate his birthday.

After returning to Nott Town, Linde first avoided the eyes of passers-by, returned home, cleaned the house well, and then went to the cemetery. He personally swept Mrs. Evelyn's grave.

When night fell, Linde returned to the hidden cove where he had been six months ago.

He hurriedly opened the box, got in, and returned to the warm nest in the suitcase.

A bright flame ignited in the lantern, illuminating Linde's nest.

Table, hammock, hanger, cabinet. There is also a birdcage in the cabinet. The birdcage has no door, and Andersen can enter and exit freely. The purpose of this cage is to serve as a toilet.

There are also various bottles and jars of sundries in the rest. All kinds of things have basically occupied the entire space, and there is not much place to stay.

Such an environment may seem uncomfortable, but it can give people endless sense of security.

Lind took off his woolen coat and quickly changed into clothes that fit him. The effect of the aging agent had long passed, and he had been wearing clothes that didn't fit him well.

After changing his clothes, Lind rested for a while, then took Andersen out of the box house and came outside.

Indicating Andersen to move freely, Lind walked towards the sea.

There were already many ice fragments on the beach that were pushed into a high pile by the waves. Lind stepped on these ice fragments and walked into the freezing cold sea...

The sun had slowly risen from the distant sea level, and the tide slowly receded, leaving only a pile of ice fragments on the beach. The shellfish on the cliff began to close their shells and continued to wait for the arrival of the evening tide. Some crabs swam in the gaps. When the tide receded, they also had to move to another place.


The water surface was suddenly broken, bringing a rumbling sound.

Then, a big fish with a body length of nearly one meter fell from the sky. It was not dead yet, and it was jumping vigorously on the beach.

Linde slowly walked out of the water, and the traces of the fishman on his body slowly disappeared.

Shaking his hands, Linde walked over to look at the big fish.

He didn't know what kind of fish it was, but he was sure that it was a big enough fish.

Andersen flew down and looked at the guy jumping on the mudflat in confusion.

"Is there anyone around?" Linde asked Andersen.


Linde nodded and turned into a fishman again. He stepped on the fish's head with one foot and directly stepped on the mudflat below.

"Be quiet, I'll be quick, just bear with it!" Linde said. I don't know if it heard Linde's words or something, although its head couldn't move, its tail struggled more violently. But the more it struggled, the harder the foot stepping on its head was, and it could feel that its bones were about to break.

Linde no longer hesitated, and without changing his expression, he quickly took out a thick kitchen knife from his waist bag and stabbed it directly from its gills, ending its life.

He picked up the knife again, and the fish was separated from its head and tail. Lind ignored the fish body that was still jumping because of the reflex, he picked up the fish head and cut directly at its head.

After a while, a complete fish brain that was only the size of a fist was dug out by him.

Without hesitation, he took out a glass jar from his waist bag, which was full of Erdos oil.

This oil was invented by a wizard named Erdos three hundred years ago, and it is particularly effective in preserving various potion materials. The formula was leaked a hundred years ago, and now this oil is very cheap.

Lind carefully put the fish brain in, and then tightened the lid again.

Holding the fish brain, he came to the side of the suitcase, but did not rush to open it. He adjusted the suitcase first, and then opened it.

Below is still a small room of no more than ten square meters. But it is a little empty. The box that Lind bought at that time only had two small spaces and was equipped with anti-Muggle devices. Just now he entered the room by adjusting the button outside the box.

This room looks quite empty, with no cabinets or tables. There is only a large water tank in the middle of the room. The water tank is filled with seawater, and there is a crucible in it. The crucible is placed in the water, not directly on the bottom of the water, as if there is something else underneath.

The potion of the Sea Singer is made in the water, so Lind created such an environment for making the potion.

There is nothing in the water tank except these things. But on the ground next to the water tank, there are several glass jars similar to the jar of fish brain in Lind's hand.

There are scapula grass, mistletoe, and Locatrick beans that are raised with seawater and soil. Both the pods and the beans inside are full of curved thorns.

There are also some common ones, such as dried salamanders and spider eyeballs.

Whether it is the former fishmen or the current Lind. Collecting this potion is not simple.

