The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 150: Learn to be free and easy and learn to believe

"Harry, this... I really didn't expect it to be you!" Lockhart grabbed Harry's shoulders tightly with both hands. It was as if he was a fugitive, and he was holding him to prevent him from escaping, and it was as if he was holding him to question him.

Lockhart deliberately spoke loudly, attracting many passing Hufflepuff wizards, whose lounge was also underground.

"No... it's not me." Harry said loudly, and Lockhart's grip hurt him. His words were so insignificant in the bustling crowd that gradually gathered.

Two brave wizards walked into the classroom and immediately staggered out with exclamations. "Kill... Kill, someone was killed again."

The crowd became restless, and Lockhart hurriedly released his hands holding Harry, "Don't worry, I'm here. I will investigate it clearly."

But no one paid attention to him at the scene. A third-year Hufflepuff pointed at Harry, "I just heard what Professor Lockhart said, it was you, right!"

"I said it wasn't me!" Harry explained palely. "I just happened to see it."

"Why did you happen to come here?" someone else questioned.

"I... just came back to get a book!" Harry defended. Lockhart tried his best to make everyone listen to him, but no one paid attention to him.

"I won't believe what a Parseltongue said!" A boy pointed at him. "The Chamber of Secrets was built by Slytherin!"

As he said that, he also saw the scene in the classroom, "The blood hasn't dried yet, you can't run away."

His words made the crowd more and more confused. Everyone remembered that Harry had a Parseltongue, so he was also a genuine descendant of Slytherin, and the Chamber of Secrets was built by Slytherin.

And now he was caught red-handed.

Harry felt the eyes around him and felt that he had no way to defend himself. Peeves was also there. It was very arrogant and directly penetrated the upper and lower floors, and spread the things here throughout the castle in an instant.

Now the corridor was already full of people, not only Hufflepuff, but basically every college.

Harry wished that Lind was here. He found that Peeves never dared to be arrogant in places where Lind was.

A bang suddenly spread throughout the underground corridor. Harry couldn't help but cover his ears, but the next second, he let go again, and he heard the voice of his savior.

"Why are you all crowded here? Why don't you go back to the lounge!"

Looking at the sound, Professor McGonagall was standing on one side of the corridor. It was too crowded and she couldn't get through at all. At this time, her wand was against her throat, and the tip of the wand emitted a faint fluorescence.

Her stern voice resounded throughout the corridor. The sound was so deafening, but Harry thought it was the sound of nature.

A few minutes later, the crowd finally dispersed. Everyone felt that Professor McGonagall was very angry now, and no one dared to offend her.

Professor McGonagall came over, and Harry wanted to go over, but was grabbed by Lockhart.

Harry could see Professor McGonagall's pale face. The last time he saw this expression was last year when Quirrell put the troll in the school. At that time, the five little wizards of Gryffindor did not abide by the discipline and almost got into trouble.

"Professor McGonagall, please look. I think we have caught the guy who has been causing trouble in Hogwarts recently." Lockhart said with a smug look on his face. He held Harry's collar from behind, feeling like he was holding a stupid animal.

Professor McGonagall was obviously very dissatisfied with Lockhart's behavior. She used her wand to pick up Lockhart's hand that was holding Harry, "I think we need to know more about the situation."

After that, Professor McGonagall walked into the classroom and saw Luna lying on the ground at a glance.

She rushed over at once, her face pale, her lips trembling, and she kept releasing healing spells that Harry had never heard of.

After doing this, Professor McGonagall waved her wand again,

"Expecto Patronus!"

A silver-white cat jumped out from the tip of her wand, "Go find Professor Dumbledore."

Harry looked at the cat, it was exactly the same as the one in Professor McGonagall's Animagus. But it was silver-white all over, and looked much more ethereal.

After receiving Professor McGonagall's instructions, the cat rushed out along the corridor, and Harry watched it go farther and farther.

At the same time, Professor Sprout also came out in the corridor. She was still covered in mud, obviously she had just come out of the greenhouse.

"Oh, Pomona, you're here."

Harry could hear that Professor McGonagall was obviously relieved.

