Linde stood blankly by the water, watching the gills on his cheeks slowly disappear after leaving the water.

"I'm not really a half-blood!" Linde's mind was full of random thoughts. There really is a race of murlocs in the world of Harry Potter.

Because of Linde's guess that he was different from ordinary people, he learned about the race of murlocs when he bought the book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them".

Although he was good at water and loved water. But he didn't think he had anything to do with murlocs. At that time, he thought that even half-bloods would have very clear appearance characteristics.

For example, Professor Flitwick, a goblin half-blood, was abnormally short and had pointed ears. Needless to say, Hagrid, a giant half-blood, even his inner aesthetics were influenced by his giant bloodline. Any hideous and terrifying monster was cute in his eyes.

Linde touched his lower jaw, where the gills had disappeared, and he pinched it again to make sure he was not dreaming.

There was only one possibility.

I have reached puberty for half-blood murlocs and will start to develop.

That must be the case. But why do my gills become invisible when I leave the water? Does Dumbledore know? And a series of questions.

Forget it, forget it for now.

Lind thought again, if someone discovers this ability in the future, should I say that this is "Mercemagus", a natural ability like "Disguisemagus".

After thinking for a while, Lind decided to reveal his identity and mixed-blood ability step by step. Only by learning magic well in Hogwarts first is the most practical.

Lind jumped into the water again, and soon after entering the water, the gills on his cheeks appeared again. He looked around his body, and only the gills appeared, and the expected flippers, scales, etc. did not appear.

He put his hand on the gills and clearly felt the water being swallowed and spit out by the two gills.

Should flippers grow in the future? ! I wonder if there is a Bikini Bottom School of Magic.

After a while of random thoughts, he stayed underwater, and never came up to breathe.


Linde jumped out of the water, leaped high in the air, and then landed at the edge of the pool.

After wiping his body casually, Linde took out his pocket watch and took a look.

It was a little after two in the morning.

Linde took Andersen out of the Room of Requirement again, and then thought about his needs again in his heart.

When he was in the water, his condition was only good, not bad. Now he had no need to sleep at all.

Even the dark circles under his eyes, which had been a little depressed due to the high-intensity study this week, recovered a lot this night.

"If I had such a rest time every day, I could completely master the time converter in the third grade! I wouldn't be exhausted like Hermione."

So he was not in a hurry to go back now, the night was still long...

"I want a house where I can practice magic safely" ×3

A door handle appeared on the smooth wall again. Linde pushed it and saw the layout inside.

First, there were several puppets without facial features. Linde touched them. He didn't know what the puppets were made of. They felt like flesh. He could feel something like bones in his ankles, shoulder blades and other places.

I guess these were his practice objects.

In another corner, there was a table with a set of "Practical Spells III" on it.

The paper of the book had turned yellow. Linde walked over and flipped through it. Most of the spells recorded in the book were either powerful or had only been seen in movies.

Looking at the effects of these spells, they were all powerful spells that were outside the scope of black magic stipulated by the Ministry of Magic.

Among them were the advanced spells he was familiar with, such as blazing fire, shattering, and opening the hole of Alaho: Open quickly.

There were also misty clouds, whirlwinds and so on. Moreover, this was not a new book. Many of the spells in it had the original owner's own insights, summarized techniques, etc., which greatly reduced the difficulty of his learning.

Linde flipped through it and exclaimed in his heart that he was lucky. It was like picking up a treasure.

But there was no rush now, so he had to take it one step at a time. Lind put the book away and took out his wand.

He had spent the whole week summarizing the key points of spellcasting, and now he felt that he had a certain grasp of the safety of magic practice.

Whenever he had time, he would swing the wooden stick around, and now it was time to test these results.

He held the wand and faced one of the puppets.

"The dragon is out!" A black snake came out of his wand and flew quickly towards the puppet.

In Lind's mind, the enemy in front of him should now focus on the snake.

"Stand still!" The puppet lost its balance and fell to the ground.

"Get bigger quickly!" He wanted to make the black snake bigger, but unfortunately the black snake didn't react at all.

No, no, I was a little anxious just now. It should be——

"Get bigger quickly!" This time, Lind's movements were not much different from before, but his tone had an ascending tone.

The body of the black snake began to swell, and Lind continued to output magic power until he felt that the black snake could no longer grow bigger.

It bit the puppet's neck, then wrapped its body around it and exerted force.

With a sour crunching sound, the puppet quickly lost its human form. If it was really an enemy, it might have been twisted into a ball of rotten meat.

"No wonder you look down on Muggles." Looking at the puppet that was slowly recovering, Lind smiled.

Then he began to practice various spells over and over again, occasionally failing and sending himself flying, or the wand releasing a burst of super smelly smoke.

When he was tired, he would read a book, do a practice summary, take a break, and then continue.

After an unknown amount of time, Lind lay on the floor, panting, and took out his pocket watch to check.

5:36 in the morning.

It was about time. If he stayed any longer, it would be troublesome if he encountered any professors.

Lind woke Andersen up, took the book "Practical Spells: III", and tiptoed into the common room with the fat lady's disgust.

"Another little guy who likes to go out at night." She muttered behind him.

When Lind entered the common room, he saw a figure lying on the long table and sleeping. There was a small pile of torn parchment beside him, and his eyes were red, looking like he had cried.

