The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 141 Footprints (Please vote, monthly ticket, recommendation ticket)

"What are you doing here? Don't you have classes?" Snape interrupted Lind's self-review and began to cast his creepy eyes on the children around him.

The large number of children around him scattered like birds and beasts. Not everyone had classes this morning. But with Snape here, they really didn't dare to stay any longer.

Lind also slowly retreated, but was hugged by a big hand. Looking up, Dumbledore hugged him, "Minerva, please tell Professor Sprout that Lind may have to go to class later today!"

Professor McGonagall was a little puzzled, and Dumbledore then said, "I think Lind may have discovered something!"

"Okay!" Professor McGonagall nodded, and then she slowly moved her wand in the air, and a silver cat jumped out of it.

Patronus Charm!

The cat's nose moved, as if it was smelling something, but after a while, it flew away in the air in a running posture.

Professor McGonagall, after casting the Patronus Charm, looked at Dumbledore. "The rest of the story is up to you!"

Dumbledore nodded.

After that, Professor McGonagall went upstairs.

She also had classes this morning, and since Dumbledore had taken over this matter, she could go directly to class.

After class, she had to observe and deal with the spread of the Chamber of Secrets among students, and whether it was necessary to correct, stop or appease them in time...

Thinking of this, Professor McGonagall, who was walking quickly on the stairs, couldn't help but pat her forehead, "What the hell is this!"

"Did you find anything just now, great detective?!" Snape looked at Lynd maliciously, with the corners of his mouth raised.

Dumbledore patted Lynd's shoulder, signaling him to speak boldly. Just as Lynd was about to say something, Professor Flitwick jumped out.

"She's awake, I think you should go and see her." As he said that, he saw Lind, "Hey, Augustus. Why are you here?"

"Oh, okay. Let's go see the girl first! As for Lind, he seems to have made some discoveries. So I think we may have to find him to find out the situation."

As he said that, he looked at Lind, "Go and see?"

Lind wanted to refuse, but looking at the words "Secret Chamber" written in blood on the ground, he felt a little uneasy for some reason. Then he nodded.

A group of four people came to the infirmary on the second floor. Madam Pomfrey's face turned red when she saw so many people. It was Dumbledore who persuaded them to go in together, and the time was only fifteen minutes.

After walking in, Lind saw a girl lying on the bed. Black hair and yellow skin, she kept looking at her plastered foot with a dazed look.

When Lind saw this, he remembered when he was in a plaster cast some time ago. This girl must have to stay here for a while.

"This is Qiu Zhang, a third-year student in our college." Flitwick whispered to Lind in the back.

Dumbledore naturally sat down beside the bed, and looked at the little witch in front of him with concern in his blue eyes. "Qiu Zhang, are you okay?"

The girl had not noticed the person next to her before, and was startled by Dumbledore's voice. "Oh, Professor Dumbledore. Do you know me?"

"I know every child in the school. Just like you must know me!"

Lind stood behind and glanced at Professor Flitwick casually, and Professor Flitwick also responded with a meaningful smile.

Now, Lind didn't know whether the old man Dumbledore's memory was really good enough to remember every student or because Professor Flitwick endorsed it in advance.

Seeing his face not blushing and heart beating, Qiu Zhang believed it anyway, and seemed to be happier.

Speaking of Qiu Zhang, she is also Harry's future first love. One grade higher than them.

And she looks really good. She tied her hair into a black ponytail, and her hair was twice as long as Linde's, which was probably the same length as before Linde shaved his head in June. Now his hair has reached his shoulders.

She also has fair skin, which can be seen as the yellow-skinned kind, not the white-skinned kind. But at this time, it is mixed with some paleness.

Her nose is straight and beautiful, and her eyebrows and eyes are delicate...

If she were in the middle and high schools of China in her previous life, she would definitely be a white moonlight type girl who was famous in several classes around her.

"Qiu Zhang, do you remember what happened?" Dumbledore spoke in a magical voice that calmed people down. It seemed that in the short conversation with Dumbledore, Linde felt that Qiu Zhang's face was a little ruddy.

