The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 163 Wizengamot

Dumbledore's class was easy to understand. He taught theory in the first half of the class, and in the second half he directly conjured up a bunch of little demons for students to observe.

Neville still couldn't hold the little demon's face steadily. Not only did his finger get bitten, but he was also blown by several little demons.

Just when he was crying and worried that he would get seriously ill, Dumbledore told them that these little guys transformed by Transfiguration didn't have the ability to blow out poisonous gas. They just had a little bad breath, which was hard to accept...

Linde pinched the little demon's mouth and watched carefully. The little demon saw Linde actually pointed his face at it, and was about to puff up his face to blow at Linde, and then he saw that the wand in Linde's hand suddenly turned into a sharp knife.

Hush~ Hush~

A soft whistle came out of its mouth.

Linde looked at the expression of the little demon and became interested.

"It's incredible. Vixens, imps, Cornish elves, goblins, these miniature sub-human species, they have their own clothes, their own social system, and they can even speak human language..."

"It's a pity that they are still classified as 'animals'." Jane said, holding her head. The little devil in her hand had been thrown out by her and didn't dare to come back.

"Yes! It's really interesting. Just based on their intelligence, they should be able to serve as 'assistants' to humans!"

"Intelligence? It's okay, just a little better than some dogs. The main thing is that they have no discipline and are evil and chaotic by nature. It's just that many of their body structures are similar to humans, but they just use human language."

"Oh?! What do you mean?" Linde looked at her with interest, and at the same time, he pulled off the boots and hat of the little devil.

They also have the concept of 'clothing', although most of them are not much different. Even as Dumbledore just introduced, this unique and fixed 'clothing' has become one of their racial appearance characteristics.

"There is a book that introduces it in detail, but I don't know if Hogwarts has it!"

"What book?"

"'Magical Creatures: Demi-Humans', this book is now boycotted and has been discontinued! Because centaurs and merfolk voluntarily joined the 'animal' category."

This surprised Lind, he knew about this book.

Last year, when he first heard about Atlantis, Cedric told him which books he could learn about it, including this book called 'Magical Creatures: Demi-Humans'.

But Lind read 'Mysterious Atlantis' at that time, and the story of 'The White Ship' in it triggered a series of events afterwards. So he didn't read this 'Magical Creatures: Demi-Humans' at that time.

"So it's this book!" Lind nodded in understanding. He can borrow this book to read in the future as a pastime in his spare time.

After that, Lind started to play with the little devil in his hand. If it wasn't a creation of Dumbledore's Transfiguration, if this wasn't in class, he would have cut the little guy open and studied it carefully.

As for why he didn't study vixen and goblins... because they were too dirty, especially vixen, even their blood had a strong smell. He could tolerate the smell of Snape's alchemy room, but that was because he needed Snape's help.

Unlike vixen and goblins, Lind wasn't that interested in them.

It can only be said that he was a little interested.

Soon, amid the laughter of the little wizards, the get out of class was over.

Linde was just saying goodbye to Professor Dumbledore, but he didn't expect the professor to stop him.

"There is a result about Lockhart. He was locked up for attacking students many times. The trial will be held this Saturday." Dumbledore added, "Flint's parents put a lot of pressure on the Ministry of Magic."

Linde was a little embarrassed. "He wanted to take the credit. The whole Hogwarts, including Flint himself, thought it was Lockhart who did it."

Dumbledore didn't say anything more about it. He waved his wand to clean up the classroom, and then walked out of the classroom with Linde.

"These are all trivial matters. After all, Severus has dealt with Lockhart's memory. You played a role in this matter. The role he played was just a victim who escaped death and a little wizard who accidentally discovered Lockhart's conspiracy. "

Linde smiled, "Excluding Quirrell and Flint, this is also true!"

As he said, Linde suddenly thought of a point,

"Did they evaluate Quirrell's mental state?"

"Psychological evaluation?!" Dumbledore raised his lip, then thought for a while, "Probably not. As far as I know, the Ministry of Magic has never conducted an investigation in this regard. Usually they can solve the case with physical evidence and some spells, such as the flashback spell."

