The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 23 Clear Water Like a Spring

Linde picked up the picture frame that had shrunk to the size of a book, and the white mist on it slowly dissipated.

The picture in the frame was also revealed.

In the photo, Professor Flitwick and a wizard were standing in a place like a colosseum. He was wearing a short robe, with a sweatshirt tucked into his dirty dark green military pants.

His messy hair hung in front of his eyes, his beard was half burned, and his face was extremely manic. With a wave of the magic wand, the magic power drew a complex and tricky trajectory.

"Raging water gushed out--"

A thick stream of water burst out from the tip of the wand at a high speed like a high-pressure water gun, hitting the wizard opposite him directly against the wall. The wall behind him was cracked, and the man directly sprayed a large amount of blood with some internal organs.

Then the picture stopped, and then began to repeat the scene. This kind of magic photo can only repeatedly replay the scene that happened at the time of taking the photo, just like the wizard card in the chocolate frog and the characters in the newspaper.

On the contrary, the portraits on Dumbledore's headmaster's office and the portrait of the Fat Lady are another more advanced technology. Of course, we will talk about these later...

After reading the content of the photo, Lind put it into the lining of his robe. He didn't say anything more, but thanked the professor and started the timer.

The professor will not give any hints for this challenge of the Spells Club. If he was not a first-year, Professor Flitwick would not have reminded him that "this is an advanced spell of a commonly used spell."

Afterwards, everyone sat down one after another.

The gathering of the Spells Club is a round table meeting. Professor Flitwick sat in the middle of the circular long table, facing the main door of the room, and then the other formal members sat together.

In the middle of the round table, there is a puppet doll, which is convenient for club members to use when showing spells. Lind once saw a seventh-year wizard come up with his new idea at a gathering.

He tried to cast a miniature fire spell in the human body, but the puppet suddenly exploded because of the unstable magic structure.

At that time, a semicircular protective shield appeared in front of the round table, directly blocking the puppet fragments and shock waves to prevent any malicious incidents.

Then the seventh-year wizard was beaten by Professor Flitwick, and he apologized to everyone around him one by one.

In the subsequent discussions, the puppet kept repairing itself. When the party was over, the puppet in the middle became as good as new.

After the party, Lind also went up to observe the puppet closely, which was obviously much more advanced than the one he used in the Room of Requirement.

Professor Flitwick also said at the time that if the whole room was quantified in gold galleons, the most valuable thing was this puppet.

There was another longer and higher round table outside the round table surrounding the puppet. This table was the audience seat, which was set up some time ago. Lind sat here for a while before, and now he has a new deskmate - Cedric.

Lind also spoke here several times, but basically answered questions raised by others. As for participating in the discussion, don't make a fuss. The things that students can discuss here are difficult for many guys who have already graduated, not to mention him.

After Lind and Cedric sat down, the discussion began. There was also a bustling discussion on the table. Lind took out his notebook silently, and like a recorder of a meeting, he wrote down the content of the discussion. Of course, it was limited to knowledge points.

After all, the content of their discussion was varied. Someone learned a new spell and then shared the difficulties and points of attention in learning. Or they discussed the magic articles they saw in a certain publication, and there were also various discussions about some of their own strange ideas.

He would record what he felt was useful, such as the details of casting various spells, pronunciation points, emotional control, etc. He would sort out the doubtful questions or opinions and ask Professor Flitwick.

Although Lind couldn't get a word in on the issues they discussed, he couldn't deny that he learned a lot here.

Cedric was obviously well prepared. He took out a shorthand quill and then spread out his notebook.

The shorthand quill started writing automatically.

But after a while, the whole discussion changed from greeting each other at the beginning to a serious and profound discussion of spells. He listened to the discussion below with full concentration, and occasionally they would answer questions thrown by others.

In the tense discussion, time passed quickly, and soon, this party was coming to an end.

Linde cast a puzzled look at a corner. The seventh-year wizard was Ansi Nika, the guy who tried to release the fire spell in his body before. Since the last failure, he seemed to have suffered a great blow and did not participate in the discussion in these gatherings.

After the party, Cedric asked Linde if he could show him the professor's photo, maybe he could provide some help.

After taking a look, Cedric said to him: "This should be an advanced spell like clear water, but I'm not sure, you can go to the library to have a look."

Then Cedric also kindly told Linde which books in the library might help him find the details of this spell.

After the two separated, Linde could only sigh at Cedric's personality charm.

He gives people a feeling of "it must be comfortable to be friends with this person".

Who would have thought that the most outstanding wizard in Hogwarts came from Hufflepuff, a house that is generally considered mediocre.

Then Lind turned his attention to what Cedric had just said.

Indeed, this spell with the spell "Turbulent Flow" is very similar to "Clear Water Like a Spring".

Clear Water into a Spring is also called the Water Spraying Spell, and this spell is also the penultimate spell that Lind has to learn in the first grade. The last spell they have to learn in the first grade is the "Dancing Spell", which is often used as a first-year final exam question. If it weren't for the need to learn the Disarming Spell, he should have mastered these two spells and entered the self-study of the second-year content.

The effect of the Water Spraying Spell is like a stream of water spraying out of the wand. But the main point of this spell is "water", so it cannot be considered an offensive spell in the spell classification.

The one in the photo is completely different. In addition to "water", its focus is also on "spraying".

The water stream is launched from the wand at super high speed to attack the enemy. Judging from the scene in the photo, it is very powerful.

Back in the Gryffindor Common Room, Lind began to organize his notes.

Jane came over and handed him a cup of lemon tea.

"This is what Hermione made, but I'm a little sleepy, and I just came back, so I'll give it to you!"

Linde felt that she was just here to disgust him. After all, the tone she used when she said this was exactly the same as the tone he used to talk to Felix's two dogs.

Linde didn't know what to say to her, after all, she at least brought him a glass of water.

So he could only wave his hand, signaling her to go to bed if she was sleepy, and not to hang around here.

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