"I... I returned to the castle very late last night. I was riding a broom in the playground. Because I want to join the Quidditch team next year. When I returned to the castle, there were not many people, so I ran in a hurry.

As a result, I didn't notice that a staircase had changed its position at some point, and I fell down at once..."

"Is that it?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes, Professor. Any questions?" She originally thought that the professor came to visit her, but now that Dumbledore asked this question again, she gradually felt that the atmosphere was not right.

Professor Snape is here, Professor Flitwick is here, and there is also Professor Dumbledore.

Oh, there is also a boy who looks difficult to get along with in the back.

Dumbledore should be able to confirm whether Qiu Zhang is telling the truth, and Lind can tell whether Qiu Zhang is lying just by looking at Dumbledore's facial expressions.

Looking at Dumbledore's rather solemn expression, it seems that what Qiu Zhang said is true.

After that, Dumbledore comforted Qiu Zhang again, and the four of them left the infirmary.

"Filius, can you please clean up the bloody words on the first floor? There seems to be a spell attached to it! Filch should not be able to handle it." Dumbledore said.

"Ah? Oh, okay!" Professor Flitwick agreed and hurried away.

After that, the three of them came to the principal's office under the leadership of Dumbledore.

Sitting down on the chair, Dumbledore looked at Lind and Snape, "That girl actually knows nothing."

"Yeah!" Snape nodded. In fact, he didn't care about this matter at all. He only cared about the so-called secret room and the warning words issued to the entire Hogwarts.

Lind also nodded in understanding.

In Qiu Zhang's memory, it was just an accidental fall and a broken leg.

But let's ask, she didn't fall on her head, and she didn't have cerebral palsy. How come he didn't scream for help after breaking his leg but just "slept" on the ground, and was not discovered until the next day!

Dumbledore looked at Lind, "Lind, did you find anything?"

"Uh, nothing!"

"Nothing would make you so angry to be disturbed by others, and you even said swear words subconsciously!" Dumbledore smiled, and Lind felt that he was deliberately talking about something else.

"Well... there are some clues."

As he said, Lind walked to the table, took out parchment and a feather pen, and began to carefully and slowly draw a strange circle on the parchment...

"What is this?"

"The footprint of a survivor, this footprint appears right below the text, which is exactly the best writing position."

As he said, the three people's minds all appeared a person squatting on the ground, and Qiu Zhang was writing a bloody letter on the ground next to him.

"How do you know that it is not the footprint of someone who passed by later?" Snape asked Lind seriously.

"Hogwarts is cleaned by house elves at night. So the footprints I saw must have appeared after the cleaning last night. There are only three types of footprints that normally appear around there.

First, footprints that appear after cleaning and before the incident.

Second, footprints of people who did bad things.

Third, footprints of helpers this morning.

There are not many of these three types of footprints, only more than ten pairs in total.

Some of these footprints were covered or cut off by blood writing. These are the first type of footprints, and they are also the least footprints. There is only one pair. Because the time for cleaning Hogwarts is definitely after curfew, there are rarely any footprints left. There was a little wizard wandering outside, and he happened to leave footprints nearby.

The second type, that is, footprints on the blood book, can also be ruled out. Because the person who did this would definitely not directly destroy the blood book, after all, it is his "work".

There are also footprints that are too small and in the wrong position...

After excluding these. Only this footprint meets all the conditions.

This footprint appeared not only at the writing position of the blood book, but also at the position two steps back from the bottom of the blood book. It's like observing the overall effect after writing. "

As they said, the three began to imagine.

Late last night, a girl fell in the dark corridor, her calves twisted irregularly, but her breathing was steady, as if she fell asleep in this corridor.

At this time, a man slowly walked out. He first circled around the girl twice and smiled with satisfaction. After that, he took out the blood and borrowed some unknown little spell to let the blood flow naturally to write a paragraph...

After saying that he was done, he stepped back two steps and looked at his masterpiece. Then it returned to darkness again...

Linde continued,

"And... this is an adult's footprint. And I can be sure that it does not belong to Filch. Filch's patrol time is usually only until two o'clock in the evening, so we only need to find people who behave abnormally after this time!"

