The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 160 Afterwards

As expected, they wanted to know the details of what happened. Linde took a long time to tell them that the process of the incident was no different from what the teachers said, and there was no other supernatural things. The secret room incident was really done by Lockhart.

They were not the only ones who came to ask Linde. During this period of time, Linde was asked the same question by more than ten groups of people.

After that, he hurriedly finished his food and left. Before Dumbledore officially announced this series of things in the school, he planned to bury himself in the corner of the lounge that belonged to him, and not come out to find things for himself.

On the way back to the lounge, Linde happened to bump into Luna. Since she heard that Linde exposed Lockhart's conspiracy, she has been staying in the lounge for the past few days and wanted to make a gift for Linde.

Because she herself was also a victim of the secret room incident, Linde could be regarded as helping her revenge.

Luna took out a hair tie from her pocket, which was decorated with shells, pebbles, etc., and there was also a metal bird head in it.

"I actually made several, but I think this one is more suitable for you! It has a crow head, and your friends will definitely be happy to see it." After Luna showed it to Linde, she did not hand it to Linde directly, but walked behind him and wanted to help him tie up his hair.


"If you don't like it, there are several more, all for you!" Luna said, while taking out several more from her pocket and began to put them on Linde's hair.

Damn, you won't tie it into something weird for me!

I can tolerate one, but I can't tolerate it if you want to tie more!

Linde turned his head and pretended to touch the ponytail tied at the back, "Uh, this one, I like it very much, thank you."

Luna stared at Linde straight, making him a little hairy,

"Uh, what's wrong?" Linde asked cautiously.

"You really can't lie!" Luna said, and then chuckled.

"Uh, I really like it, this is a very good rope. But for personal reasons, I don't like to tie my hair." Linde explained awkwardly.

"Why?" Luna asked curiously.

"Because it wastes time, well, this is also my rough part."

"Is this why you don't cut your hair?"

Linde nodded.

"But washing your hair wastes more time!"

"There is a curse!" Linde smiled.

After that, Linde hurriedly found an excuse that Andersen was going to lay eggs to say goodbye to Luna, and then ran back to the common room...

The matter of the Chamber of Secrets and Lockhart came to an end. Linde took out the parchment and began to write the homework that he had not done in time before.

"I don't know who will be the teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts in the future!" Linde thought to himself.

Since Lockhart was sent to the Ministry of Magic for questioning, the Defense Against the Dark Arts classes of all grades have been suspended in the past few days.

Did Lupin appear early? Linde couldn't help but think,

Then how is this curse calculated? Will he leave at this time next year due to a special accident?

Or will other teachers come to teach?

Snape? Snape is impossible. He has no way out. As long as Dumbledore is still there, he can't be the teacher. Why? Lind didn't know. Maybe he was worried about the curse, or Dumbledore thought that this position was not suitable for Snape.

After all, Snape's personality and knowledge would be a good fit for Defense Against the Dark Arts, and his talent would be greatly blossomed.

The degree of blossoming is estimated to be unbearable for students, and they would be made to live a life worse than death by him.

And no one can replace his potion learning. In the original book, Slughorn, Harry's sixth-grade potion teacher, was indeed very good at potion learning, but Lind felt that he was not as good as Snape!

Slughorn, the old bitch, had a bad atmosphere, formed a small group, and flattered the powerful. He kept talking about who he knew, which could easily lead the children astray.

It is estimated that if there was really no one available in the original book at that time, he would not have been allowed to return to school.

In short, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher could not be Snape.

So who would it be!

Lind kept screening the right person in his memory in his mind, but unfortunately, he didn't find it.

In the evening,

Lind came to Snape's office after dinner.

"The great hero of Hogwarts is here." Snape mocked him the first time he saw him. He was walking out of the inner room at this time, and the gloves on his hands were still stained with blood.

"What is the great hero doing here?" Snape asked in confusion.

Linde was stunned for a moment, and then confirmed in his mind again and again that today was Saturday.

"Professor, didn't you say..." However, he was interrupted by Snape before he finished speaking.

"Since you are here, help me deal with these frogs!" As he said, Snape walked into the inner room again. Linde listened to the gurgling bubbles coming from inside. It was obvious that he was still brewing some potion.

Good guy, it was intentional.

It was estimated that he complained in the lounge this afternoon that he couldn't be a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and now he is suffering retribution.


But he really couldn't have any rebellious psychology, no matter whether Dumbledore ordered Snape to teach him magic. Although Snape had a stinky face, a stinky mouth and oily hair, he really didn't owe him anything. If you want to learn something, you should pay the price.

Thinking of this, Linde could only silently complain about Snape with tears in his eyes, and then followed him to the inner room.

As soon as he walked in, he smelled an extremely strong and pungent smell before he saw anything. This smell was a mixture of crying, spicy, smelly, fishy, ​​etc., and even made Linde's eyes a little spicy.

After a while, Linde rubbed his eyes and the tears that were automatically secreted from the corners of his eyes, and he finally got used to it.

The inner room was not big, and it looked only a circle larger than Linde's suitcase room. There were tall cabinets on all four walls, including the door, with different potion materials in them, including air-dried ones, soaked in jars, and everything else.

It looked no less than the store in Diagon Alley, and the quality alone was much higher than those stores.

For example, he saw a bunch of unicorn tail hair, and Linde also had a bunch of this thing. But he didn't see it in the Diagon Alley store, this thing is very precious.

There were two tables in the middle of the room, one large and one small.

There was a crucible on the small table, and Snape stood beside it, carefully boiling the medicine, and then writing and drawing to record something.

"What are you still standing there for? Listening to the frogs in the pond from your childhood?" Snape shouted without turning his head.

Linde looked carefully and saw a large basin on the large table, with dozens of big fat frogs densely stacked in it, and they were croaking weakly inside.

There were two glass jars bigger than a human head next to it, half of which were filled with Erdos oil for potion materials. Snape's oil looked much clearer than what Linde had used before, and it was estimated that he had mixed it himself.

There were also a few dead frogs in the jars, but they all had no eyes.

In the middle was a small table with a knife on it, and a pile of internal organs had been piled up next to it.

"Dig out the internal organs, separate the eyes from the body." Snape said lightly, then looked at the crucible in front of him and muttered, "You can try to reduce the amount of Lingding grass!"

Linde walked over, immediately took out his dragon leather gloves from his waist bag and put them on, then grabbed a fat frog and stabbed it in the throat with a knife.

Warm blood flowed on his hands, and a stench rushed to his nose. The fat frog kicked its legs weakly twice and died completely.

Lind's face remained unchanged. His method had already made the frog die quickly. As for the smell and blood, he didn't care at all.

Cut open the abdomen and pull out the internal organs.

Use a small razor to dig out the eyes and tear off the connecting nerve bundles.

In just one minute, a frog was processed.

Snape looked at Lind's method, which was a bit awkward but decisive and direct, and nodded calmly, then turned his attention to the potion in front of him.

This was a new potion, and Snape was trying to improve it.

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