A week has passed since he returned to school after the Christmas vacation. At this time, late at night, Lin Dezhen was in the Room of Requirement.

This is a small, empty room. There was only an open suitcase on the floor.

Entering the suitcase, he once again came to a space that was only ten square meters.

Linde transformed into the form of a fish-man, with no hair on his upper body, revealing a body full of scars.

Wearing shorts. Even though it's January, it's not too cold with the scales and thick muscles.

In front of him, there was a large water tank, which was higher than his waist. The water tank is filled with sea water, and there is a crucible in the sea water.

In the crucible, there is bright red whale blood. There is a stream of light flashing on the surface of the whale blood. This is a "film" that blocks the mixing of blood and water, allowing the two to separate like oil and water.

At the same time, there were two pieces of mandrake floating in the whale's blood. The edges of the originally green grass blades have begun to turn bright red. The meridians in the grass blades also turned blood red due to the absorption of whale blood, just like blood vessels.

Lind carefully picked up a locatric bean. The thorn on his hand was worth mentioning.

Carefully put the beans into the water, slightly passing through the membrane that separates the blood and water.


The beans exploded at once, and as Linde's fingers continued to exert force, a drop of bean juice was gradually squeezed out.

At the moment when the bean juice dripped into the whale's blood, Linde's free left hand quickly picked up the spoon and started stirring frantically.

fifth from left

third from right

Repeat the process until the thick bean juice and whale blood are thoroughly mixed, breaking up the mandrake leaves at the same time.

If there is no problem, the whale blood will naturally become thicker, and then immediately add one-half of the whale blood again...

If there is a problem...

Linde saw fine black bubbles suddenly appearing from the whale blood below, as if they were cola.


His right hand had already been taken out of the water tank, shaking off the remains of the beans and raising the wand.

"Armor protection!"

The target of Linde's attack was not himself, but the various materials piled in a pile on one side.

The moment the spell was cast, the wand was put behind his arm and wrist, covering his eyes at the same time.


The contents of the crucible suddenly exploded, knocking Lind directly into the wall behind!

Linde supported the wall behind him and stood up again.

"Fortunately, I was prepared!" Linde smiled and pulled out the glass shards stuck in the scales!

"Clean up!" Linde waved his wand, and the crucible that fell on the ground suddenly became clean. The mixed seawater, blood, and soaked mandrake leaves were all gathered into a ball by Linde and thrown out of the box.

"Restore as before!" Casting a spell again, the crucible, water tank, etc. returned to their original shape. The glass fragments on Linde's body also flew back as if they were being pulled.

He ignored the wounds on his body and filled the water tank again with "clear water into the spring". When he was filling the water, his hands were shaking. He was afraid that he might accidentally blow up the poor water tank.

That's the best he can do with this spell now!

After filling the water tank again, he walked over to the pile of materials and picked up a large glass jar! The whale blood inside was reduced by about one-seventh.

Not much opportunity for trial and error!

Thinking about it, Lind opened the jar, used a floating spell to stir up some of the whale blood, and then put it into the water tank crucible.

Afterwards, Lind pulled out two more leaves from the pile of mandrakes.

This time the leaves were larger than the previous two. Linde cut a small slit on each of the main veins of the grass leaves so that the juice of the mandrake leaves could exchange with the whale blood more quickly.

That's one of the problems with the explosion that just happened.

Linde added mandrake leaves into it.

Next there is another week of waiting for soaking.

Thinking about it, Linde patted his head uncomfortably.

Thinking about it, Linde checked again and saw that there was no problem, so he walked out. Andersen stayed outside. Andersen couldn't help at this time, and if an accident happened, Linde might not have time to take care of him, like just now. He only had time to take care of the materials, not himself.

After that, he left here and came to the Room of Response to Requirements.

After putting the box away again, his actions on the box in the outside world will not change the direction of gravity in the space inside the box.

Unless the box is severely damaged, the internal space will basically not be affected. After all, it is a large living space, so it is very stable.

I glanced at the time, three o'clock.

You can also go to the swimming pool to rest for a while!

Afterwards, Linde and Andersen walked out of the empty room.

At this time, he had turned into a human form, and blood was flowing out from many places on his body that had been scratched or stabbed by glass. He took out a piece of clothing and wiped it. Because of the scales, the wounds were not serious. , as long as we get into the water, we can probably recover tonight.

The only problem is that it's a bit cold now.

The cold wind blew through the window and whistled in the empty corridor. Linde couldn't help but shudder as he stepped out.

When I closed the door, I looked around and saw nothing...

A white shadow suddenly drifted across Lind's sight. Quickly flew down the stairs.


Linde shouted, it would be troublesome if others saw him wandering here at night.

However, the white shadow had disappeared from his sight.


If you run away, I will chase you!


Andersen flew directly over! Lind waved his wand and walked leisurely at the door, thinking about the pool house!