Snape pulled his lips, "You really know about the nightlife of Hogwarts..."

Dumbledore also said, "This is not a little discovery!"

Linde came back to his senses at this time. He scratched his head awkwardly. He was so immersed in the play that he didn't pay attention to the occasion. And not only Snape, but also the portrait of the headmaster behind him also heard a series of suppressed laughter.

In theory, the portraits of the headmasters have all undergone professional training and generally don't laugh, unless...

Dumbledore nodded, agreeing with what Linde said just now.

Linde saw that Dumbledore and Snape were not talking about this, so he retreated to the back and stood. In fact, he was thinking about whether he could leave, but Dumbledore didn't seem to have this intention.

Lind said it well, but this way... we can't seem to find anything.

"Isn't there a portrait?" Lind said subconsciously.

Dumbledore heard him and shook his head, "Magic portraits are just similar to humans, with certain memory and thinking abilities. But they are not humans, you can't impose human senses on them.

Their perception of the outside world is actually very dull. Take "vision" for example. When there is sufficient light, they can "see" a lot of things. But when the light is insufficient. Their "vision" is basically completely blocked.

For example, our Brother Alis, even if he has no eyes. During the day, he could still see the little wizards passing by outside like the other people in the painting. But at night. Neither he nor the other portraits can see the outside world anymore! "

Alis was the name of the blind monk who passed away two days ago.

Dumbledore carefully explained the knowledge about magic paintings to Lind.

"They are just magical creatures given the image of wizards. Don't use your thinking to bring them in." Snape said calmly.

is that so? ?

Linde is a little numb! He had always thought that the ubiquitous magic paintings in the school were Dumbledore's monitors, so since last year, he had basically tried every means to avoid the surveillance of those magic paintings unless he went to the Room of Requirement.

But now Dumbledore told him that in low light conditions, the magic painting basically had no vision.

"Otherwise we would have known who killed Brother Allis, wouldn't we?" Dumbledore spread his hands and said helplessly.

yes! It took Linde a moment to react. The reason he first thought that the magic painting was Dumbledore's surveillance was because he was discovered by Dumbledore on his night walks for no reason. That was not long after he entered school.

In the final analysis, the idea that magic paintings are equivalent to surveillance has always been his own and considered reasonable. But it's like Snape said. These magic paintings only resemble people, but human concepts cannot be imposed on them.

But when Snape said "wizard", Lind automatically translated it as "human".

"By the way, could it be that the one who killed the devil and the one who broke Qiu Zhang's leg are the same person?" Linde suddenly thought.


The atmosphere in the office suddenly became stiff.

If it's really the same person.

It used to be a magic painting, but now it causes serious injuries.

What about next time?

Are you going to kill someone directly?

"Severus, please go and repeat the scene..." Dumbledore said coldly.

Snape also knew the seriousness of the matter compared to Hogwarts and Dumbledore, and immediately stood up and walked out.

Watching Snape walk out, Lind hesitated and pointed to the door, "Professor..."

"Yes, it has taken up so much of your time. Go to class quickly!"

Lin Deru was granted amnesty, said goodbye quickly and walked out.

Dumbledore looked at Lind's back and smiled.

"He is no worse than you were when you were young! This confidentiality is particularly commendable." said an old principal on the wall, and his words were also agreed by other principals.

Dumbledore smiled and said nothing.

Not long after, Snape came back. I can't see any changes on my face. After all, he doesn't care about school safety or anything like that.

He just pays attention to certain people individually.

"Nothing. Chaos!"

Dumbledore nodded. The spell "Flash of Trails" is very versatile, but it is very simple to counter this spell. Even its counter-spell has no incantation, it only requires a wand waving trajectory.

In the hands of an expert, countering the spell might require just a casual wave of the wand.

Just like himself.

"Flash of Traces" is the magic spell of Fantastic Beasts II.

It’s really useful in HP’s story, but it’s also buggy.

But both series are still the same world.

Where can you explain this?

It would be okay if there were no restrictions!

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