This owl is not big, I don’t know if it’s because it’s a small species or because it’s just a child.

Anyway, he can rest firmly on Lind's shoulders that have not yet begun to develop his body.

Linde quickly walked out of the beach along the path and came to the streets of the town. At this moment, the sun had already set, but there was no moon on the other side, only thick dark clouds. It looked like it was going to rain heavily tonight.

Linde pushed open the door of a tavern with ease. As soon as he walked in, he felt like he had entered another world. The second-hand smoke visible to the naked eye above the tavern, the smell of sweat, cigarette smoke, and the salty smell of people on the beach mixed together and got into his mouth. nose.

The little owl arched deep into his neck, half of its head buried in Lind's wet hair.

It seemed that it wanted to eat the delicious food Linde said, but on the other hand, it was afraid of the environment in front of it.

Lind felt the little owl's movements and couldn't help but feel funny, and someone in the tavern also saw Lind.

"Hey, who is this? Our Mr. Little Fishman is back!" Behind the simple wooden bar, a punk middle-aged man with a big beard who looked to be in his late forties shouted with a loud voice. , after hearing his words, the noisy bar suddenly became less loud.

Someone saw the little owl on Lind's shoulder and immediately laughed: "This is a new friend made by our little murloc friend!"

Hearing his words, Linde held the owl in his arms: "I don't know whose little guy I picked up."

"Found it? You're not going to dig out the bird's nest, are you?"

"Who knows about him? This kid has been attracted to small animals since he was a child, unlike me, who is only attracted to women." The person who said this had half of his front teeth broken.

Hearing this teasing remark, Linde also laughed with other people in the hotel. Ray Romano likes to tell jokes about himself to lighten the mood.

This tavern is called [Augustus Tavern]. The middle-aged man whom Lind called Mr. Little Fishman when he came in just now is the first child adopted by Ms. Evelin. He is also Linde's brother.

His name was Felix Augustus. He is also the owner of this tavern.

Most of the people who drank in this tavern were people who had been beholden to Ms. Evelyn at that time. Some of them still had the surname Augustus, while some still added Augustus to themselves even after they were adopted and changed their surnames. Stu's middle name.

So most of the people in this tavern are considered Linde's "brothers and sisters."

After laughing and joking with these people for a while, Lind went straight to Felix at the bar.

Seeing him coming, Felix handed him a thick envelope in a cryptic manner. Linde put it directly in his pocket without even looking at it.

In the eyes of outsiders, Linde has shown extraordinary learning ability since he was a child. If he didn't like to swim in the sea every day, he would have skipped a grade and went to middle school.

For this reason, several of his brothers and sisters tried their best to force him to study hard, but they were stopped after Ms. Evelin discovered it.

And what was in the envelope just now was Linde’s royalties. A year ago he began to submit articles under the name Felix in local newspapers and the UK's more famous story publications.

As for why it wasn't a bank card, it was because Linde couldn't get a bank card now, so every time the royalties came in, Felix would take it in cash and give it to him.

It's not that Lind didn't want to deposit the money directly in Felix's card, but that Felix didn't want to.

He said that he should keep his money by himself. Whether it is spent indiscriminately or stolen due to poor storage, he will be responsible for it.

After Lind put the money into the lining, he combed his bird feathers and talked with Felix.

"Why does old Brando have money to come here?"

Linde pouted at the gambling table in the corner of the tavern. I saw a rickety old man wearing patched clothes and a sallow complexion sitting at the gaming table.

You must know that this tavern is not cheap for non-Augustus family members, and old Brando is an old scoundrel in the town. He only drinks alcohol every day and does not have a serious job on weekdays. I heard that the money for drinking on weekdays comes from his young son Dio Brando.

"It seems because he rented out the rotten stone house and his rotten boat today. No, it should be said that it was a lie. After all, the rotten stone house and the rotten boat are just things that no one wants, and they are not his things. "

"Who the hell is crazy about renting that thing?" Linde looked puzzled.

"Ahem! Don't say bad words, kid." Felix's little eyes stared at Lind, and he didn't continue until he nodded seriously and said yes.

"It seems that they are a family of four, maybe they are here to travel! Those fat-headed fools in the city like to make some weird things."

Hearing this, Lind always felt that what he said was somewhat familiar, but the noise in the tavern made him unable to remember it for a moment.

Lind chatted with Felix for a few more words, then said goodbye to all the acquaintances in the tavern, and then opened the door and walked out of the tavern.

"By the way, Linde is about to go to middle school! I don't think he will choose the middle school in our town."

"Isn't that right? The school in our town doesn't have a swimming pool. How can our Mr. Little Fishman like it!" A man laughed.

"If only my mother were still here, she would definitely find a way for Lind to go to Eton High School."

I don’t know who said this. There is only one person who can be called mother in this pub.

The noisy tavern suddenly became quiet, with only the voices of old Brando and a group of gamblers expressing their annoyance or cheers.

Linde didn't know what they were talking about after he left. After he left the tavern, he trotted to a small restaurant.

He ordered some food, and also asked for some raw beef, chicken, bacon, and other food for the owl.

Under the strange eyes of the waiter, Linde finished eating early, and waited until the owl finished eating the food with a bite and a peck before he got up to pay and left.

It was raining outside at this time, and when they returned home, both the man and the bird became soaked, but one was a description and the other was a statement.

Linde lived in Ms. Evelyn's house, and the house next to him was Felix's house, which used to take care of the elderly Evelyn, and now it was to take care of Linde.

The yards of the two houses were connected, and the two German shepherds raised by Felix regarded Linde as their second owner. Because Linde had the animal language buff, the two big dogs also kept him safe.

After returning home, he took a shower to wash off the rain and salty smell on his body. This shower reminded him where old Brando's money came from.

He remembered that in the original Harry Potter book, after the Dursleys were bombarded with Hogwarts admission letters, Uncle Vernon showed his spirit of never bowing to the terrifying evil forces and resolutely brought his wife, Harry and a pig to a broken wooden house on a huge reef on the sea.

That is, after 12 o'clock tonight, the half-blood giant Hagrid will personally deliver the admission letter and a cake to Harry in the storm.

Because tomorrow is July 31, Harry Potter's 11th birthday.

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