Lockhart has long lost the proud look he once had. At this time, his face is tired, his body is dirty, his hair is as messy as a chicken coop, and he looks even oilier than Snape. You must know that he has his own of shampoo endorsers.

He was still wearing the nightgown from the night of the incident, which was already mixed with yellow sweat stains and ground dust.

It seemed like he was not having a good time during this time.


His eyes, his expression.

There is nothing dark and depressing to match this image. On the contrary, although Lockhart looked tired now, it could be seen that he was calm now, and under that calmness, there was a hint of excitement.

Lockhart sat obediently on the seat in the center of the courtroom, and then looked around.

Bang bang!

Fudge, who was in a high position, clapped his hands. Looking at Lockhart, "Are you ready?"

"I'm ready, Mr. Minister," Lockhart said.

"The trial on August 12," Fudge said in a booming voice, and a clerk opposite Linde hurriedly started taking notes.

"The trial of Gilderoy Lockhart's case of deliberately injuring a student at the British wizarding school Hogwarts.

Interrogator: Minister for Magic - Cornelius Oswald Fudge;

Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement—Amelia Susan Bones;

Senior Undersecretary - Dolores Jane Umbridge.

Recorder of the trial - Kagari Yula Asghar. "

"Plaintiff and witness: Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

Lynde Green Augustus, a second-year student of Gryffindor House at Hogwarts. "

After reading the long names, the formal trial officially began.

However, Lockhart suddenly raised his hand, "Dear Minister, it seems that my notary has not come yet."

"Your notary?!" Fudge looked at him angrily,

What you did as Lockhart is already a certainty, so why don't you need a notary? The reason why you still need to be tried is because I want to use you to suppress Dumbledore's power.

Tool people must have the attitude of tool people.

for example……

"Whether you have a notary or not, it's already court time." A high, high-pitched, breathy little girl's voice suddenly sounded in the quiet dark room,

It was Umbridge speaking. There was an indescribable contrast between her deliberately suppressed voice and the wrinkles on her face that looked like they could squeeze out oil. Many people outside her line of sight showed expressions of disgust.

To use a word from Lind's previous life to describe Umbridge's speech, it would be - clip.

You must speak in a contrived voice, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"I'm so sorry, dear Deputy Minister," Lockhart first emphasized Umbridge's status as a high-ranking official and lowered his posture very low.

However, the next second he arrogantly took out a golden medal and a somewhat dirty white ribbon. The exaggeration of his movements made the two iron chains come to life like snakes, trying to entangle him.

"Dear Undersecretary, I think I need some time with my notary!"

Fortunately, he made no other moves after taking the medal and ribbon, otherwise he would definitely be tied up with chains.

Linde looked around and saw the Greek number III on the front of the golden medal, and the white ribbon also corresponded to this level.

"It's the third-level chapter of the Jazz Order."

"Why is he still carrying it?"

"This cannot be confiscated until the case is resolved, and..."


The sound of small exchanges continued to come from the Wizengamot table. At this time, Fudge and Umbridge's expressions also became very exciting, their eyes kept meeting and they frowned without saying a word.

Linde continued to capture the messages coming from above, and soon figured out the matter.

The case is now in the trial stage, and Lockhart has not yet been convicted, so he is still the third-level medalist of the Order of Merlin. This medal represents that under some circumstances, he can have some privileges-even now, no exception.

As minister, Fudge certainly had the right not to give Sir Merlin face, but he couldn't. Because politicians like them all have a fascination for the medal of the Order of Merlin. In universal values, it is one of the highest honors that a wizard can receive.

Therefore, they will definitely give face to the Sir Merlin Order at this time, because they themselves also want to join the Sir Merlin Order, so at this time they must maintain the authority of the Sir Merlin Order.

After sorting out the ins and outs, Lind muttered softly, "This is not something Lockhart would have thought of..."

Just by looking at his clothes, you can imagine how desperate and downcast Lockhart was a few days ago.

But now, he has a calm expression and bright eyes. He even uses regulations, honors and the little ideas of the upper class to fight for his rights at this time to a certain extent.

It was probably the idea that Lockhart's so-called notary came up with.

In the high position, Fudge and the others finally came to a unified point of view, and then he coughed twice, bringing back the swirling thoughts in the entire courtroom.

Umbridge continued to say in her ugly voice, "Before Gilderoy Lockhart, the recipient of the Order of Merlin, Third Class, is not convicted, for your contribution to the wizarding world, we will give you additional of twenty minutes.”

As she said this, she looked at Lockhart with pity, as if these twenty minutes were given to him by them.

They envied Lockhart's medal and wanted it themselves. At this time, he pretended to be giving alms again.

In this regard, Linde can only comment - he is both responsible and upright.

"Do you accept it?" Fudge raised his round head and looked at Lockhart.

"Thank you Minister, Senior Deputy Minister and Director for your generosity." Lockhart stood up and bowed, making Lind's teeth itch.

Lockhart's changes were somewhat drastic.

Thinking about it, Linde glanced at the time.

It's five minutes past nine. I hope Lockhart's notary, the defense lawyer, can come quickly.

At this time, Lockhart was sitting in his chair without saying a word, looking straight ahead, as if he was sure that this late guy would be able to arrive within twenty minutes.

The guy did not take long to arrive. When the minute hand jumped to eleven, the door was pushed open and a man with a mustache hurried in.

He was wearing a casual suit that didn't fit very well, and he was carrying a worn but clean briefcase that was somewhat faded.

After walking in, he first greeted and apologized to everyone, including Lind and Dumbledore, and then stood next to Lockhart. There were no empty chairs around, and he had not shown any intention of asking for a seat, even though Lind and Dumbledore were sitting together.

"Then... let's officially begin!" Fudge said, and then began to rummage through the pile of parchment in front of him.

After rummaging for a while, he found the parchment on which the accusation against Lockhart was written.

After taking a deep breath, he read aloud, "Gilderoy Lockhart, you are accused of causing multiple injuries to students, spreading fear and other vicious behaviors during the time you were teaching at Hogwarts. A total of: three One student was seriously injured; one student was slightly injured; a historical relic and artwork was damaged; rumors were spread to cause panic,"

After briefly reading Lockhart's crime to the manuscript, Fudge looked down at Lockhart.

"Do you fully admit to these charges?" As he said this, Fudge thought about what he was going to say for a while, and he couldn't help but sweat dripping from his temples. He glanced at Dumbledore below in a daze.

Dumbledore still stood there calmly.

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