It was not difficult for the former fishmen to get fresh fish brains and whale blood, but they had to come to land to get mandrake grass and spider eyes.

Linde is the same. Spider eyes, salamanders and most of the materials can be bought directly, but fish brains have to be killed by themselves. As for whale blood, he hasn't got it yet! His goal for this Christmas holiday is to get whale blood.

As for mandrake.

The batch planted in the Forbidden Forest at that time should be almost healed. They have been taken care of by the centaur Firenze, and their survival rate is an astonishing 60%. Coupled with the transaction with Firenze, Linde estimated that he should be able to get about ten plants by then.

Linde put the fish brain away and checked if there were any problems with other materials...

On Christmas Eve, Lind went to Diagon Alley again and got the unicorn skin he made.

Putting it on the skull, Lind was very satisfied. Terri's craftsmanship is not to mention. She took materials from a large unicorn scalp and sewed it into a small piece of skin.

Moreover, she used a special technique to sew the neck, which was the skinless part, to completely cover the entire skull, as Linde said.

Lind turned around but couldn't find any sewing thread. She had also treated the mane. Linde searched for a long time but still couldn't find any sewing thread.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, the body of the piano, that is, the resonance box of the entire piano, was finally completed on the day before Christmas!

Afterwards, he returned to Knotttown. Then he eagerly entered the suitcase and started making the piano.

The forehead was extended by Lind from the tip of the unicorn's bloody horn, and then used to connect the strings.

One end of the string is connected to the forehead of the horn, and the other end is connected to the unicorn's head. It is inserted into the skin and directly connected to the bones under the skin. In this way, when the string is plucked, it can resonate with the skull resonance box below to produce music. .

There are seven strings, ranging from light to heavy. He used one of the unicorn's uniquely tough brain nerves, the dragon's heart string, and the sinews of the fire-tailed rat...

There is no necessary connection between these strings. Linde only chose them based on their toughness and sound production effect. And it can be replaced if suitable materials are found in the future.


There was an idea in his mind...

Just find a way to kill seven unicorns from big to small, and then use the main heart strings of different thicknesses and toughness of these seven unicorns to make unified strings.

But think about it and forget it, it’s too difficult. He probably wouldn't be able to bear the consequences of killing the unicorns. This kind of thing will definitely cause a sensation, and he can't be sure of escaping.

After connecting these seven strings together, it is considered a qualified piano.

At this time, Linde was holding Qin and climbing out of the suitcase.

I don’t take magic potions or perform rituals, I just play the ball, there’s nothing wrong with it!

Linde came out and looked at the scenery outside, a little surprised.

The sun was rising over the sea. I took out my pocket watch and took a look. Seven fifty in the morning.

Christmas is here.

But without people, Christmas would be meaningless.

Thinking about it, Linde held the piano with his left hand and began to pluck the strings with his right hand. This is the first time he has used this piano. The sound of the piano is better than he expected, and the overall feeling is crisp and ethereal.

Does it sound good? If it sounds good, it’s a good piano!

It sounds good, but it's a pity that Linde himself is not very proficient in music theory. If Occlumency hadn't reminded him of what little he knew about the guitar, he might have had trouble even picking the strings properly.

But at least it’s better than Hagrid!

Thinking about it, Lind recalled a song from his past. The fingertips began to move on the strings, slowly, as if searching for them.

He frowned from time to time, and sometimes he found his tune and nodded again.

Not long after, Linde began to hum slowly.

when hugging loved ones

I wish time would stop

Now I feel sorry for my hometown

Like travelers coming and going in a hurry...

Unconsciously, Lind closed his eyes and naturally entered the state.

His playing was getting smoother and smoother, not because his skills had become inexplicably better, but because this piano seemed to know what Linde wanted and had been actively producing the rhythm that Linde wanted.

The heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and slowly it became in tune with the melody.

you gave it to me

every dream

In the wandering years

make me strong

At the end of the song, Linde let out a long sigh again. The timbre of the piano itself was not suitable for the ballad that I remembered from my previous life, and my humming was quite off-key.


He sang happily.

To use a saying from my previous life, it is,

No technique, all emotion.

