Linde picked it up and shook it for a while, listening to the clanging sound inside.

"Who sent this from?!" Linde complained.

Generally, when sending gifts, a note is left outside. This person would not put a note inside.

Linde carefully unpacked the package. He thought that the things inside were probably very tricky joke props, and he didn't know who sent them.

He leaned his head and upper body back, squinting his eyes, just like watching a horror movie. To be honest, he was ready for something to pop out and hit him in the face.

He opened it carefully, but only saw a small medicine bottle in the box, which looked like the Fengyoujing bottle in his previous life. The thick bottle was filled with transparent and thick potion.

Obviously, the clanging sound just now came from here.

He picked up the small medicine bottle and looked at the liquid inside through the desk lamp. Unfortunately, he didn't know much about potion science. This was a potion he didn't recognize.

Then he looked inside the gift box. There was nothing inside except this bottle.

"There's no signature on the box?! Who sent it?"

Since there was no information about this thing, Linde decided not to touch it for now. He would ask people around him who sent it to him after he got to school.

After putting away the medicine bottle, he picked up the box that Dumbledore gave him and looked at it.

The box was brown in color, with golden lace inlaid on the eight corners. On the box, there was a round badge with a phoenix totem inlaid with silver wire. If he remembered correctly, this should be the symbol of the Dumbledore family.

"Why did Dumbledore give me something? I don't know him well!" Linde was not curious about what was in the box, but thought about it carefully.

He had no reason to doubt the authenticity of the gift. When he opened the gift, a fiery red feather fell out. It was Fawkes' feather. This was a token of Dumbledore to a certain extent, and it was absolutely unique.

And when he confirmed that it was Fox's feather, the feather spontaneously combusted and burned to ashes in a short while, which scared him.

I think there should be some kind of spell or something on it to ensure that the "recipient" will automatically destroy it after confirming its authenticity, so as to avoid being collected and reused by someone with ulterior motives.

After weighing it, there was no sound coming from it, so it was impossible to preliminarily determine the size and material of the object inside.

In terms of weight, it is heavier than a normal-sized book. In addition, the box must have a lot of weight, so we can only know that the object inside should not be too heavy.

Then most metals are excluded, and as for the others, they cannot be weighed.

The box has no lock, but the entire surface of the box flashes green light from time to time. It is obviously protected by some kind of spell, and no matter how hard he tries, he can't pry it open.

Well, give up on this one.

He did try the effect of the spell to stop, but unfortunately he is still outside the school and can't use magic rashly. This trace is very troublesome.

Putting the box and the potion together, he picked up the book "Practical Spells I" again.

After getting "Practical Spells III", he looked up the relevant information of this series of books.

The Practical Spells series is the same as the current Hogwarts spells textbook standard spells series, which are gradually progressive in difficulty. It is said that this Practical Spells series is the previous textbook.

As soon as Lind opened the catalog of this book, he saw many spells he learned in standard spells 1 and 2. In addition, there were many spells he had never heard of.

This is a typical issue involving the publication period. In simple terms, the Ministry of Magic is becoming more and more strict about what is taught in magic academies. Some spells in practical spells are relatively dangerous, so when the author compiled the standard spells series, he specifically catered to the requirements of the Ministry of Magic.

This also brought him huge rewards. As soon as the standard spells series came out, it was supported by the then Minister of Magic and many prestigious people. Later, it was selected as the new Hogwarts spells course book, and its author also received a huge amount of gold galleons.

That is to say, many spells in "Practical Spells I" are particularly suitable for young wizards of his age to master, but it is difficult to find resources.

He originally planned to go to the Hogwarts library to read it, but that was time-limited, and what was more troublesome was that the book "Mysterious Atlantis" he borrowed before was still thrown in the corner of the swimming pool in the Room of Requirement.

He never dared to go to the library again since then, and even almost bumped into Madam Pince twice on the corridor stairs, which almost scared him to death. He thought that he could only ask Jane to borrow this book from the library again and again in the future.

And now that he has the spell class notes from the first to sixth grades, he is sure that he will finish "Standard Spells: Level 2" faster.

"Quick Turn, Grease the Foot, Smoke Spell... These spells are absolutely amazing." Lind looked at the catalog with fiery eyes and praised repeatedly.

Thank Cedric, there is no better Christmas gift than these. He thought so in his heart.

Linde reached into his sleeve and pulled out a branch. One end of the branch had already become round and reflective. This branch was the one he had been using to practice magic spells.

He held the branch and continued to simulate until after 12 o'clock. Only then did Linde feel that he had really enjoyed his magic trick.

Then, Lind sorted all these things out and put them all in the small bag that Professor Flitwick gave him. After working for a while, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

In the morning, he took a look inside the house. Andersen was still not in the house. Lind was on vacation now, and there was nothing to do. In addition, it knew that it could not stay by Lind's side in the Muggle world all the time, but it was best to keep a little distance, otherwise it would look too weird.

So when he got off the Hogwarts Express, Lind gave Andersen a vacation. Of course, there was still one requirement: don't be too far away from him, so that it wouldn't be there in an emergency.

Lind got dressed. He came to the table and left some words for Felix, which said what he was going to do today, so that Felix would not worry.

Then he tied a small bag around his waist. From today on, he had arranged the next time, going to the sea during the day and reading at night.

When he came to the reef beach, he saw that there were still many people waiting here. Maybe it was because they had nothing to do on Christmas, so these people came to the beach early in the morning. As for what they came for, it had nothing to do with him.

This was where Lind used to go in and out of the sea. Unfortunately, he came at a wrong time today. No, it should be said that it was not very suitable for him now.

Now he would turn into a fish-man uncontrollably when he touched the water. If he was really seen by others, he would be in trouble.

After saying hello to a few people he barely knew, Lind walked along the beach. After a long time, he found a place where no one was, took off his clothes and stuffed them into the small bag on his waist, and then dived into the water.

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