"Maybe I said too much?" He thought about it, and then denied his idea.

Although I don't know why Jane wants to submit such a professional article in the first grade, and it can be said that many senior wizards may not understand what she said in her article.

For example, social background, the church's control of Muggles' thoughts, and other aspects, many other young wizards don't understand at all. The reason why Lind can understand her article is only because of other knowledge reserves.

If you want to find a guy who can understand her article now, it may only be her good friend, Hermione Granger.

But it's not possible, there's nothing to say. The only way for a young wizard of this age to publish an article in a professional academic journal is to find a potion book signed by the Half-Blood Prince in the Potions classroom.

Only the things on it are qualified to be published.

I have to say that Snape is a genius.

Lind passed Jane and returned to the dormitory. After a while, he changed his clothes, holding the practical spell in his left hand and a blanket in his right hand.

While recalling the method of covering the deceased with a white cloth in the movie, he covered her with a blanket. Then he walked to her side and sat down, took out a book and a notebook and started reading.

He waved the small wooden stick he used to simulate a magic wand in his hand again and again, without stopping.

After a while, Lind heard a loud sound of footsteps coming from the girls' dormitory.

Anyone who could walk down from the girls' dormitory so early on a weekend, Andersen's ass would know who it was.

It must be Hermione!

Jane was also awakened by Hermione's footsteps, climbed up from the table, and rubbed her eyes.

Lind looked at himself and Jane, who were at least two steps apart, so there shouldn't be any misunderstanding.

Indeed, Hermione didn't think that her friend, Miss Diwo, who had attracted the attention of many young wizards since she entered school, would have any secrets with this taciturn person who just held a book and read it every day.

"You didn't stay in the lounge all night, did you?" Hermione asked anxiously.

Jane also found the blanket covering her, and didn't know what she thought of. When she heard Hermione's words, she just stammered and hummed.

"You are only eleven years old, how can you do this? This is very bad for your physical development." Hermione wanted to say something about puberty and healthy development, but she saw Jane's red and swollen eyes and looked at Lind suspiciously.

Jane quickly stopped Hermione's gaze while Lind was not paying attention, "I have to go back and sleep for a while, you can only go to the library by yourself later!" As she said that, she began to fold the blanket.

"Okay." Hermione was a little disappointed.

Jane folded the blanket and walked over timidly to hand it to Lind, said thank you and ran away in a hurry.


"Oh my God, Neville. Think about whether you have forgotten something again." Harry's concerned voice sounded in the Great Hall in the morning.

Neville, who was sitting opposite Lind, was holding a small ball with a strong red light in his hand and crying. This is the memory ball his grandmother sent him.

"Ah! What is this? Do children of this age still use memory balls?"

Draco passed by the Gryffindor dining table and snatched the memory ball from Neville's hand.

Lind looked at the overturned glass beside his desk. The pumpkin juice in it had spilled out and spilled on his book.

The pumpkin juice belonged to Ron next to him, and was just knocked over by Malfoy.

"Clean it up"

Lind quickly took out his wand and waved it. The stained pages and the ink of the notes on it quickly returned to their original state.

After saving the book, Lind put the book away, stood up and looked at Malfoy. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Professor McGonagall's voice.

"What's going on?"

"Malfoy stole my memory ball, professor."

Malfoy's face was gloomy, and he quickly threw the memory ball back on the table.

"Why, do you want to stand up for Neville too? Little Muggle." Malfoy also noticed Lind, then glanced at Professor McGonagall, and left angrily, with Crabbe and Goyle following behind him.

Before leaving, he muttered to them, "We'll see."

Professor McGonagall looked at Malfoy and the others helplessly, sighed, and then said to the young wizards, "I think your Potions class is about to start. Oh, by the way, don't forget the flying class later. I know you are all looking forward to it."

Then, Professor McGonagall left.

It was another restless Potions class, and Gryffindor was deducted 7 points again. There were Harry's, Neville's, and Lind's.

The reason was that after Lind finished brewing the potion, he was looking through the other potions. Snape said that the quality of his potion was obviously average and he was too ambitious. He was deducted 1 point.

But he didn't care. Although he didn't perform well like Miss Know-it-all and raised his hand to answer questions during this period, he always gave priority to completing the tasks given by the teacher in Transfiguration and Charms, so he also earned a lot of points.

After class, a group of young wizards walked out of the Potions classroom.

"Memory ball, why is the memory ball of the little fool red again." On the way back, Malfoy got Neville's memory ball again, raised it high, and looked at Neville who was knocked down with a mocking face.

Harry and Ron rushed up and knocked him down, and the memory ball fell to the side.

Several people wrestled together, but how could Harry and Ron beat Crabbe and Goyle, two little fat boys. After a while, he was pinned to the ground.

"Haha, Potter, I told you. Let's go! See!" Malfoy stood up with a smug look on his face and straightened his clothes.

Then he walked to the side and was about to reach out to pick up the memory ball.

He grabbed it with his hand, but unexpectedly a foot appeared and kicked the memory ball to Neville's side.

His hand also grabbed the foot.

Malfoy looked up and saw a head sticking out from behind the book.

"What's wrong? Did the little pureblood change his career to shine shoes?"

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