The flashback spell is an investigative spell that uses one wand to force another to play a spell. The forced one will eject the spell and the object of the spell from the end of the wand in the form of flashback.

"That's great!" Lind smiled and explained, "It is said that some countries will reduce the punishment because the perpetrator has a mental illness, and this is also used by many people with ulterior motives."

As he said this, Lind shook his head, as if he was sad that such a good law that clearly protects human rights was used.

Dumbledore heard his words and smiled silently,

"There are many crazy people among wizards, so this article should never happen in the magic world."

"That's right!"

"You will also go to the jury next Saturday. There should be some questions for you in court!"

"Uh, can I not go?" Hearing this, Lind's first reaction was that it was troublesome and a waste of time.

Dumbledore stretched out his index finger and waved, "This won't work. They are very tough, and you are indeed the first person involved."

Lind thought about it in his mind, combined with the things he saw in the Daily Prophet, "What is there to ask, the evidence is solid!

Could it be that they want to add some conspiracy theories to this matter? To reduce the reputation of you and Hogwarts in this matter?"

As he said, Lind also added, "By the way, the anger of Lockhart's diehard fans can be transferred to you or Hogwarts!"

Listening to Lind's words, Dumbledore looked at him in surprise, opening and closing his mouth, not knowing what to say, just like Lind saw Dumbledore coming to substitute for the class before.

"Hmm..." Dumbledore patted Lind on the shoulder, "I didn't expect you to think of so many things.

That's right, basically. But you don't have to worry about these things."

Dumbledore paused, his eyes looking out the window, his back straight, "These things are done by adults."

Lind exhaled, and he realized at this time, yes, with Dumbledore here, what else can he say.

"Then professor, when the trial comes, I..."

"Just like we agreed, I know this will be a piece of cake for you!"

After that, Dumbledore informed Lind of the specific time and asked him to prepare in advance.


There was nothing noteworthy this week. Since the threat of Lockhart was gone, Harry began to wander around the castle every night, trying to find the whereabouts of the basilisk.

This made Lind admire him a little. It was just a careless remark of his at the time. Harry has persisted until now, there is only one possibility.

He felt that the basilisk was very pitiful from the bottom of his heart, and he really wanted to help the basilisk.

He is a good boy!

At six o'clock on Saturday morning, Lind went back to the lounge for a while, then gave Andersen a day off, walked out of the lounge alone and came to the third floor of the castle.

At this time, he was wearing a casual loose black coat, wide-leg pants, and a black robe with gold thread on the outside.

Under the resentful gaze of the stone beast, Lind came to Dumbledore's office. The trial started at nine o'clock in the morning, and it was almost seven thirty now. For wizards who can Apparition, this time is more than enough to travel.

When he came to the office, Dumbledore had just brewed two cups of Ceylon black tea.

"Sit down and rest for a while! It's rush hour now, it's crowded." Dumbledore spread his hands, motioned Lind to sit down, and handed him a copy of the Daily Prophet.

Lind thanked him, then took a sip of the black tea, and read the newspaper with one hand in his right hand. The front page was a photo of Lockhart. Lind was about to read the content, but he lost interest when he saw that the writer was Rita Skeeter.

Lind had read some of her articles before. They either arbitrarily replaced concepts and distorted facts. Or they used some fictitious things to provoke conflicts and create confrontations.

This person is exactly the same as described in the original book.

Dumbledore suddenly said, "This is a new product of the Duke of Bees. It is said that some secretions of unknown creatures are added to it."


Lind spit twice lightly, as if spitting tea leaves. But there is no tea leaves in it.

"I think it should be honey!" Dumbledore suddenly whispered.


Lind thought of the day when Dumbledore took him to jump off Big Ben. This guy is completely a child.

But it's okay. Laugh and you will be ten years younger. With this mentality, you will live longer. Thinking of this, Lind also put down the newspaper and laughed with Dumbledore.

After drinking tea, Dumbledore patted his thigh and stood up.

"Professor, how do we get there?" Lind had never been to the Ministry of Magic before, and his concept of the Ministry of Magic was only that of his previous life.

