Although he has not learned the weather spell now, it is not difficult to cast a spell to make it rain.

Lind still remembers that he released a rain when he first got this wand.

Waving the wand, recalling the feeling at that time, after many attempts, Lind finally succeeded in releasing a rain cloud.

I saw a thick black and gray smoke appeared above the swimming pool, which condensed into a ball and dripped water.

As the speed of the water dripping down became faster and faster, it soon turned into a drizzle.

That's it, go in and see the effect.

Lind closed his eyes and walked under the rain cloud. Dense raindrops continued to hit him, and soon he was wet.

"No change." He spread his palm and watched the raindrops hit his palm.

Raise the wand and release the rain spell again. If repeated casting can't increase the density of the rain, then other methods can only be used. He made many preparations before doing the experiment.

Fortunately, the black mist pouring out of his staff tip and the rain cloud above gathered together, and then the raindrops dripping on him became larger and more.

He stopped releasing the black mist and continued to feel if there were any changes in his body.

Still no.


Finally, when he could only hear the sound of rain, his body began to slowly change into a fish-man state.

"It is probably equivalent to the change of a heavy rain under normal circumstances."

Since only heavy rain can transform, there is no need to test in a high humidity environment. Linde crossed out the scheduled test in his mind.

Then the next test is "personal state". It's a pity, if there is a Boggart. That thing is very good at scaring people, and fear is one of the easiest extreme emotions to achieve.

After using the spell to dissipate the rain cloud that had been raining on the ceiling, Linde stood on the shore where a lot of rain had accumulated and began to try to control himself to change back to human form.

Although he couldn't control it yet, it was his own body after all. He felt that as long as he practiced often, he would be able to control himself to become a fishman or a human one day. So every time he changed, in addition to experimenting physically, he would also try to control the change in his heart.

After a while, he became an ordinary eleven-year-old wizard again, without gills, webbed feet and other strange things. Then he began to try to mobilize his emotions.

He recalled the moment before his death in his previous life, when he was lying on the hospital bed, his face was haggard and his body was like a stick of wood. His throat was pierced and connected to the ventilator, and there were a bunch of machines next to him, with various needles in his hands connected to various liquid medicines on it.

My mother was still peeling apples by her bed, mumbling something in her mouth, and it was difficult to hear the sound at that time.

My father was sitting outside the door, restless, thinking that his illness must have dragged down the whole family.

Then he closed his eyes tiredly, and could only hear the sound of something falling to the ground and a scream.

It should be that apple that fell to the ground!


A feeling of weightlessness enveloped the whole body, and he vaguely remembered seeing something...

Then he only had the memory after his rebirth.

Time has eliminated the damage caused by Lind's experience to a certain extent.

But this is the experience that can cause his emotional fluctuations the most. After all, this is a real death experience.

He raised his hand and looked at it, no change.

"Emotions within the range of self-control cannot affect physical changes. Whether changes can be made under extreme emotions remains to be verified..."

Then I can think of two more possibilities.

First: There is a spell in the book that I don't know about.

Second: I just developed naturally and then turned into a fish-man state uncontrollably.

Then he looked at the neatly folded clothes he had placed aside. There was a book on top of these clothes.

The blue cover, the title of the book is handwritten in large Gothic font "Mysterious Atlantis".

Lind walked over and hesitated for many times before picking up the book. Then he turned to the biography of "White Ship".

Although Jane thought it was a low-quality story written by an uneducated person, he still felt that it was a biography, a biography that recorded a true story.

"My name is Bashir Elton. I inherited the work of my father and grandfather and worked as a lighthouse keeper at the North Cape Lighthouse..."

At first, he read it with the mentality of reading review materials, but before he knew it, he was immersed in this story again.

And he felt that the story became more exciting, which was different from the feeling when he read it for the first time. When he read it for the first time, those typos and those incomprehensible sentences and words in it were obstacles when reading, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

And this time, these obstacles in reading before seemed to become helpers, and those scars and lines of corrections seemed to be reorganized and replaced in front of him.

It was as if they came alive, and then turned into little people standing on the book to interpret everything that happened in the story for him, which made Lind unable to extricate himself and ignored everything outside.

I don’t know how long it took, when he finished reading the story again, Lind closed the book.

"Wow! It's absolutely amazing." His face flushed, as if he was injected with chicken blood.

"Does this white ship really exist? Why does the owner of the ship want Theseus? Is it a metaphor for the ship of Theseus? No, this author is obviously not the kind of person who understands metaphors.

The two of them were sailing on a sailboat on the sea. This ship is definitely not simple.

Moreover, the full moon appears many times in the text, and Theseus and his white ship only appear during the full moon..."

Lind put on his clothes and looked at the book with a smile on his face, as if he was looking at some treasure.

"Let's think about it when we go back!" He straightened his collar, walked to the door of the Room of Requirement with the book in his arms with a drunken look on his face, put his hand on the door handle and walked out.


A cat meow suddenly sounded in the silent castle. Also awakened Linde.

"No." He suddenly came back to his senses, "What am I doing?!"

Quickly run to the opposite side of the tapestry where the troll beats Barnabas silly. I was thinking hurriedly

"I want a spacious house where I can swim."

An inconspicuous door handle appeared on the smooth wall. He hurriedly opened the door. Before anyone could get in, the book was thrown in by him.

The book hit the water and woke up Andersen who was sleeping on the roof beam. He looked at Linde who was roaring alone there in confusion.

"Damn it, when did you fall for this thing?"

Linde stared at the book soaked in the water. Recalling the sight of those lines dancing in front of his eyes when he was reading the story just now, and how intoxicated he looked after reading the story, he naturally put on his clothes and walked out of the Room of Requirement alone.

At that time, he said, "Let's go back and think about it!" What he was thinking about was not going back to the Gryffindor common room, but - going back to the sea.

"The flames are blazing!"

A burst of flame suddenly exploded on the paper. However, after a while, those flames began to extinguish, while the book was completely unaffected.

"I don't even understand how Harry and the others dare to enter the restricted book area and read randomly. This book is outrageous enough."

He casually pulled out of his pocket the wooden stick he used as a practice wand.

The tip of the stick flashed with light, and the wooden stick gradually turned into a bright silver dagger.

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