"What happened, Minerva. It doesn't look like a good thing." Professor Sprout's expression was very serious.

"Another victim." Professor McGonagall said, "I would like to ask you... and Professor Lockhart to take the child to the school infirmary as soon as possible."

As she said this, Professor McGonagall turned her back to Lockhart and said silently, "Keep an eye on Lockhart!"

Professor Sprout obviously read the meaning of Professor McGonagall's words and nodded seriously. "What about you?"

"I'm waiting for Dumbledore to come here with Harry. I've already informed him. And Harry..."

Professor McGonagall thought about the wording before saying, "He should have discovered something."

"Okay." After saying this, Professor Sprout hurried into the Potions classroom without even looking at Lockhart. Obviously, she was also shocked when she saw Luna's appearance.

At the same time, Professor McGonagall also walked in. Then she urgently turned a table into a stretcher and carefully moved Luna on it.

After putting her down, Professor Sprout signaled Lockhart to help carry the stretcher. To be honest, she was not sure if Lockhart could do this well.

"How should I put it? I think I should investigate this place properly," Lockhart laughed. "After all, this is my strength."

"When it comes to anything related to Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore is our 'strength'." Professor McGonagall said calmly, with unquestionable certainty in her tone.

Harry also agreed with Professor McGonagall's words in his heart. At the same time, he hoped that Lockhart would be more generous and continue to compare himself with Dumbledore.

Lockhart smiled sarcastically and hurriedly helped carry the stretcher.

After watching the two people walk over, Professor McGonagall patted Harry on the head and said, "It's okay, the kid wasn't hurt at all."

"Professor, you don't think it's me, do you?" Harry asked hurriedly. He wished he could find someone who supported him and believed in him.

"Kid, I believe you." Professor McGonagall did not answer his question directly, but gave him a gentle smile, indicating that he should not worry too much.

While he was happy to be recognized, Harry could still see the seriousness on Professor McGonagall's face.

Not long after, he saw Dumbledore rushing over.


"So, the students all think it was you?" After hearing everything Harry said, Lind asked doubtfully.

They were now on their way back to the common room, and Hagrid had already gone back to the hut.

Harry was very depressed, "Yes, they all thought it was me." After saying that, Harry sighed heavily again, "Parseltongue, Slytherin. I really don't understand."

Pulling out a handful of messy hair, Harry said with some frustration, "The Sorting Hat also said I was a Slytherin, but..."

Lind patted Harry and said, "Why are you thinking about these things? Slytherin is not bad either! It is indeed synonymous with being noble, ambitious, shrewd, honorable, sizing up the situation, being prudent and protective, and winning first."

After saying that, Lind added, "It's just that there are a lot of idiots inside now! But the Sorting Hat is divided according to Slytherin's standards, not based on the idiots inside.

And you're in Gryffindor now, so you don't have to worry about this.

Besides, whoever is clean in this matter will be clean himself. You have to believe in yourself first. Whatever others say is their business. "

Lynde comforted Harry, and in the blink of an eye, they were outside the common room.


The Fat Lady opened the passage to the lounge.

"Oh, no. I have to go to the infirmary." Linde patted his head and forgot about it.

"You go back first!"

With that, he said goodbye to Harry, turned around and left.

Harry looked at Lind's back and wanted to say "thank you", but he still didn't say it.

He remembered what he had said to Ron and the others about Lind, "He is very indifferent to the outside world and will not be easily affected by other people's words."

At that time, everyone said, "It would be great if I could be as cool as him."

I saw Linde’s back disappearing around the corner. Harry clenched his fists and twisted into the passageway of the lounge. His eyes were as determined as when he ran away from the Dursleys.

He had already sensed the rumors about him in the lounge.

When the time comes, I will tell them with a disdainful smile that it was a misunderstanding.

I don't care about the rumors.

"Become a person like Linde from now on." Harry whispered, and then stepped into the lounge. And with his arrival, the lounge suddenly became quiet...

Lind naturally didn't know that Harry had so many thoughts behind his back. He just listened to Harry's detailed explanation of those things, so he followed him to the lounge without knowing it, forgetting that he planned to go to the school infirmary. matter.