A familiar handle reappeared on the wall, and at the same time, Andersen also flew back.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing!" Andersen whispered. He actually didn't understand why Linde asked him to fly over.

"Did you see it just now? A white shadow floated over."

"Didn't see it! Ghost?"

"No, the texture of the ghost is different from that!" Lind thought for a while and frowned. "Some of it has the texture of an invisibility cloak, but the cloak is invisible after being put on, so it shouldn't be an invisibility cloak!"

As he spoke, Linde opened the door.

"I don't know, I didn't see anything just now." Andersen whispered, "I flew over and didn't see anything, including the next floor!"

"Hmm! No matter, it's just a night outing." Lind thought, then grabbed his clothes and wiped the blood.

Closing the door, Lind jumped into the water, throwing his clothes aside.

"The flames are blazing!"

A magic spell was cast on the blood-stained clothes, and then they began to burn. Black smoke floated over the swimming pool. Linde took one look and dived under the water...

The next day, during class in the morning, Linde suddenly heard a piece of news.

The blind monk is dead!

It is the blind monk who boasts that "my eyesight is extremely accurate", a magical portrait.

He died in his own image.

Yes, magic paintings are mortal.

In the original book, in the third grade, the Fat Lady was scratched by Sirius all over the canvas. After that, the Fat Lady did not dare to continue her position as the gatekeeper of the lounge for a long time.

The reason is that she really escaped from the line of life and death. Moreover, its two-dimensional Fat Lady was powerless against the three-dimensional Sirius.

Can only hide.

After class, Linde was at the front of the crowd for the rare moment. Before anyone gathered, he quickly came to the portrait of the blind monk. There were already many young wizards here.

"The last time I was bullied by them, he called out many people to complain about me!" A girl cried loudly, and was supported by her friends as she walked past Linde.

"I...why is this happening? Yesterday he was discussing with me how to chase girls...why today..." A fifth-year Hufflepuff whispered in disbelief.

Linde frowned and walked over. The blind monk was indeed a very good figure in the painting. He is a missionary, but he has never spread bad information to children. Instead, he often plays the role of a priest who enlightens people's hearts.

Whether it was a couple problem, a friend problem, or a senior student who was confused about the future, etc., he never hesitated to enlighten them and give them his own advice.

"He will never say to us 'I have very accurate eyes' again." The Hufflepuff boy still whispered.

Fool Barnabas, Sir Cadogan and other people in the painting also gathered here.

They either lowered their heads and remained silent, or cried softly with their eyes red. The space in this painting was no longer enough to stand, and the crowd had already occupied the space in several surrounding paintings.

However, Western paintings pay attention to the perspective relationship, so even if they are crowded together, Linde can see what is happening in the painting from a three-dimensional perspective!

In the original oil painting, the blind monk's head had been separated, and the flames below him had been extinguished. His body was tied to the cross, and his whole body was hanging limply.

A crack appeared on his neck. This crack is not in the painting, but is used to separate the canvas.

It was done by three-dimensional people!

He beheaded the blind monk while he was on the cross and returning to his original appearance during "working hours".

"Don't let me catch who it is!" Behind Lind, a wizard said in a low voice. Lind turned around and saw that it was a Ravenclaw wizard. He was nearly 1.8 meters tall and was probably in the sixth or seventh grade. people.

Linde looked at it and withdrew from the crowd. People were already crowding in, many of them looked ugly, and many girls were covering their faces in low voices and crying.

Do you care?

Just care.


Just a little bit!

When he arrived at the door of the lounge, Linde shouted the password several times before the fat lady recovered from her sadness and opened the door for him.

At noon, Professor McGonagall took away the portrait of the monk, brought it to the auditorium, and hung it in the center of the auditorium. There are many blank canvases hanging around him. This is prepared for the people in the painting who come here to pay homage.

Because the blind monk believes in a non-existent religion made up by the painter, and he is also the only religious portrait in this school. Because this is the wizarding world, basically not many people believe in religion. So no Mass was celebrated.

In the evening, everyone took communion and said goodbye after a moment of silence.

As for the subsequent funeral, teachers still need to discuss with each portrait. This is the first time a funeral ceremony has been held for a painting at Hogwarts.

During dinner, Dumbledore and many professors looked disappointed.

Lockhart is still...

Such a cool look!

As for the atmosphere among students, except for Slytherin, most colleges are relatively low-spirited. Not that everyone was saddened by the blind monk's departure. Some people naturally enter a depressed mood due to environmental influences.

Lind was pretending, but it was better than Snape. He didn't even pretend, he still kept a straight face and didn't know what he was thinking.

At night, the password of the Gryffindor common room was changed. It was changed to "Monk". And today the prefects made a solemn announcement. No one is allowed to wander around at night after curfew, and all the young wizards had better stay in the common room honestly. After curfew until tomorrow morning, no one will open the door for them.

Because the Fat Lady wants to say goodbye to the blind monk at night.

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