The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 18 The Curse Stops Immediately

"Okay, as soon as I whistle, you kick your legs off the ground and push hard." Ms. Huo Qi said, "Hold the broom steadily, rise a few feet, then lean forward slightly and fall vertically back to the ground. Listen to my whistle—three—two—"

However, Neville was too nervous and was afraid of being left on the ground, so before the whistle touched Ms. Hooch's lips, he kicked hard and flew up.

"Come back, kid!" Mrs. Hooch hurriedly called to Neville.

There were some snickers on the Slytherin side, especially Malfoy and the others. Seeing Neville like this seemed to wash away the humiliation of being beaten in the morning.

Lind looked at Neville who flew out like a rocket and could only sigh helplessly.

The description in the original book is that Neville flew up to an altitude of 20 feet, about 6-7 meters, and then fell down and broke his hand.

Then in the movie, Neville even flew up to the Gryffindor Tower. Fortunately, his clothes were caught, the awning was buffered, and other "good luck", so he only broke his hand.

But now it was really like what was shown in the movie. Neville had already hit the outer wall of the castle. The boy was injured and it couldn't be said that Mrs. Hooch didn't do anything because he was flying quite fast and far.


Jane, who was standing next to Lind, was startled by the loud voice.

A black shadow flew over like an arrow.

"Get bigger quickly!"

Andersen's enlargement is much more difficult than the animal shadows generated by spells such as "Oolong" and "Flock of Birds". So Linde could only try his best to make it bigger, but to a certain extent, he ignored the stability of the spell output, so his spell could only last for two or three minutes.

Andersen quickly grew in size during flight, and soon its wingspan exceeded two meters and soon reached three meters.

Its already thick claws became extremely powerful and looked like iron claws.

It quickly adapted to its body, and then flew towards Neville in the air under Lind's command.

Linde had thought about a question before, whether he could help when things were within his ability.

He still remembers a line from Spider-Man that he used to watch: If you have the ability but don't act, then you will be responsible for the bad things that happen next.

Although Linde did not fully agree with this kind of heroism, as a boy who grew up under the red flag, he was indeed unable to witness the tragedy that he could clearly prevent.

At this time, Neville's entire body was thrown out, leaving only his hands tightly grasping the broom handle.

The broom was twitching wildly in the air, looking as if it was struggling to break away from Neville.

Of course, Neville didn't know that a big bird would come to save him. He only saw a large black shadow crashing towards him, as if he was determined to spill blood on Hogwarts today.

In desperation, Neville had no choice but to let go, even though he couldn't hold on anymore.

But Andersen wasn't there yet. Suddenly, a hand grabbed Neville.

"Harry -" Ron yelled.

It turns out that when Neville lost control, Harry got on his broomstick in desperation.

Harry grabbed Neville tightly, but Neville's hands were too slippery, all due to cold sweat from fear.

Finally, Harry failed to catch Neville.

But by this time Andersen had also arrived.

The fallen Neville was calling his grandma, his round face was bloodless, and the feeling of being stuck in the air and falling had already caused some of his brain to shut down.

Then in the whistling wind, he heard the sound of the fabric of his robe tearing, and at the same time, the momentum of his body's fall slowed down.

Andersen was also helpless. He wanted to grab the child's arms and lift him up, but his hands and legs were flailing around too fast.

Fortunately, due to the wind, the hem of the child's clothes was blown above his body.


It grabbed Neville's clothes, flapped its wings at high speed, and took Neville to fly toward Linde in a manner similar to gliding.

Harry, on the other hand, followed Andersen with his right hand hanging. His hand may have been pulled and dislocated just now.

Seeing Neville flying safely, the playground suddenly burst into cheers. Malfoy's face darkened again, with a "good luck to you" sneer on his lips.

Neville also knew that he should be saved, so he didn't dare to move, and just let his clothes hang on his body, and the collar squeezed the flesh on his chin, making him look like a bun.

With Neville landing, Andersen has completed his work. Mrs. Hooch and all the young Gryffindor wizards gathered around Neville to care about him. Harry and Lynd also paid a lot of attention to him.

"The curse stops!" Lind waved his wand at Andersen. Yet Andersen's massive size remained unchanged.

"Stop the curse!" Linde tried again. Still no effect. He could hear Malfoy laughing again in the background. "It's so embarrassing, did you see it?"

"Let me do it, Mr. Augustus. You are already very good. This is not a spell you can master now. You can look at my actions!" After Mrs. Hooch comforted Neville, she found that he There was no serious injury, so he came to Lin De's side.

"Stop the curse!" Mrs. Huo Qi waved her wand at the slowest speed while maintaining a steady output of magic power, so that Lind could see its trajectory clearly.

Andersen's body quickly shrank like a deflated rubber ball, quickly returning to its original appearance.

After the spell was completed, Mrs. Hooch looked at Lind and Harry and said, "You have shown the excellent qualities of Gryffindor, and you have also won 10 points for Gryffindor."

Then he looked around again, and his tone became serious. "I'm taking Harry and the child to the hospital. No one of you is allowed to move!

Put the broom back to its original place, otherwise, you will be kicked out of the Hogwarts gate before you can say "Quidditch". Let's go, dear."

Then, she took Neville and Harry to the school infirmary.

"Haha, did you see it? That little tearful Longbottom." Malfoy laughed again.

"Malfoy, you are really enough." Patil said, she is a little witch in Gryffindor.

"What's wrong, do you want to..."

Linde didn't care about their quarrel and walked aside by himself. Seeing a branch on the ground, he picked it up.

He put the branch on a big stone to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

"Flames are blazing!"

A fierce flame burst out of the branch.

Linde aimed his wand at the flame, first scratched it twice in the air, and muttered something in his mouth, as if he was looking for the state when Madam Hooch cast the spell.

"The curse stops immediately!" The flame flickered and became much smaller, but it did not go out. It would be enough if it happened twice more.

"The flames are raging!" He once again restored the burning flame to its original burning state.

"The curse stops immediately!"

The tip of Linde's staff emitted a dazzling light, and the burning flame suddenly went out as if the air around it had been sucked out.


Lind wiped his sweat, released the flame again, extinguished the flame, released the flame, extinguished the flame...

Over there, Ron was already tussling with Malfoy, and Seamus Bellifer and his other roommates were also involved in the war.

The solo between Harry and Malfoy in the original plot has now become a gang fight between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Lind thought for a while, but gave up the idea of ​​going up to stop the fight and beat Malfoy secretly.

There's no need, it's just a bunch of kids fighting. They were all punching and kicking each other, and as long as they didn't use magic, nothing big would go wrong.

As for Malfoy, there are plenty of opportunities to play with him.

Thinking of this, Linde stood aside, asked Andersen to bring the book to him, and then he read it by himself.

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