And he also learned the reason why Harry appeared in the underground classroom.

It wasn't because he didn't have a book at all. After all, he didn't have a so-called "book" along the way.

The reason why Harry went to the Potions classroom was entirely because he heard the voice of the serpent Thad and followed the sound to the underground classroom.

Then Luna was found in an accident.

It's just such a coincidence.

All the way to the school infirmary, Lind knocked on the door and was rejected by Madam Pomfrey as expected. However, after Linde's persuasion, he still managed to get five minutes of visiting time.

As soon as he walked in, Lind saw Flint. He looked at Lind with an unkind expression, "Are you here to see my joke too?"

"I see you, haha, you really know how to put gold on your face." Linde smiled disdainfully.

Sure enough, Flint couldn't remember who caused the injuries on his body. The guy who led the secret room incident had already dealt with the aftermath for himself.

"You'd better pray that you meet the mysterious man in the secret room earlier. After all, he can make your death easier. If nothing happens to you by the time I get out, then I will personally make it happen to you." Flynn Te tilted his head and spoke shamelessly.


Linde cursed lightly and walked past him.

Luna's bed was exactly where Jane stayed a few days ago. Linde went over to take a look. At this time, she was holding a copy of "The Quibbler" magazine and looking at it.

But she seemed to be holding the book backwards.


Linde walked over and asked like an old friend or a familiar elder.

Luna looked up at him with some surprise on her face. She didn't expect Linde to come see her.

"What's wrong? Are you surprised? Didn't you say we were friends?" Linde smiled and sat on the chair beside the bed.

Luna came over, her nose twitching, "You smell."

"Huh?! What smell?" Linde raised his hand and sniffed, but smelled nothing.

"The smell of the sea." Luna said, "And it's the smell of a very violent sea!"

"Well... I can probably understand what you mean." Linde smiled. This was not the first time he had heard such an evaluation today. He had just heard the Sorting Hat say this to him in the principal's office.

Since Luna could see the shadow of Cthulhu on him, it seemed normal to smell the fishy smell on him.

"What about you? How are you? Where are you injured?" Linde asked, looking at her pale face.

Luna smiled and pulled off the quilt covering her body. Her tightly wrapped belly was exposed. It could be seen that a lot of blood had seeped out, staining the gauze red.

"Madame Pomfrey's skills are very good. I think he will be discharged from the hospital soon." Luna smiled. It was hard for Linde to believe that there was someone in the world who could still laugh after suffering such an unexpected disaster. But the man in front of him did it.

"How are the organs? Is there any problem?" Linde asked hurriedly.

"No, no, it's just that the stomach was cut open." Luna said with a smile, indicating that Linde didn't need to worry.

Linde's fingers slid over the gauze carefully, "It's really interesting."

"I guessed you would say that." Luna said, looking at Linde with a cunning face.

Linde was a little surprised when he heard her words, "I said that? What do you think I meant by this?"

"You think this is too much. Then you start to look forward to that guy coming to you." Luna's face has understood.

Lind nodded, "Indeed. Do you remember what happened to you?"

Luna shook her head blankly, "I don't remember. I just remember that I had just finished my meal. Then I took the letter to the owl shed and mailed it. I can't remember anything after that."

"Sure enough, as expected." Lind sighed helplessly. This guy was very clean. To be honest, his behavior was something that even a guy like Lind couldn't stand.

He was just selfish, not a psychopath who cut open other people's stomachs.

"You still have the octopus monster I saw last time!" Luna suddenly said, and at this time, Madam Pomfrey was also urging him to leave.

Lind stood up and tidied his clothes, "I think your little head is really hot."

"Is this your secret?" Luna ignored him and looked at Lind with empty eyes, as if she was staring at him in a daze.

Lind pretended not to hear and walked out.

"Maybe you should try to trust others! Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Luna continued.

Lind didn't even turn his head, as if he was deaf.

He didn't come back to his senses until he walked out of the school infirmary.

"Learn to trust others?"

Lind rubbed his temple,

"The only thing I can trust now is a bird that swore not to betray me."

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