"Well, considering that this is your first time, we'd better take the regular passage!"

"That is... go to London first?" Lind asked.

Dumbledore nodded, and then motioned Lind to stand beside him.

Fox also flew over and landed on Dumbledore's shoulder.

"Go to London, Fox."

Lind turned slightly, and Dumbledore grabbed his wrist at this time.

A line of fire suddenly surged out of Fox's body, and it began to surround Lind and Dumbledore's bodies at high speed, bringing bursts of flames.

But in the blink of an eye, their bodies were completely wrapped in flames. With a bang, the bodies of the two people and the bird disappeared in the office.

Unlike the spatial compression of human apparition, Lind was floating in a flame tunnel with Dumbledore at this time, but although it was a flame tunnel, Lind did not feel the high temperature at all.

Fawkes, who was originally on Dumbledore's shoulder, now flew in front of the two of them like a pilot bird.

Linde was about to take a closer look when his eyes were suddenly covered with a completely golden red color. At the same time, he felt his feet landing on the ground, and Dumbledore also released his wrist.

When he opened his eyes again, they had come to a desolate street with only a few shabby-looking offices, a tavern, and a dump truck that was almost overflowing.

"This is an alley on Baker Street." Dumbledore said.

"But... Baker Street is not very prosperous, how come..."

The Baker Street in Lind's memory is located in the west of London. It was paved in the 18th century and named "Baker" in memory of the builder William Baker.

This was once a residential area for upper-class residents, and finally became famous because of the Sherlock Holmes series of detective novels.

Two years ago, No. 221B here was also transformed into the Sherlock Holmes Museum. And thanks to the huge influence of Sherlock Holmes, this place is very prosperous.

"Just a little spell!" Dumbledore smiled and motioned to Fox to let her go back by herself.

Lind looked around. Sure enough, except for this place, many buildings on the side were much taller and more imposing, and the bustling office workers could be seen through the intersection.

Is this considered a city surrounding the countryside?

"Let's go!" Dumbledore called Lind, who was still looking around, to follow.

Led by Dumbledore, the two came to a shabby red telephone booth. Several pieces of glass on the booth were missing, and behind it was a wall that was painted in a mess.

"You go in first," Dumbledore opened the crooked door of the booth.

Lind stood in, and Dumbledore squeezed in and closed the door with his backhand. After entering, Dumbledore picked up the microphone with peeling paint.

"Watch it!" Dumbledore said with a smile, and then began to dial the phone, "23, 9, 26, 1, 18, 4."

"What a long number!" Lind muttered, and Dumbledore nodded, "It's actually very easy to remember, as long as you find the secret of this string of numbers."

Lind smiled, he had just memorized it, and there was no need to decrypt it.

As the dial whirred back to its original position, a woman's cold voice suddenly sounded in the phone booth, which scared Lind and threw out his wand, because the voice did not come from the microphone, it was loud and clear, as if an invisible woman was standing next to them.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic, please state your name and what you are here for."

Lind shuddered awkwardly, and his wand fell back into his robe.

Dumbledore saw Lind's actions and felt a little amused, but he still said, "Albus Dumbledore, accompanying student Lind Augustus to attend Gilderoy Lockhart's trial this morning."

"Thank you," the woman said in a cold voice, "Guest, please take the badge and pin it on your clothes."


Under the large public telephone, a square silver badge slid out of the metal chute used to withdraw coins. Lind picked it up and looked at it. It said, "Lind Augustus, witness for the prosecution."

Lind took the badge and pinned it on his chest.

As a member of the Wizengamot, Dumbledore did not use this badge. Even if he had not led Lind to find the way, he would not have had to walk through this passage.

As for what is the Wizengamot? !

Wizengamot - the Supreme Wizarding Court. The word is: Wizengamot, which is a compound word composed of Wizard and Witenagemot.

The "Wizenagemot" is an important political institution in England during the Anglo-Saxon period. It is a high-level meeting chaired by the king with an irregular meeting period and varying number of people.

In the wizarding world, it has a new name called Wizengamot. Every trial will have more or less wizards from this organization participating to supervise and ensure the fairness of the trial.

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