It's good to have feelings, thinking, Linde slowly opened his eyes.

But there was peace in front of him.

The sea breeze is gone, the waves are gone.

Linde looked at it and saw that the sea was as flat as a mirror.

Even though he has lived here for so many years, he has never seen the sea so calm. The sea surface is as calm as a mirror...


Linde hesitated to speak.

He's not an idiot, he understands what's going on.

Suddenly his heart became restless.

Dahai, you understand me!

Get excited!

Linde suddenly became excited, and Occlumency extracted those memories.

In my previous life, I went bungee jumping during my freshman year...

Attend a music festival…

When he was seven years old, Felix picked him up on his Harley and drove him up to a hundred yards...

When he was ten years old, Felix was driving a jet ski, and Lind was holding the rope behind, galloping on the water at high speed...

These memories, together with his inner emotions at the time, directly caused Linde to uncontrollably push his emotions to the highest point again.

He did not hold the piano upright, but suddenly turned into a fish-man. The left hand grabs the horn, no, that is now the handle of the piano.

His right hand was erratic, sweeping the strings wildly.

He stopped humming and opened his throat to shout out loudly,

"In the crowd, there are you and me

We met, got to know each other and pondered each other

In the crowd, there are you and me

Pretending to be decent and smiling


The inexplicable sea breeze rushed towards him, blowing his hair back violently, and the tentacles on his chin also waved wildly, and the originally calm sea surface suddenly churned up.

Singing with the waves!

They suddenly hit the cliff, and then hit the new waves back, they are Lind's harmony-

The sound of the wind whistled, they are Lind's accompaniment-

"You don't need to say more, you know it yourself

What do you and I want to do?

Don't care too much, and don't be sad.

One day you will understand me! ! "

His voice was hoarse, rough and bold, and it was not the voice of a twelve-year-old boy.

Andersen flew out, high in the sky, with his mouth wide open, shouting hoarsely.

The sound of waves, wind and Andersen's voice. They formed a manic song with Lind's singing as the main body.

If someone came at this time, he would definitely be infected by Lind's singing. These lyrics and rhythms would drill into his mind and affect his thinking.

Even if he left here after the song ended, in his dreams and in his trance, he would inevitably echo this song again and think of this scene...

One At the end of the song, Lind looked at the waves that were coming, opened his arms and made a hug, as if to welcome the overwhelming cheers from the audience.

The waves submerged him in an instant, and when the tide receded, the enthusiasm on Lind's face had disappeared.

His state just now was completely the result of his review of the past with the brain block technique, and it was not the emotion he could achieve under normal circumstances.

Now that the enthusiasm is gone and the attempt is over, he has returned to that calm state.

"Emotions, songs, melodies, waves--

When I sang "Home" just now, it was because of my feelings about "family reunion" on Christmas. At that time, my mood was low and sad.

So then I expressed this emotion with my song, and then it was reflected on the sea...

It's like the magic riot of a little wizard, there are strong emotions, there is magic, and then the emotions drive the magic, and the magic causes changes in the real world.

Later, in order to verify this conjecture, I took the initiative to guide the emotions, and then turned into a fishman to sing a rock song that matched my restless emotions!

As expected, I expressed my emotions through music, and then resonated with the sea, causing a reaction on the sea surface!

In other words, what I am doing now is the "magic riot" of the sea singer. But I am not a sea singer yet!

Then there is only one thing that can explain it. "

Linde looked at the piano in his hand.

This piano is equivalent to the wizard's magic wand, a tool for casting spells.

But in the records, it did not give him the power to move the sea. Now it should still be just a sea singer's spellcasting tool!

Linde was a little confused. The piano was just a prop for the sea singer's spellcasting, but if it was not the sea singer, how could he use the piano to move the waves and tides alone!

Obviously the system is different!

It's as strange as a Taoist holding a magic wand for the first time, chanting the world, and then casting a floating spell.

Is it me or the piano that has a problem!

No, the problem with the piano comes from my blood when the piano was made.


It's me who has a problem.

Thinking of this, Linde breathed a sigh of relief, "If this is true, then it's normal, because it's normal for me to be abnormal!"

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